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The Cursed Queen of Angmar  by khazar-khum 54 Review(s)
daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 38 on 11/27/2003
Once again, I found myself in the odd position of seeing Elves as the enemy. It's amazing what a shift in point of view will do. I have been watching the extended DVD of TTT and it reminded me of the scene in the book in which Sam (Faramir in the movie) thinks that the Easterner had honor and would rather have stayed at home in peace. What you do is a more radical version of that.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 37 on 11/27/2003
Somehow I missed this chapter. The material about water was interesting. I hadn't thought about it before but there has to be some reason for the Wraiths' dislike of it. This suggests that it reminds them too strongly of what they are (or were).

IorhaelReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 11/7/2003
khazar, sorry if I'm mistaken. But is this you who beta-ed my story? I've just sent my sample story to this site. Hope they like it! BTW, what an idea of a story you have here!

Author Reply: No, I don't believe I beta-ed your story. Sorry!
But I am glad you like what you've seen here. Keep reading!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 36 on 10/21/2003
Much too much is being made of this grotto. I have a bad feeling about it.

Author Reply: I am flattered that you've enjoyed this thus far--I'm always happy when people like my story.

Now to address a couple of things: Yes, Galadriel's temptation of the Fellowship is rather similar, isn't it? Just imagine how ruthless she would have been with the One Ring...

You are correct: the kneejerk reaction is: These guys were bad & got what they deserved. But Sauron wanted the best, not just the bad. Bad guys are easy to get. It's much harder--and more satisfying--to find people who aren't bad, and then use their own character against them. This is not to say that every one he caught was a decent man. Khamul, of course, isn't going to win the Good Samaritan award anytime soon, and there are others who fall in the same category.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 35 on 10/21/2003
I can't believe I am actually feeling sorry for the Witch King. And he does have a point - elves are arrogant.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 26 on 10/21/2003
The idea that Sauron perverted their virtues to corrupt them is fascinating. It reminds me vaguely of Galadriel tempting the fellowship when they entered Lorien.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 23 on 10/21/2003
It never even occurred to me to wonder how Sauron got the kings to accept the rings. I just blandly assumed they were bad. But this story is so plausible. And seizing control of someone who is powerful must have been such a triumph for Sauron.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 19 on 10/21/2003
You have made it absolutely plausible that this woman would know he was a nazgul and love him anyway. He has treated her better than her own kin did. But still, how odd to read about the elves of Imladris as the enemy!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 15 on 10/20/2003
This is so odd. I find myself cheering for the Orcs and wolves. What a difference a change in point of view makes.

Author Reply: Thank you for continuing to read--I promise you that it gets better.

I will try and answer a couple of your questions.

The ME justice system is considerably more brutal than ours. And I think it's pretty clear that orcs(and a lot of men) are no strangers to violent justice.

As for her brother--you'll meet him soon enough.

Where am I taking you? I don't know--I'm just along for the ride too! :-D

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 13 on 10/20/2003
I was not expecting his capture! The cold and fear were wonderfully rendered.

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