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Dereliction Of Duty  by Jay of Lasgalen 20 Review(s)
Independence1776Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/13/2009
Oh, no. Really not good that Elladan fell asleep. And Rimmon's story sent shivers down my spine. Can't wait to see where this is going!

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/11/2009
Well - an elfling he may not be, but he certainly is acting like one. I can understand the reasoning, but these were orders he was given. Oh dear - I can only hope the consequences will be inconsequential! Great descriptions.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/10/2009
Oh, dear--there are GOOD reasons for sharing the watch, and this is one of them! Silly Elfling! Heh!

Author Reply: *Nods* Very good reasons, as Elladan is about to find out!

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/10/2009
Hi Jay, it's me again :-)

I admit I search through the appendices for names for my OCs - it's easier than making them up

Oh, I *so* understand what you mean! I used to really struggle with names, but I have discovered two sites that help with OC naming... both are useful and credible.

The one I use is Merin Essi ar Quenteli; there are many possibilities in various languages in the Name Lists, here:

As I just discovered, if you click on a name root, a list opens with that root and all the commmon suffixes for men, women, horses, etc., depending upon which list you are looking at. These lists are extremely useful for browsing and getting ideas!

Furthermore, the site owner, Dreamingfifi, has been of enormous assistance to me via email when I had some specific ideas for names that weren't on the list, or when I didn't know which of several possibilities was correct (e.g. Sindarin has far too many words for "white", all different in connotation....)

And Nath has a Sindarin name generator at, which is really helpful if you want to just combine two words that you already have in mind.

Hope these help!

- Barbara

Author Reply: Oh, thank you! I'll go and have a look ...

I spent ages creating a name for an Eagle once, and came up with Meneldor, 'Skylord' - only to find that Tolkien had beaten me to it!

EllieReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/9/2009
He just had to ruin things by falling asleep, didn't he? I can't wait to see what happens next. I loved the scary story before bed time and how it freaked everyone out. Too funny! I love your chapter stories! Can't wait for more!

Author Reply: Poor Elladan - he meant well, but things have gone badly wong. He's going to regret this!

I'm glad you liked Rimmon's story. It was fun to write everyone's reactions!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/9/2009
Oh dear. I suspect Glorfindel will not be amused even if they are within the borders of Imladris.

Author Reply: No, Glorfindel is *not* amused. Would you want to rouse his anger?

ViresseReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/9/2009
What will happen? Will Elladan be taken like the story? Please update soon.

Author Reply: What will happen? Well, you'll have to wait to find out ;)

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/8/2009
P.S. I suspect Glorfindel would prefer to be called a "confidant". ;-) Like "blonde", "confidante" is feminine.

- Barbara

Author Reply: Whoops - I missed that. Sorry, Glorfindel!

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/8/2009
Uh-oh. This is Not A Good Thing. Elladan is going to seriously regret his error, but I hope the rest of the elves don't suffer for it. Well, not too much, anyway....

I was amused by the names of the OCs in the patrol; finally, the mystery of how Gondor's beacon hills, Eilenach and Min-rimmon, received their names -- they were named after Elves! LOL!

A good start, Jay, and I look forward to seeing what torture, er, events you inflict on the twins and the patrol....

Well done!

- Barbara

Author Reply: No, not a good thing! Elladan will remember this for a very long time.

*Grin* I admit I search through the appendices for names for my OCs - it's easier than making them up :>)

BlueEyedElfReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/8/2009
Oh, dear! Now why do I have a really bad feeling about this, even though they are safely within the borders of Imladris.

I think Elladan is going to deeply regret this nap. If the things that go bump in the night don't get him, Glorfindel surely will. Can't wait to see which it is. Great job as always! I always really enjoy your writing. The twins are favorites of mine as well, particularly Elrohir.

Author Reply: Oh, yes, Elladan is going to regret this. You can be sure of that!

Thank you for your comments. Elrohir is my favourite twin as well, but for some reason Elladan wanted to be the central character this time.

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