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Sea Flower  by Soledad 22 Review(s)
FiondilReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/16/2013
Hmm... I may be mistaken, but it seems that more than one power is at work here. I doubt if Lirillo is in the pay of the Umbari. And if Finduilas marrying Denethor is depended on him finding her sister and we know they don't marry for another 6 years, that's a long time for him to be searching. *grin* Love Imrahil's remark at the end. Cheeky little blighter.

Author Reply: Yes, definitely more than one power at work. Lirillo and his brethren have their own ideas about the good of Middle-earth, and while they mind it well, their plan might not always match the other plans that are in the making.

Imrahil is cheeky indeed, but that's teenagers for you. As for Finduilas' marriage depending on Ivriniel's fate... we'll see. ;)

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/11/2013
I love these feisty Dol Amroth sisters!A most enjoyable chapter.

Author Reply: Thank you. :) All those great Princes couldn't have been born from meek little wallflowers, now could they?

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/9/2013
Hmm, it seems the only plans that have not been thwarted are Denethor's. Although, if he thinks he gets a biddable wife, I think, he is greatly mistaken. And the Umbari should be careful what they get when they take Ivriniel. Even if she is enraged, I'm not sure she will follow them to Umbar willingly and turn against her country.

Author Reply: No, she won't turn against her country. But there may be aspects of this kidnapping that nobody can foretell just yet. *g*

And yes, Denethor will have the fight of his life to properly woe Finduilas. I never saw her as the wilting flower many authors appear to imagine her - otherwise Denethor wold have borne her loss much easier.

FiondilReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/9/2013
Ooh, plots within plots and as the poet says, the best-laid plans of mice and men and Númenóreans of both stripes.... LOL!

Loved the two princesses in their ire. And so very true, what they say. Why should they have to sacrifice everything when Denethor doesn't have to sacrifice a blessed thing for anyone or anything? It truly is not fair, but, of coures, whoever said the universe was fair?

Can't wait to see how this all works out.

Author Reply: I had great fun writing enraged!Ivriniel. That bit about the miserable spawn of a fatherless Orc has been on my mind for a very long time but never found the right story for it - until now.

I must admit that Ivriniel was partly inspired by Morgan from the "Camelot" series - only that she's not evil, of course. The next chapter is nearly finished, I hope you'll like it.

Thanks for the support. It means a lot for me.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/3/2013
What is this minstrel up to? He is a strange character. Minstrels are supposed to know a lot of songs, but this seems to be a bit far out of the ordinary.
So, plans are under way to marry Denethor to Ivriniel. But well laid plans and all that... *grin*

Author Reply: Exactly. *g*

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/3/2013
This sounds like an interesting story. It gives me a closer look at a culture I haven't thought much about. Let's see how this marriage by abduction plays out. Adrahil is no fool and Dol Amroth stays a powerful ally of Gondor in later years.

Author Reply: Thanks. I'm afraid the complications are just beginning. :)

FiondilReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/3/2013
Ah... I was wondering when the next chapter would come. A very interesting and quite detailed description of the family dynamics between the Steward and the Prince of Dol Amroth and the history of Pelargir. And that minstrel is surely up to something besides singing ancient lays.

By the way, in the conversation between Lorindol, Ecthelion and the Prince of Amroth, his oldest daughter is referred to as "Prince" rather than "Princess" at one point. Unless you're writing slash, I think you need to change this. *grin*

Looking forward to the next chapter, Soledad.

Author Reply: Thanks. I'll look up the mistake. Next chapter is already written, I'm doing the last touches. And yes, the minstrel is definitely more than what he looks.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/10/2012
A fascinating glimpse into a little known corner of M-e. I love the idea that some still have the power to commune with cats!

Author Reply: Sorry, I never realized that I didn't answer you! Yes, I was always impressed with Queen Berúthiel and her cats.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/30/2012
Fascinating look at Umbar. So Rothinzil was the name of Andrahar's ill-fated mother? I wonder if Herucalmo will ever meet his grandson.

More soon, I hope.

Author Reply: You have to keep in mind that it's my interpretation on Andrahar's background, which is fairly different from Isabeau's. Oh, the basic things are more or less the same, but the whole fire-worshipping culture based on Ancient Iran is my doing, and so is the detailed family with the genuine ancient Persian names and stuff.

I'm not sure if Herucalmo will met Andrahar. It is a possibility, if Imrahil is present at Thorongil campaign against Umbar, but I'm not that far yet.

Glad you like the story. The next couple of chapters will take place in Pelargir and Dol Amroth, respectively, but then we'll return to Umbar and learn more about the dark secrets of the place. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Lady BluejayReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/28/2012
What a lot of work you have put into this. I love the insight into Umbar life.

Looking forward to the abduction. LBJ

Author Reply: This is a very research-heavy project indeed, especially as so very little canon sources are available. The next chapter takes us to Pelargir, and that isn't an easy place to figure out, either.

Thanks for taking the time to review. It's greatly appreciated.

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