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In Darkness Bound  by Fiondil 941 Review(s)
6336Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/3/2010
Melkor's lies have found fertile ground and bourne fruit.
Feanaro did not like Melkor but I wonder if he would have rebelled anyway with out the stimulus of Melkor's words to goad him on.
I understand Indis not coming but I find it telling that Nardenal was not there either, I have a feeling she gave Feanaro an earfull about his behavior!
(Who hopes this posts, I got 'you are not authorised to view this page' the last time, need to check with Rorrah!)

Author Reply: Hi Lynda,

I have the feeling tat Fëanáro would have rebelled eventually, whether goaded by Melkor or not. He just strikes me as that kind of person. But, of course, we'll never know, and maybe there wouldn't have been a story or it might have been a different kind of story.

Anyway, that 'not authorized to view this page' message crops up every once in a while. I've had it show up 3 times in the last month. I wrote to Rorrah but she's never responded. At least if you just wait 10-15 minutes you usually can get back in, but it is annoying.

Erulisse (one L)Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/3/2010
The majority of tales view this scenario from the POV of the Feanorians - whether Finwe, Feanor, or others in the family. It is interesting to have a view of this scene from the point of view of Ingwe and his family. I hope that they discuss this a bit, but whether they do or not, I am looking forward to some very different viewpoints and events while seeing them through the eyes of the servants of the Valar and the High King of the Eldar. Now...onwards to the next scenario (rubbing hands in glee)....

- Erulisse (one L)

Author Reply: I think the Fëanorians have gotten too much press. *LOL* Which is why I've written this story primarily from the POV of the Vanyar. In the next couple of chapters we will indeed see how various groups of people -- Noldor, Vanyar, Teleri and Valar -- react to the trial and its outcome. I'm glad you are looking forward to the different viewpoints, as that's what you're going to get. *grin* Thanks for reading and reviewing, Erulissë. I truly appreciate you taking the time to give me your thoughts.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 8/31/2010
Alas that he believes he must dissemble, and that he believes that dissembling managed to fool the others.

Author Reply: Indeed, Larner, but that is the way of such people, believing in their own superiority over others and gloating over how they 'put one over' the other person. And, of course, we know what results from Melkor's dissembling.

ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 8/31/2010
That was very,very dark and very,very good. I enjoyed reading it but it gave me the shivers! Hugs The Imp

Author Reply: Very, very dark and very, very good is just what I was aiming for. Thanks, Elflingimp. *grin* As much as it gave you shivers reading it, it probably gave me more writing it. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I very much appreciate it.

SitaraReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 8/31/2010
Hi Fiondil.

Although I’m currently facing a plethora of diseases and illnesses , I cannot miss the opportunity to read and review your very long awaited fic. Firstly, I’ve to say that I don’t harbour any longer any thoughts of destruction, because it was a time when I’ve been only too happy to wipe the floor with all of the aforementioned kings, not to mention the Valar. All I want now for us all is to reach a certain level of understanding, namely to better understand why occurred then such a disaster and, most of all, to understand that in this case the blame is to be shared, not to be heaped upon one elf or one House’s head.

This being said, I’d like to make a few comments regarding Melkor’s release, when the Valar might have made some serious mistakes. Firstly, I’d like to know whether Manwë asked for Eru’s advice, concerning especially not Melkor’s release (that was already agreed upon) but the way they should have handled him afterwards. After all, the Valar do have a history in acting first and asking their Atar usually after the disaster had already happened. Secondly, the Elves who were brought in Valinor for their own safety (against the same Melkor) should have been consulted and asked for their opinion. They were also inhabitants of Valinor and Melkor’s freedom was also their concern. The Firstborn had been Melkor’s most gravely injured victims and their brethren could still be found in the pits of Utumno.

Thirdly, Námo kept himself silent this time and whenever I read that part I can only think about his loud protesting towards Eärendil’s plea. I never managed to understand Námo’s way of thinking. In several occasions, Námo was silent when he should have spoken and he has spoken when it was better for him to maintain silence. This is only one of them.

And finally, I cannot help but wonder: what if Melkor would have been handled differently during the Ages of his captivity? I don’t think that leaving one to its own devices is the best way to cure one’s heart of evil.

Best regards and I truly hope to have a fine interaction for your stories are really special,

Author Reply: Hello Sitara. The answer to your questions is "No". *LOL* What I mean is, that, examining all the sources and carefully sifting through conflicting views, to the best of my knowledge, Manwë consulted neither with Eru nor with the Eldar about Melkor. How different Middle-earth's history would have been had he done so, none can say. Tolkien, of course, was less interested in any of that, being more concerned with the story he had in mind, of Melkor being too corrupted to ever be rehabilitated and the Noldor too willful and prideful to do anything other than what they did. My story, of course, is less about Melkor and the Noldor, or more specifically, Fëanor, and more about everyone else grappling with what is happening.

I hope that you recover from whatever is ailing you and that you are able to enjoy this story. Thanks for taking the time to read and review. I very much appreciate it.

ninqwestilmenReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 8/30/2010
Awesome! Am so glad to see a new story from you, and one that promises to feature Ingwion, yup am happy. He will be pretty young at this point, but I guess you will be skipping ahead a decade or two. It will be interesting to see the Vanya royal family that you sketched in your previous story and am surely looking forward to meet the charismatic Noldoran as well.

Good depiction of Melkor, and Manwe's pretty naive to fall for that simple apology. Well can't fight with canon :) As none of the other Valar said anything, it remains to be seen how trustful/distrustful they are.

I am well pleased to see this ;)

Author Reply: Hi ninqestilmen. Thank you. I am happy that you are pleased by this Prologue. Ingwion will be featured quite a lot in this story along with the rest of his family. And we'll also see something of the Noldorin and Telerin royal families as well.

And no, you can't fight canon. I really hated writing Manwë as being so naive, but he was and we will see how the other Valar deal with the whole business in a future chapter.

Anyway, thanks again for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 8/30/2010
Atar Fiondil,

He's lying, he's lying! Why couldn't Manwe see that? Well, at least Namo's no fool, and he's no longer the "Little One" that Melkor made sport of.

Still, I don't like that Melkor will be able to roam free around even Valmar. And living in Namo and Vaire's home, even in a guest cottage? Ick. Poor them. I hope they're going to be all right...

Yay, new Quenya words! And Valarin, too? Oooh. I am going to love this story, I just know it!

Tye-melin, atar indonyo!


Author Reply: Of course he's lying, Kaylee. *LOL* We all know that, even if Manwë doesn't. Anyway, I'm glad to hear how much you are already enjoying this story. Thanks for letting me know. I really appreciate it.

6336Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 8/30/2010
And so it begins, about what one would expect from Melkor, I think if Namo had his way he would have been back in his cell so fast his head would have spun. Eonwe is in for a hard time, poor Maia, I hope Atar has lots of little gifts for him, he will need them.
Just how much Manwe trusts him I am not sure, his love for his brother blinds him to his true nature and Nienna is just being Nienna, always rready to see the good in people, even when it isn't there.
A good start,
More please,

Author Reply: Am re-reading Darkness and find that I didn't respond to this earlier. Sorry about that, but I know you enjoyed the story. *grin* Thanks for all your reviews, Lynda. You know how much I enjoy reading them.

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 8/30/2010
Was writing from Melkor's POV as bothersome this time as in Wars of the Valar?

Eonwe knows that Melkor is lying. I'm pretty sure that Namo knows this too. I'm already wondering what the Lord of Mandos has forseen; what paths the future may take, depending on the actions and choices made by Melkor and the Valar and the Children.

An excellent beginning, Fiondil, and I look forward to the continuance of the tale. A great way to start the work week. Will this follow the twice a week posting schedule of EI and EI2? :)

Well done!

Author Reply: Hi Rhyselle. Melkor is slime. There's no two ways about it. Luckily he only has a few scenes in this story so I didn't have to deal with him as much as I did in Wars of the Valar.

Glad you liked this beginning. I will be adhering to the same posting schedule as I did for Elf, Interrupted, so the next chapter will be up on Friday.

Thanks, Rhyselle. I appreciate you reading and reviewing.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 8/30/2010
Yup - this is where the Darkening starts.

It shall be interesting to see your take on the Elves of the Silmarillion - Fëanor, Nerdanel, Nolofinwë, Findecáno, Turucáno, Finwë and all the others.
And of course some glimpses of a younger Laurefindil.

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Yes, this is where it begins, at least for the Elves. We will, of course, be seeing all of these characters to one degree or another. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it.

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