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Dreamflower's Mathoms III  by Dreamflower 184 Review(s)
demeter dReviewed Chapter: 11 on 9/25/2013
What a warm, lovely picture of a warm, loving day. I enjoyed the description of the arrangement of Brandy Hall. It feels very real. Miss Dahlia is interesting. Even with all of her "Master Merry"-ing, she behaves much like a loving older sister might. I am sure she must have been Esmerelda's valued partner in caring for the two lads. One image gave me a bit of a pang. When watching an eager Merry with his hands on Frodo's slicing pears, I remembered my mental images of a come-of-age Merry fighting desperately beside Pippin at Amon Hen, and trying to protect Eowyn on the Pellenor. Patience, child, one day you will learn to wield a very large knife, indeed.

Author Reply: Thank you dear! I truly wanted to show a "warm, loving day", and to show how young hobbits are taught to cook. Miss Dahlia is a nursemaid. She's a working hobbit lass, and shows proper deference, but she also is looking after the children, so she has a certain amount of authority over them. Esmeralda trusted her very much to see to the lads when she was busy with her duties as Mistress.

Yes, Merry will indeed learn to wield a very large knife!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 11 on 9/24/2013
What a wonderful manner to celebrate Merry's reading! And the story sounds as lovely as the tart. Will have to try it!

Author Reply: When they gave us the fall recipe booklet to hand out to customers this year I just *knew* I needed to try that one! It really is delicious. Especially with vanilla bean ice cream on top!

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/19/2013
I much prefer this to what really happened. Kili and Fili live! :) And I just adore PIppin who s a handful and no mistake. :) :) I love I'm a Took! We are good at adventures!

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Yes, it was very tragic to lose both the young Dwarves as well as their uncle. But the good Professor had his reasons. Still, that doesn't mean we can't enjoy the occasional AU!

Wee Pip's truly a handful!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/17/2013
Not so much a Might-Have-Been as perhaps an Ought-to-Have-Been. A wonderful visit, and how lively and delightful our Pippin!

Author Reply: It was a lot of fun to write! I enjoyed taking part in the prompt-fest very much, and wish there had been more participants!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/16/2013
A lovely visit between two such worthy fellows! Love the supper--sounds scrumptious.

Author Reply: This was literally a prose adaptation of Tolkien's poem, and I loved doing that. I have a feeling that most of Missus Maggot's meals were scrumptious--Frodo, Sam and Pippin certainly thought so!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 7/16/2013
I love the sense that Gandalf was indulging old memories when, some years later, he played this game with Bilbo on the steps of Bag End! Heh! Delightful!

Author Reply: In my 'verse, Gandalf has an especial weakness for hobbits, and very often indulges himself when he is with them.

demeter dReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/16/2013
How very lovely! A Eucatastrophe story for The Hobbit, too. I always did think that it was sad that the two youngest of the dwarf party were the ones to die in the battle. And this opens the possibility that Frodo and Gimli can become friends even before they end up on a Quest together. And Gimli and Legolas could get a head start on their legendary friendship. I did notice, tho, you have not changed the fact that there has been no word from the intended reclaimers of Khazad-Dum for too many years. I do believe that I have always thought as Pippin, here. Why could Dwarves not marry Hobbits? Yes, I know, the Good Professor wrote it that way. But I have often wondered "why not?" This little rock dropped in a different part of the Professor's pond could create so many fascinating new ripples! I have enjoyed this very much.

Author Reply: Thank you! This one was, of course, created to order for someone's request in a prompt-fest, but it was something I enjoyed doing very much. I also liked the chance to dabble in a "book-verse/movie-verse" meld, which is something rare for me.

Yes, I didn't make any changes with the future yet, except for the "head start" on Gimli's friendships.

Personally I prefer that Dwarves and Hobbits don't marry, but I do not think they did not for any momentous reason--just rather that "it's always been that way". I have a feeling that both those races would be rather resistant to changes. (Some might also say that of Elves and Men, but their unions went all the way back to the First Age.)

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 8 on 5/2/2013
He'd felt more at home these last few months among the hobbits than he had since setting foot upon the Eastern Shore of the Sundering Sea.

And he thanked them with the first fireworks he ever created on Middle Earth! Very good!

I also liked the fact that Gandalf's words to Bilbo years later were originally said by Thain Ferumbras himself.

Author Reply: Exactly!

I absolutely adore that "Good morning" exchange; for "my" Gandalf it becomes something he later repeats from time to time!

lbiloverReviewed Chapter: 9 on 4/15/2013
Oh, I really enjoyed this, Dreamflower. Tom has grown on me over time, and it's lovely to read about a meeting between him and Farmer Maggot. Your Tom poetry is awesome- it sounds just like him.

This particular description caught me. It's perfect: But the stars had come out and were twinkling over the long low farmhouse, its thatched roof undulating like a hill over the round doors and windows.

Thank you!

Author Reply: Thank you, dear, for the lovely review!

Tom's grown on me as well--on my first reading 45 years ago, I didn't like him much (and was actually suspicious of him until he saved them from the barrow-wights) but over the years he's become one of my very favorite characters. And thanks for the compliments on Tom's poetry--just so long as I don't have to write too much of it I do all right. But I am always amazed at how JRRT wrote pages and pages of it and it all sounded pretty natural, LOL!

Thank you--I wanted to capture that feeling that hobbit houses were built to resemble smials!

AntaneReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/13/2013
Gandalf does know the best place for rest and recreation doesn't he? :) Ah, to have been there ourselves! At least our hearts and souls can rest and re-create anytime they visit havens our bodies cannot.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: I think the Shire was just what he needed.

Yes--I think our hearts know that the Shire is truly a haven.

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