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Celeritas' Birthday Bash 2012  by Celeritas 42 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 11/5/2012
OK, this is funny enough, the idea of Pippin wanting to be the King's Food Taster, but the twist at the end of Pippin nominating Merry is not only confusing, but hilarious, considering their conversation at the beginning.

What the heck is Pippin up to?

Author Reply: I didn't know myself when I was writing this!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 11/5/2012
What a vivid picture of a memorable night, and a wonderful look at the personalities they both are growing into: Boromir, valiant and a bit reckless; Faramir, thoughtful and cautious. And you show as well that brotherly bond that endured in spite of their father's favoritism.

Author Reply: Thank you very much!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/5/2012
So sad and bittersweet! But it looks as though Fangorn found his Fimbrethil in time for them to perish together...very Tolkien!

Author Reply: I'm not sure if it's Fangorn and Fimbrethil themselves, or two other Ents. I prefer to think of Treebeard going through a dormant tree phase before passing altogether.


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/5/2012
I am quite sure that Bilbo would understand; poor Sam! He's a gentle soul and not meant for anger--yet he can't help but have anger for his master's sake. I think that for most hobbits, and particularly for "our" hobbits, anger for another's sake would come easier and be harder to release than anger for personal wrongs. It would all be very confusing to Sam, and I think that if he could confide in anyone besides Frodo, it would be Bilbo.

And I love how well you captured the Sam-voice in the letter! Beautiful job!

Author Reply: Excellent! This was the first time I'd written Sam in... a year?... and I didn't have a copy of Rings on hand when I was writing it so I was afraid I was "Sam's voice" was going to turn into "self-made parody of Sam's voice" without my noticing. I'm glad that worked particularly well for you.

And yes, I agree about hobbits' ire being raised more by harm to others than to themselves. Especially for Sam.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/5/2012
I recall that sweet fic of hers, and this seems as though it could fit right in! I love Frodo as mentor, guide and protector of his cousins, and this works beautifully!

Author Reply: Given the age gap, it's almost a certainty that Frodo had to serve all three roles at some point!


Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/5/2012
Thank you.This was delightful and so in character for all of them. I remember battling with familiar pronouns when learning German.

Author Reply: I remember my own woes when learning French, and the shock that we had them in English, once, was very pleasant once I lined them up with Shakespeare and King James. I loved the stuff in Tolkien's appendix about pronouns and hobbit dialects, so I really relished the opportunity to stick it into one of my fics.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 11/4/2012
Wow. Finished reading now, and I really like them all!!! Especially mine, but I like them all!!! :) I don't know how you do it, Celeritas. I'm just glad you do. Keep on doing it. ^_^

Kaylee Arafinwiel

Author Reply: To be honest, I don't know how I do either. I'll tell you, though, nothing gets you back in the habit of writing quite like feeling socially obligated to fill a disparate variety of prompts, whether easy or difficult!

walkerskyeReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/4/2012
Many thanks for all of these, your voice is very welcome to "hear"again. And the promise to add to Kira's story fulfills a wish Ive made several times over the year. She is a compelling character much like many of the handicapped folks I grew up around as my dad was in the rehabilitation business. What looks like courage to us more able bodied ones is just doing what you have to to them, but they still inspire. And I love best her commitment as a storyteller.

Author Reply: Thank you so much, WalkerSkye, and thanks especially for your good thoughts about Kira. When you leave off a story for so long it's easy to think that everyone's forgotten all about it! Now that these are done I should be able to turn my full attention to her.

walkerskyeReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/4/2012
Many thanks for all of these, your voice is very welcome to "hear"again. And the promise to add to Kira's story fulfills a wish Ive made several times over the year. She is a compelling character much like many of the handicapped folks I grew up around as my dad was in the rehabilitation business. What looks like courage to us more able bodied ones is just doing what you have to to them, but they still inspire. And I love best her commitment as a storyteller.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/4/2012
Yes, but Sam's road will lead him home to Rosie soon! *hugs* :) Without Mr. Frodo, sadly...:( Well done!!!


Author Reply: It certainly will--Sam is the kind of hobbit that keeps his promises!

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