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Completion  by Garnet Took 89 Review(s)
shireboundReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/1/2014
The Yule Dwarf, LOL! Love that. And I love this, too:

Author Reply: I don't remember who created the Yule Dwarf. It was either Dreamflower or Lindalea I think. I guess I should credit them with that one.

Thanks for the review.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/30/2014
Her heart belongs to Pippin? That is only right and proper, of course. Now, for him to indicate to his beloved cousin that this is reciprocated on his side.

Author Reply: Shorty there will be no more doubts, on anyone's part.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

I must confess that this chapter may some editing and adding-to. I wanted to get it updated and posted in a timely manner and I know that it suffered for that. Also, at less than a thousand words it seems short to me. :)

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/29/2014
So happy to have a new chapter to go with my morning cup!

Oh, my! Merry is nothing if not blunt-spoken. Still, his first loyalty is to Pippin, and whatever hurts his beloved cousin hurts him as well. Past hurt can be hard to let go. I hope he (perhaps with Estella's help) can manage to do so.

Author Reply: Merry has always seemed like a candid person to me. He doesn't mess around about speaking the truth as he sees it. Yes, he knows that Pippin has been hurt and therefore so has he and he's going to be slow to forgive and forget. He probably never will do the forgeting part.

Glad to give you something read with your morning cuppa. Thanks for the review.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/29/2014
Merry is so candid (out of a loving heart), and it's good that Pippin and Diamond cleared the air.

Author Reply: I've never seen Merry as one to beat about the bush about most things and he's always going to have what he views as Pippin's best interests at heart. Hopefully by the time he and Estella and the children leave, He'll be reassured that Diamond and Pippin have truly reconciled.

Thanks for taking the time to read and review.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/28/2014
And that's exactly as Merry would do, isn't it? Forthrightness about his protective feelings towards Pippin, but cautious as well. After all, she broke Pippin's heart once, might she do it again? And yet observation is just the tack he would take and as perceptive as that Brandybuck is he'll soon see that Diamond is sincere.

Author Reply: Thanks. I'm glad that Merry's actions ring true. I rewrote half of this chapter this evening to get that element in. I was afraid that I had not done it justice. You reassure me. And, yes, Merry will like what he sees.

I have the feeling I'm going to be doing a lot of rewrting and writing of this on the fly. It has the potential to grow into quite a long tale and I have this hunch that the bunny is going to hop off onto some interesting side paths. I'll try to keep a leash on him. :)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/25/2014
I'm so glad to see that Diamond is coming around and realizing the mistakes she made. I look forward to seeing them become a happy and fulfilled family once more!

Pippin of course, is delighted and will be glad to forgive her and move on to a full reconciliation. There are a few, however, (like Merry and the King) who have known the truth of their relationship for a while. So she'll have more fences to mend than merely those with her husband! But I am sure that she'll face that hurdle with courage.

Author Reply: There was no way she could stay that unsympathetic for too long and deep down she loves him with all her heart. I'm glad she realized it before he'd totally resigned himself to a bleak future.

She's going to do just fine and he'll defend her to anyone, because that's just his nature.

Thanks for the review and some more fuel for the writing fire. :)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/25/2014
Good to see the love finally being properly expressed.

Author Reply: Yes it is. They're going to come through this just fine and discover that they have a lot of love between themselves and to share. Thanks for reviewing.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/25/2014
This leaves me feeling nearly as happy as Diamond and Pippin. What a sweet, thoughtful scene.

Author Reply: Thanks, Shirebound. I just hope the rest of the story lives up to the beginning.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/25/2014

I haven't read (as recommended) the earlier stories, not even the last chapter of the previous one (reading in stolen moments this morning), but you sprinkle enough hints here, I think I get the gist.

What a lovely sketch of both characters. I'm glad for them both. (Maybe I should say "for them all" for it includes the children as well.)

Author Reply: I'm glad that reading the other stories wasn't as important as I feared it would be. It had been six years between postings so I wasn't sure.

Thanks for the complements. I'm hoping that the rest of the story, which is looking to be rather long holds up to the beginning.

Thanks. for reviewing in your stolen reading moments.

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