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Forging Hope  by Ellie 88 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 18 on 7/4/2014
Oh, but a wonderful return to the relationship they have known and must know, and excellent growth in each of them.

Falmamire sounds delightful, and so wonderful to learn that her mortal sister has come to such an estate. Alas that he cannot reveal himself to Andreth, though. And in time he may learn the fate of Aicanaro as well.

Author Reply: Arafinwe and Earwen both needed the healing in order for each of them to go on. Their people need them to be king and queen and they really do need each other even though both had resigned earlier to go it alone. Their newest addition is a healing balm to them both. Even though he cannot let Andreth know about himself, he at least will know her fate and fates of her descendants.

Thank you for reading and reviewing! I appreciate it very much!

SiiwReviewed Chapter: 19 on 7/3/2014
I can't believe that this story doesn't have 20 reviews pr.chapter. It is simply one of the best stories I have read on this site. I got worried when this wasn't posted at the usual time!

Several of the last few chapters have been so heartbreaking that I simply didn't know what to say. I had to stop reading this at work, because it made me cry. This chapter, however, made me smile. I really like your Arafinwë. He has made a good character in your other stories, but here he really shines. I'll try to post a comment on every chapter later when the story is finished, when I just find the right words!

Author Reply: I am flattered by your compliments. Thank you!!! I was surprised that there are so few reviewers but that does seem to be the way of it nowadays in the fanfiction world. I am pleased to know that you are enjoying my story, even if it has been heartbreaking. This story was about six years in the making and has been a very difficult tale to tell. I look forward to hearing your comments on the different chapters when you are so inclined to put down a few words. Thank you so very much for letting me know you are enjoying this tale!

FiondilReviewed Chapter: 18 on 6/29/2014
Well, I'm glad to see that Eärwen was willing to forgive him and they were able to start over. And he learns of his peredhel daughter's fate at least. First Queen of Númenor! That makes sense, given her bloodline. Eru does indeed draw straight with crooked lines.

Falmamírë is cute with all her running and explaining why she was running and everyone telling her not to. And Arafinwë's quip to Eärwen that she is definitely Eärwen's daughter and Eärwen's quip back. Too funny.

Author Reply: Yes, Eru does indeed!
The reconciliation definitely will help Arafiwne go on again and having the little girl around will be a blessing to both Earwen and Arafinwe. I think the elder children will be surprised when they are reborn or return home to Valinor and find out they have a younger sibling. It makes me wonder just how many reborns came back to find new siblings running around.

Thank you for reading and reviewing! I appreciate it very much!

ellonReviewed Chapter: 18 on 6/26/2014
I loved this story. At first I wasn't sure if I was going to like this take on Arafinwe's history but by the end of it I found myself really enjoying the idea of him finding healing... still a little difficult to swallow but the journey through Mandos and exploring the concept of Arafinwe's self discovery as king and an ellon was intriguing.

Overall I enjoyed it!

Author Reply: I am pleased that you have enjoyed this story so far. Thanks for taking the plunge and reading it :-)

There are still two more chapters to go, and I hope you like them as well.
Thank you so very much for reading, enjoying, and reviewing! I appreciate it very much!

FiondilReviewed Chapter: 17 on 6/22/2014
Arafinwë certainly got an earful from the villagers. Loved the whole incident with the baker. That was too precious. And his guards. Poor ellyn having people disrespect them because they made the hard choice to remain behind to help protect the Queen while their fellows went off to fight, and most likely to die. It couldn't have been an easy decision on their part. I'm glad Arafinwë showed them that they were worthy and should not be ashamed of their decisions.

And now Eärwen shows up out of the blue! This should be an interesting conversation. ;-)

Author Reply: I am sure those villagers had quite a bit to tell him. I don't think he was ready to hear such things though before he went away to the war. He definitely returned a changed ellon. I really like the baker. She was fun. this excursion out to the villages raised Arafinwe in the esteem of his people and his guards and I know that neither group expected such a thing of their king.

Yes, the conversation with Earwen will indeed be interesting...

Thanks for reading and reviewing! I appreciate it very much!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 17 on 6/18/2014
A well needed visit to those who needed to know he DOES understand, and who need to know he lives his words and work.

As for Earwen awaiting him in his sitting room--that IS a (hopefully) heartening surprise!

Author Reply: He has a far greater understanding of his subjects now than he ever had before and he has a great empathy with them which it seemed he previously lacked. I think his experiences will make him a better king.

As for Earwen being there, that certainly is a surprise for him! we will have to wait until next week to see what kind of a surprise it is for him.

You know, I have wondered if he will clean up the mess he made or if he will make the servants do it.

Author Reply: I got interrupted by the dogs needing to be let outside and forgot to thank you for reading and reviewing, so, thank you!

FiondilReviewed Chapter: 16 on 6/17/2014
Eärwen is royally pissed and rightly so. She will not easily forgive him for what he's done, but I really feel sorry for Arafinwë. He's really caught between a rock and a hard place and that's a terrible place for anyone to be in. I can sympathize with his wondering why Eönwë hadn't let him die. It would have been easier, but not necessarily right for any of them.

Author Reply: Earwen is extremely angry and he is extremely hurt. Even if it seems that it might have been more merciful if Eonwe had let him die, it would have been worse for everyone else in the long run. He does not see this now, but perhaps he will come to see it in time.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much!

Twoflower2Reviewed Chapter: 16 on 6/13/2014
A totally believable reaction from Earwen. Had she understood and forgiven right there on the spot, it would have been totally unnatural. With time she might, hopefully :)
One thing I am wondering about - is Arafinwe ever to meet his descendants for ex. in Numenor.
Thank you for continuing this story, Ellie.

Author Reply: There is no way she could have forgiven him on the spot for what he has done. It remains to be seen what she will do later, if she chooses to do anything further at all. A place by the sea is she has always wanted. Without King Arafinwe, she can have it. Part of Arafinwe's punishment was that he would never again see his children in Middle-Earth. Very slowly he will and has come to accept this no matter how much it hurts.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 16 on 6/11/2014
Excellent advice he receives from the High King, and I so pray he takes it--and that she accepts it, too. Earwen has much to forgive, but must to understand as well.

Author Reply: We will have to see how well Arafinwe takes advice about how he could continue his own healing. He tried to see to the healing of others who returned, but it didn't go as he had planned as we saw in that meeting with the other kings. Arafinwe also did what he could to explain things to Earwen, but what she does with this information when she cools down remains to be seen. He believes she will hate him forever and he believes she should react that way. At some point they both will have to go one with their lives - whether together or apart.

Thank you so very much for reading and reviewing! I appreciate it very much!

galathilReviewed Chapter: 15 on 6/11/2014
Hi Ellie, I am catching up with your wonderful story. Just letting you know that I am still around and loving Forging Hope. Had to read the whole story, as somehow I missed it. Don't how that happened? I know our king is sad but I think in the end all is going to be ok. Then Ellie I never know, what you are going to through up in your stories. Really can't wait for the next chapter. LOL

Author Reply: Hey Galathil!

It is good to hear from you again! I'm so very pleased you are enjoying this story. I had always wanted to read a Finarfin love story of the ilk so many other characters get, but I never could find one, so I wrote one myself :-) It took forever (okay 6 years or so) to write this story, so I am glad you are enjoying it. You will have to keep reading to see how things for for Finarfin, I do admit that the chapter I posted today is not a good one for him. Poor guy!

Thanks so very much for reading and reviewing! I appreciate it very much!

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