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Fate  by Laikwalâssê 31 Review(s)
Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/27/2013
I so hated the thought of reading this chapter and knowing I would have to wait before I found out more...

You write very well. When it is difficult to sit and read, then you know, as a writer, that you've hit the mark.

I can understand Saeron's attack, but poor Galadhion was not to blame. Yet, how do we not blame ourselves even if conditions do not warrant it. How do we not look inside, overwhelmed with grief, and not believe we could have done more, should have been faster in arriving, would have saved her if only we were better. Oh dear. Such anguish that will encompass this family for centuries to come.

And that Thranduil would have known that it was his wife who was the cause of it all. That is difficult to comprehend and yet he will blame her, too, for too long.

I sorrowed for Thranduil and rejoiced at the Elves he had around him, who loved him and knew what to do for him. He will probably not remember much of these events, but I am glad he was well taken care of.

I think Galadhion must be the most wounded of this family. He is doomed, it would seem, to deep scars. I do not blame Thranduil; he is not in his right mind, but I do so wish Galadhion had a friend to help him survive the blows he has been receiving, from his mother's death, to his brother's hatred, to his father's supposed contempt.

Again, you have used words so well to convey such senses of horror, grief, and fear. Really well done! It's going to be very difficult to wait for the next chapter. Drat it all!

Author Reply: you do not know what your words mean to me. I have always to struggle with the language but to read that my telling is hitting the mark is really a great compliment and it is making my day.
Galadhion is really having a rough time. I will make it up for him later. This family will live with this anguish for a long time. Thranduil can count himself really happy for so many helping hands in the background. Elves like Thalan and Thornil are the real hereos even if unnoticed.
Thank you so much for your encouraging words. The next chapter is already only depends on my beta...*g*...many thanks to her wonderful work by the way. Lai

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/27/2013
What a hideous sight to come upon... Orcs and his mother battling. Cowards, fiends. I want to slay them all myself. The poor woman. But more so her son. How does one survive such an event? My heart just went out to him.

Oh my goodness gracious. That it was her own fault that this horror should befall her family. How could she have thrown caution to the wind in such fashion. And that the Galadhrim should leave her. I want to slep that guard up the side of the face. Of course, when he reaches home and discovered what his dereliction of duty has caused....

The battle scene, if one could call a band of orcs fighting one woman a battle, was really well done. It lasted long enough and was believable enough to keep me on the edge of my seat. I loved the bits of 'mother's instinct' that you threw into the battle. And then to have to tell her son to run..... Wow!

Excellent chapter.

Author Reply: yes, poor Legolas, my heart was in my throat while writing the battle scene. I want not to be in the shoes of the guards either, yet they need no further punishment...the outcome of their failure is bad enough for them. I´m glad I wrote Elarynia during her fight the end she showed really greatness in sending her child away. I´m glad you liked this chapter also. Thank you for reviewing. Lai

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/27/2013
It must have been extremely difficult to have such a connection broken. I scarce can fathom it. When my own husband died, the pain was so incredible, I found breathing even difficult. And praying to God that it wasn't true. But to have such a spiritual bond destroyed.... I am not surprised that so many married Elves faded when they lost a spouse.

It's not surprising that Thranduil failed to notice Legolas' absence, but now he must turn from his grief and go into search mode. Not a good thing for the entire family nor the guards.

Well written chapter.

Author Reply: I´m sorry that you have experienced a similar loss and cannot imagne the pain. I wrote it out of imagination and I´m glad it worked, even if bringing back sad memories. The spirital bond of the elves have always intrigued me and that they fade I can really understand. For Thranduil it is high time to go into "search mode" indedd. Poor family and poor relatives. Thank you for telling me that the chapter was well written. It means a lot for me. Lai

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/27/2013
I love this - the pot calling the kettle black. Elarynia is as stubborn as her husband! I truly understand his qualms about Legolas - but as a mother, I would find myself hard pressed to leave my youngest at home. And the pride she must have felt in showing off Legolas to her parents would be hard to contain.

Still understanding the mother doesn't excuse her. Honestly, she could have waited another ten years of so. What is time to an Elf? *g*

I shouldn't speak ill of the dead. Poor The poor woman gave her life for her son. And Thranduil now must put aside his grief and search for Legolas. Sad, horror-filled chapter. Well written.

PS - I love the dangling legs phrase. It felt good in my mind, if that makes any sense.

Author Reply: Thranduil needs a wife strong of mind, yet her stubborness has brought great grief and I understand Thranduil´s anger, yet he must put aside his grief to hold the rest of his family together. I´m so glad that you liked the chapter - part horror and much sad. I liked the dangling legs also. Thank for your lovely comments. They are really appreciated. Lai

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/27/2013
Forgive me. I swore I've been reading this and commenting, but I see I must have been in some dream state. Not sure why.

I loved this opening chapter. The character studies are great. I loved the feeling of a family knit with love. Thranduil is perfect.

You do a really great job of pulling us into the tale. From comfort and peace to horror and grief.

Nicely done.

Author Reply: you review now - that´s all that matters and I´m happy. More so that you find my characters believable. Family bonds are really importanty for this family and all they will have left in the end. From comfort and peace to horror and grief - indeed! Thank you so much for reviewing. I really appreaciat it. Lai

FiondilReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/27/2013
A lot of emotions flying around, Lai. Saeron attacking Galadhion... understatandable but not wise. Everyone is in shock and no one is responding to others appropriately. I have a feeling Galadhion is going to do something foolish, thinking he has nothing to lose, having (apparently) lost everything already, especially the love and respect of his father and brother. Guilt is such a terrible thing to hold on to.

Author Reply: yes, emotions are flaring high. Thranduil is angry, the brothers confused and no opportunity to release some of this energy. Thranduil has to come around quickly to prevent even more damage to his family. Galadhion is on the verge of doing something stupid and poor Legolas has to be found....but as always it has to get even darker befor it will get better. Thank you so much for reviewing, Fiondil. Lai

FiondilReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/14/2013
I pity the poor guards more than I pity the queen who only brought this tragedy on herself by her own wilfulness. But that's royalty for you: arrogant and uncaring about the consequences of their orders on others who are charged to protect them but are stymied from doing so because of them. *shakes head at the senselessness of it all*. Hope Legolas isn't in the hands of the orcs. That would be too much.

Author Reply: I do not want to walk in the boots of those guards either, even if no punishment will do right what has happened. Even if the Queen´s wishes are somewhat understandable she should know better then to risk her and most of all her son´s life on a whim. Legolas has not been eaten by the orcs - this we know - but it will be some time until poor Thranduil can take his son back into his arms - promise! Thank you so much for reviewing, Fiondil. You know how much I appreciate it. Lai

FiondilReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/8/2013
A very intense and emotional chapter with one blow after another for Thranduil and Saeron: Elarynia dead, Legolas captured by orcs and Galadhion chasing after them. And now the hunt for little Legolas begins or will soon. On the edge of my seat waiting anxiously for the next chapter.

Author Reply: yes Thranduil is not getting a respite any time soon nor his sons and you are right the hunt will begin soon and we will see how successful - or not - the elves will be. I´m glad I could draw you to the edge of your seat and intent to keep you there...*g*. Thank ou so much for reviewing, Fiondil. I really appreciate it. Lai

rikkiReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/6/2013
The anguish and disbelief are very strong here in Thranduil and his second son. Then to find out he may lose his oldest and his youngest son is another blow. You have shown some raw emotions and how each elf is handling themselves in a very realistic manner. This is a heart stopper of a story and even though we know the story it is hard to wait for the next chapter.

Author Reply: that was my intent: to focus on the raw emotions raging through this family at this tragedy. I´m glad the transfer worked and that you liked it! Thank you so much for your review, rikki. I really appreciate it. Lai

FiondilReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/17/2012
Oh dear, no wonder our dear Leoglas is such a messed-up ellon in later years, running about with Dwarves and fraernizing with Humans. *snicker* It's no wonder that news of Celebrían being captured by orcs and being forced to Sail has upset Thranduil and his sons more than simply being sad to see someone leave Middle-earth. It lookas as if this story will be one long emotional roller coaster ride, Lai. Hope I have fingernails left by the end.

Author Reply: yes, his start in life was a bit rugged. You are right: this story will be an absolute emotional roller coaster - so save your nails and stock enough tissues. For all those readers which do not like a too contemplative christmas...*g*. Thank you so much for amost appreciated review. Lai

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