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The Heir Apparent  by Mirkwoodmaiden 122 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 16 on 4/6/2020
At last the truth is spoken, and it sets him free to pursue his own destiny. Soon he will learn Erithain's relationship to himself, and there shall be another joy--for as long as Erithain remains within Middle Earth himself. And I look forward to the first sight of Arwen, dancing amongst the birches.

Author Reply: Larner!

Hello! Thanks for taking the time to write. I promise there is a reunion between Erithain and Aragorn!!

Hope you are keeping safe!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 15 on 4/6/2020
The Winged Crown, for all it was fashioned with the wings of sea birds, would indeed seem to be emblazoned with stars, I think. And now they are free, Legolas and Aragorn, known now as Estel. A wonderful image, young Estel receiving a bow of thanks from Thranduil.

Author Reply: Larner!

I think the image that sticks with me always where Elladan and Elrohir were fighting with stars upon their brows. That image has always stayed with me though I forget when it is from.

And I thought it was an fascinating idea to form a early relationship between Thranduil and a young Aragorn.

Stay Safe!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/6/2020
At least Estel is not alone in the dark, and he has the best of companions with him for the moment's dangers.

Love the bond that has grown between Estel and his unadmitted uncle.

Author Reply: Larner!

I really liked the idea of Estel meeting as many of the Fellowship as he could when he was young. And Estel having to stand on his own two feet with his foster brothers there. Kind of a coming of age.

It did my heart good when writing this story to be able to reunite Uncle and nephew and let them get to know each other before Estel goes back to the Dunedain

Author Reply: Hope all is well with you and yours! and thank you for writing!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 13 on 4/4/2020
I rejoice that Erithain and Estel are remaking the connection uncle and little nephew once knew. And the answer the man gave the youth was just right.

I, too, have Estel going on his first patrol with the twins at fifteen.

Author Reply: Larner!

Thank you for taking the time to write!

It just seemed like time for Estel to step outside the boundaries of Imladris though he certainly had a time convincing Elrond and his Naneth.

What is the title of your story about Estel?


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 12 on 3/28/2020
I have Aragorn naming his new steed Carnaxio, or RedBone, for a similar reason. A painful lesson, but a necessary one.

Author Reply: Larner!

Most definitely. A ten-year old Estel needs to understand the difference between necessary risk and vainglorious action. And Elladan and Elrohir need to understand that Estel idolizes them and will take to heart whatever they say and will always copy their actions.

Thanks for taking the time to read and write!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 11 on 3/28/2020
Ah, yes, the frog! Had forgotten that. Love Gandalf testing the child, and the meeting witn the stallion.

Author Reply: Larner!

Yup! I do remember this being a fun chapter to write! It is only natural that young boys carry frogs around! And I always imagine that Elrond is a loving parent who is always teaching. Teaching Estel to always think, to always think about consequences of his actions, about respect for others and their ways.

Always a mark of approval if Estel wants to introduce you to his horse! LOL.

Thanks for taking the time to write!

Hope this message finds you and yours in safety and good health.


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 3/28/2020
That Galadriel sought so to comfort him is important. He has much to do in the next eighteen years.

Author Reply: Larner!

That was why I thought she needed to step in and comfort him. Erithain needed the strength at that time and who better to give it. He will face the next 18 years with the strength and grace of the best of the Dunedain!

P.S. I can't tell you how much I appreciate that you are re-reading my story. I am really happy that you are enjoying it and are talking the time to write back! :-)


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 3/23/2020
I love that Aragorn is comforted so by Elladan and later by Elrond. The speech mind-to-mind is demonstrated in the books when, on the road home Gandalf and the Elves hold their final conference in said manner before Galadriel and Celeborn turn off toward Lorien, leaving the Hobbits and northern Dunedain to continue northward with the wizard.

Author Reply: Larner!

Once again thank you for taking the time to respond! :-)

I had Elladan and Elrohir come to Fornost to be introduced to little Aragorn so that when the transition to Imladris he would already know and have a bond with someone other than his mother to begin with in Imladris. It just seemed natural for Elladan to reach out to Aragorn. Elrond was also a natural choice, a healer and Elladan's father he shares the same heart as his son.

I thought there was a book reference to the mind to mind speaking, I remembered it from the films but glad it was in the book as well.

Thanks again!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 3/23/2020
All three showed courage in this fight. Alas for the death of Arathorn. Now Gilraen's brother must fulfill his oath to Arathorn.

Author Reply: Larner!

I remember this was a really hard chapter to write because of what had to happen in it. Everybody's life was going to change so much because of what had to happen. I really tried to stay true to what I thought each character was going through. In the end I think it did turn out really well.

Thanks for taking the time to write. It really means a lot.


sueReviewed Chapter: 18 on 3/15/2020
What a great story. Its epic is worthy to stand beside LOTR - filling in the corners as the hobbits say. I have enjoyed it very much.

One 'bone' to pick. Gilgilath. That horse must be an old codger at 20! But he has been Estel's faithful Horse. He needs a soft retirement now.

Author Reply: Sue!

First I am so happy that you like it. "Its epic is worthy to stand beside LOTR"
*I blush* thanks!

Second, LOL yup I noticed that about Gilgilath as well. I could say as a cop-out answer that he is a Dunedain horse and therefore has a longer life. But truth be told he does need to be retired. Thanks for noticing! :-))


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