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Price of Peace, Dawn of Hope  by Rorrah 34 Review(s)
Banba McCuillReviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/13/2003
Your response to Marnie "...selling the look of disdain on ebay..." Priceless. I was truly LOL. Yes, a rich belly laugh no less!

You captured the return of the strong Elvenking perfectly, I'd say. It is a very real feeling.

This reads like a passionate and lively research paper to me in that you have formed the picture I've had in the back of my mind for the story I'm working on...yours is like a prequel for me - it's like the way I picture things before I begin with the Battle of Five Armies - and is so terribly inspiring and somewhat odd...but very cool. ;-)

It is just wonderful!

The bittersweet homecoming - the words aren't there for me to express the sadness I felt with the majestic Thranduil...the massive loss of life...

"Some thrive on challenge more than comfort." Brilliant! My favorite, thus far.

Until I read, "Nay, please do not come closer. You will destroy me." *sighs longingly for the intensity of emotion expressed*

OH! You've done it again! "Not even a king can command my heart."

Well done! You have given the Elvenking a strong, but not cheeky mate!

Her powerful fire lies within and does not have the need to be wielded at every moment, only at the proper time and place.

How can you not love this OFC?

Keep up the wonderful work. This is inspiring - you are a great talent!

Author Reply: Wow, what a lovely review. Thanks. Those were some of my favorite lines.
Thanks so much for the support!

JastaElfReviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/13/2003
You are just going from strength to strength with this story, Rorrah. I love the details, the way you handle dialogue, and the little nuances of characterization that you employ. The OCs of Thranduil's wife and mother are delightful, very well fleshed-out and plausible, and I like Celleth, too. :-) That bit about bringing children into the world... will we eventually see baby Legolas?? Will he be their only child, or will there be others? Does Jasta have a one-track (one-Elf?) mind? (grin) Very probably...

Anyway, a lovely chapter, full of genuine emotion and reaction, and I enjoyed it. Thank you!

Author Reply: A one-elf mind? you? Never! *laugh*

Thank you. I'm glad my OC's are coming across as believable.

As for the children....If I give away all the goodies, why would you bother reading the later chapters. No...I think I will decline to state.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/13/2003
Is this the end? It has the feel of it, but I hope there is more to come. How do Thranduil and Anolinde manage their rule? What happens to Thranduil's mother? What about Thranduil's children - is Legolas an only child? BTW, I like the name Anolinde - it sounds like that poor woman in Sweden.


Author Reply: *laugh* No, this is not the end, several more chapters to go.

Have many more issues to sort through. I promise when the story is over I'll put "The End" on the tail end of the chapter.

I think Anolinde came from one of the name generators, I beleive it roughly means steady wind or some such. Its just one of the few that had a nice feel to it.

Thanks for the review

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/13/2003
Great speech! And I am so glad you didn't make Thranduil's return an easy one. He and his wife have a task ahead of them. Also, I like the capable wife and mother who held things together in difficulties he did not imagine. And I like it that the wife and mother are friends although the mother is evidently imperious. Nice job.

Author Reply: I have an interesting mental image of them paying "good cop, bad cop" and doing it well. I'm glad you liked the speech. I'm still a bit nervous about it. I'm not sure if I were to be in this situation again that I'd actually write it. I think its much easier to say "His words were inspiring and moved them" rather than writing inspiring and moving words :p

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/11/2003
What a great start to your story. I like the thoughts of those waiting desperately at home contrasted with those returning. I wonder how Thranduil's mother will react when she realises that her husband is dead, and her son is now King. And what about when Thranduil's wife discovers she is Queen? (I'm assuming that Thranduil's mum does not remain queen in her own right.)

I had a similar plot bunny scampering around here a while ago, but I neglected to feed it. It must have left to find a better home! I'll write that story one day ... Hope the next update is soon!


Author Reply: Ah well, Oropher fell relativly early in the whole event. So she actually already knew...but you get to see her reaction to Thranduil coming home.

Bad Jay! You're not supposed to starve plot bunnies, you're supposed to nurture them or sic them on someone else.

Thanks so much for your comments

MirkwoodmaidenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/11/2003
Forgot to mention in the below review. I love the way the site had been designed and set up. Thanks for creating such a lovely setting for us to play in! :-))

MirkwoodmaidenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/11/2003

The story shows such depth and passion for the subject. The attention to detail is wonderful and it shows a lot of research and imaginative work! I love it! The way you describe the vastly different emotions of the Elven warriors as they trooped past Thranduil has the ring of truth to it according. Very well done! Thranduil sorrow is palpable and so is his wisdom in dealing with his young commander. Lovely!

I especailly liked how you wrote the conversation between the soldiers talking to and teasing Nadennor. The qualities of characterisation shone particularly well there, hitting upon survivor's guilt and the teasing and humour used to keep the real pain at bay was effectively used.

This is such a painful subject but I really glad that you've chosen to write it. I'm so engrossed the story. I can't wait for the next installment.

Author Reply: I had such a hard time putting the losses into perspective, but once I did, its difficult to not feel some pretty intense emotions. thank you

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/11/2003
The greeting from the Elves at home - the tunnel of light - was very moving. It was ceremonious but not stiff. I like it a lot.

I was interested in your guesses of the numbers of warriors who went to Dagolad from Greenwood. I would not have guessed that many but when I thought about it, probably most of the males who were of age went. And there are usually not many children, so that means that the entire population is still small (and about to get smaller no doubt).

Author Reply: The numbers are a guess. The books say (repeatedly) that the Last Alliance was the largest gathering since the War of Wrath. The War of Wrath was huge. Of the enemies it says something along the lines of numbers uncountable. So that tells me there were a lot. So the last Alliance probably falls into the countable realm. Now Lorien is pretty small, and Imladris is smaller. Neither is going to be able to field the legions of troops needed. Gil-Galad's people are probably more than the others put together, but probably not in the range of huge. So if the elves are going to make a good showing in comparison to the humans, I figured they had to get the warm bodies from somewhere. The Atlas also indicates a large portion of the elvish population was in Greenwood.

Glad you liked the tunnel, I have no idea where the words came from

MarnieReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/11/2003
I enjoyed this chapter very much. Again, what I liked most was the realism - it might be fantasy but it's still a real world. I had so thoroughly identified with Thranduil that I felt the welcoming lights as a burden - it made me feel sadder than anything else.

Really accomplished writing, I felt I was there! Thank you.

Author Reply: You're welcome! Wow, I'm so glad you were able to identify with him. I hope I manage to continue to provide a window into him in later chapters.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/10/2003
I was so excited to see this. I loved your first story and this one promises to be moving and to fill a gap that I have not seen filled before. It's well written too (except for the single use of "okay" ;-)). It reads smoothly and has great concrete details to make it seem real.

Author Reply: Argh....don't know how I missed that. (its gone now). At least it was not used as part of someone's conversations. Bad author, no biscuit! I have always wondered how the Greenwood elves reacted when Thranduil came home. Now I've cornered the king and I'm going to make him tell

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