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In the Court of the High King  by Dreamflower 204 Review(s)
cathleenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/20/2010
Ah, I can easily visulaize these scenes and picture the hobbits recalling the things Pippin has told them about his experiences. I laughed over the part about Mistress Poppy and her poor knees, lol! I wonder what excitement such an entourage of hobbits will bring to Minas Tirith?

Author Reply: I hope that they will bring along not only some excitement, but a fresh way of looking at things!

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/19/2010
Love the delegations arrival to the city. Their overwhelmed and nervous reactions are right on, and the description of the city through Freddy's eyes reminds us how imposing the city can be. The best part of course is their introduction to the King and Queen, and Aragorn and Arwen coming down to personally greet the delegation. If the hobbits thought their wides were widened before, they're in for a surprise.

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 6/19/2010
Oh goody! A new adventure begins!

ecrmReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/17/2010
I'm very happy to see part 2 of the story. I've been looking forward to it ever since I started to read the Road to Edoras. It's fun to see Hobbit preconceptions about stupid 'big folk' being shattered by a place like Minas Tirith. As a student of Roman/Byzantine history I loved the presentation to the King. It seems to me that being introduced by the herald and not having the king speak at all would be exactly the kind of normal procedure used for receiving ambassadors in a realm as old as Gondor. Great chapter!

Author Reply: The way I see it, is that after generations of rule by the Stewards, who seemed determined to "freeze" everything at the time the last King vanished (for example, using the chair at the foot of the steps rather than the throne), the Gondorians would expect all those old preserved, but long unused, traditions to be re-instated with all the pomp and formality. On the other hand, I can see Aragorn chafing at that and gradually changing them as he can. The arrival of hobbits-- and not just any hobbits, but kin and friends of the small heroes of the War-- would give him the perfect opportunity to set aside one more stale tradition and set a new precedent.

Also, I am quite fond of the herald idea. I confess that there I am very influenced by my experiences in the SCA, and in attending "courts" at events. You can't beat an SCA herald for pomp!

Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!

ClaudiaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/17/2010
wow, this was terrific! I love seeing Minas Tirith through the eyes of hobbits! Everything must be so stately and kingly and HUGE. :)

Author Reply: "Stately and kingly and HUGE"

Yes. But trust that stately king to make it warm and personal, and to bring things down to te hobbits' size.

Theresa GreenfalconReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/17/2010
I was *waiting* on this one, and totally missed the prologue and first chapter till now - seeing this COMPLETELY made my day! I'm currently grinning like a loon!

Thanks for writing it, Dreamflower! See you on LJ too! [Tracey Claybon]

Author Reply: I'm so glad that I "made your day"! That makes ME grin.

Thanks for the R&R!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/17/2010
The deafening applause makes my heart happy. What a lovely welcome, especially the eyes "filled with warmth and kindness".

Author Reply: I think that he would always have a warm welcome for these friends of his friends. And I always think that, like his foster father, he would have been "kind as summer".

MîdhaerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/17/2010
I had a feeling Aragorn would be the kind of person to ignore protocol completely. It seems to me he didn't realize court protocol mostly involved him sitting on the throne while Faramir does all the work. I think the hobbits were the perfect excuse for him to ignore protocol, given their informal nature. Wonderful job thus far. I can't wait to find out what happens next.


Author Reply: In my mind, he's been chipping away at protocol for a while, and this arrival of the hobbits gives him a big chance to throw some more of it aside and set a new precedent. And because they are hobbits, the people are not going to really mind.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/17/2010
Hooray! Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! What a proper welcome for the Hobbits of the Shire!

Author Reply: *grin*

*joins in the cheer!*

LarnerReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 6/17/2010
Hooray! They are in view at last! Yay!

Author Reply: You just know he's had outriders and scouts watching for days!

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