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Creation Song of Ilúvatar  by Fadesintothewest 27 Review(s)
daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 28 on 11/3/2003
I liked the glimpses into the working of the two elven psyches. Glorfindel long life give him some perspective that Legolas lacks yet, but oddly enough, he thinks about the one inevitable sign that time passes even for elves: he thinks of a child who no longer is a child. And that's a sweet moment too. I enjoyed the image of him and little Legolas dancing together (in so MANY ways, I enjoyed it, but that's another story).

Legolas's dream is touching too because you can see that both he and Lenmana suffer from their opposite "gifts."

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 27 on 10/19/2003
You have captured the paralyzing fear of the shadow, the true weapon of the Nazgul too. Thranduil is wise to see what has happened and why - for now he knows the signs and can defend against it.

The poor captain; I am glad he did not die alone. The final moments of comfort in another's arms can be enough to ease that passage, and for Namo to beckon for him. The sorrow and grief were handled well.

Lenmana is growing to understand, and I like her in the world of dreams - easier to communicate and there is more time for understanding, as dreams are not interrupted by all the things that consume time during waking hours.

Very well written chapter.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 27 on 10/19/2003
I thought this was an extremely elfy chapter. The scene with Thranduil at the start was powerful. He knows that the shadow is using sorrow and you can see it all around him.

Then we see through your OC's eyes and notice how different the elves are and it's almost scary.

And then we get that horrible scene in the death glade. Great chapter all around

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 26 on 9/24/2003
The battle was certainly not gratuitous, but an agonizing glimpse into real life for a warrior. Young Linwe died well - but I feel so for the captain who lives. It appears Legolas is almost to him, but getting him home will be very difficult. But, perhaps if he is to die, it will not be alone now.

Legolas' trails through the trees is very elfy. I love how you have used the trees as a sources of information and sustenance, and the birds as messengers. It very much makes the wood elves a part of the forest.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 26 on 9/24/2003
You were right, that was graphic but it was not gratuitous. This was all very well done. The battle and the suffering of the Elven warriors was really gripping, which is quite an accomplishment because most ff battles just fly by as a plot element. And the magic bond that exists between Legolas (and other wood elves) and the trees was so well done. It was just - magic!

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 25 on 9/22/2003
It is both sad and wonderful that so many of the king's family put themselves out in defense of the realm. They do not opt for safety or security, but how painful that must be for the king!

And of course Glorfindel would protect the young warriors. *note to self - check to see if Glorfy has found out new password to computer*

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 25 on 9/22/2003
I was struck by your explanation of how Thranduil was connected to the forest when he became king. It was very plausible and you could see how he simultaneously gained and lost by it. And then the chill that shadow brings was very well described. It made sense that the Elves wanted their arrows neat. I feel that way about my surroundings when I am upset and, in this case, weapons are especially important.

Wow. The comparison of warriors to wolves, birds and trees was terrific. It is so fitting and I never would have thought of that in a million years.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 24 on 9/5/2003
Hmmm..........Glorfindel is wondering when the he-elves will get the she-elves back? He is greatly enjoying the sparring and is glad you recognized that *he* would immediately figure out who had done what. He rather enjoys seeing the twins get set up - he also enjoys seeing them having some fun. He says they have become far too serious in recent years.

And no, Glorfy, you cannot leave Fades a message yourself. No touching the keyboard.

Hmmphphh, Elf- lords.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 24 on 9/5/2003
Yes! I KNEW she was a Merry Sioux.

I think the twins are in for a long evening. Glorfindel's arrival in the last chapter was the start of things falling apart and it looks like it's all downhill from here.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 23 on 8/29/2003
Oh, gosh, I just wrestled the keyboard away from him AGAIN. He is using MapQuest to figure out how to get to your house. Something about an 'academic assignment'. *rolls eyes*.

Glad Legolas enjoyed, somewhat, Glorfindel's song - but more so I enjoyed that it brought him gladness for his father's joy. But now, I fear, we are soon to find out why Glorfindel has come. Keep on!

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