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Eclectic Whimsies  by Ellie 68 Review(s)
FiondilReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/9/2010
To the anonymous reviewer... you never heard the expression 'the old battle axe' when a man refers to a woman of a certain character? I guess you have to be of a certain generation or something. Anyway, Ellie, I can just see Haldir and his cronies sitting around with mugs of ale in their hands, weapons. Maybe Galadriel saw them in her mirror and decided to check up on them. *grin* And of course, she would send them all the way to Círdan in the middle of winter. Good on her!

Author Reply: Thanks for replying to the anonymous viewer for me :-)

I know Haldir had to complain about the boss lady upon occasion. He just should have taken better care to be sure that she didn't overhear - again. teehee

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/9/2010
Maybe I'm dense, but I'm just not getting this. It seems almost like part of a larger piece that's been yanked out and without the larger context I have no idea why they'd have to go from Lothlorien to the Havens to get pearls just for mentioning battle axes in Galadriel's presence - so it just doesn't work. Maybe as part of a longer story so you'd understand the reason.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/2/2010
Ohhh, this is so poignant. "Our beloved Speakers..." *sniff* Really beautiful, what a lovely POV.

Author Reply: Thank you so very much! I'm glad you enjoyed and saw the beauty in the parting. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/2/2010
Such a beautiful image--the mellyrn grieving for the Elves who have left them for the West!

Author Reply: They had a very close realtionship - the elves and the trees. It only made sense to me that the trees would grieve for the elves leaving them. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

EllynnReviewed Chapter: 3 on 8/2/2010
Oh, this is so heart-braking! :( It is really possible to feel the memories and sadness of the trees, you describe it so well! I had tears in my eyes in the end.
Wonderfully done.

Author Reply: Thank you so very much! The elves gave the trees voice so it makes sense that they felt such sorrow at their passing into the West. I'm pleased that you were so moved.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/31/2010
Oh, dear! Poor guy--made to pay such reparations? Heh! But I suppose somebody's gotta do it!

Author Reply: Yeah, poor guy LOL! Things like this don't usually happen to Finarfin in fanfiction.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

utfrogReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/28/2010
I loved this - nearly spit coffee on my computer. I get so tired of the perfect elves. Come on, immortal beings with no illness could not be so prissy.

Author Reply: Sorry about the near spitting incident *snicker*

It is fun to consider elves in situations which we do not normally see them - especially Finarfin. No one ever seems to tackle him this way, well except for Telerin women. LOL!

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

6336Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/28/2010
Oh Kay! (With major frown) Not quite sure what the Ellith is up to, but I can guess, not quite the reparations I had in mind!

Author Reply: These were not the reparations that Finrafin had in mind either, but he dutifully carried them out. This was written for a mind in the gutter challenge and no one ever writes Finarfin in such a situation so I figured he may as well, for a change, get what everyone else seems to indulge in so much in fandom. LOL!

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

FiondilReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/28/2010
Well we all know that Elves have greater stamina than Mortals. *LOL* Poor Arafinwe! I hope Earwen was very understanding. Maybe she was his appointments secretary. *heehee* Good one, Ellie.

Author Reply: we know from "Lover's Leap", the ways of the Teleri are not the ways of the Noldor nor the Vanyar. I'm just not terribly certain that Finarfin is so thankful for this difference at this point. LOL!

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

ShemyazaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/28/2010
Haha! Music hath charms it seems, and not just to soothe the savage breast! And I imagine that Arafinwe rather enjoyed the final reparation of the night if it was Earwen you were referring to!

It was Earwen...right???


Author Reply: Ahem. Actually it wasn't Earwen who he ended up with in this particular instance. He sorts of had to go be with all of the ellith (plural) who were missing their menfolk. This group was but the latest bunch.

It was a 'mind in the gutter" challenge after all...LOL!

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

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