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At Tharbad's Greenway Spring Faire  by Dreamflower 72 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/2/2015
A good start on letting the Gaffer know that being gentry is no bar to appreciation for a working stiff's abilities and friendship. Nicely done!

Author Reply: The Gaffer is used to the gentry of Hobbiton. Bilbo's an exception, and most of the hobbits attribute that to his "unfortunate adventure" and blame Gandalf. But he's unfamiliar with the gentry of other parts of the Shire and especially Buckland, which to my mind is definitely a place with a more frontier mentality than the rest of the Shire.

But I feel like he has come away with the assurance that at least in childhood, there won't be any bar to Sam's friendship with Merry unless he puts it there himself.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/2/2015
A good deal in common on all fronts, it seems. And I, too, was thinking on how Maglor's music must have inspired the traditions known in the Hall of Fire. How delightful!

Author Reply: That was not a notion that had occurred to me before I began this story, but it seemed very natural and likely once I started on the train of thought about what life might have been like with a bard like Maglor.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/2/2015
Ah, but Tater is the adventurous one indeed. We named the first one to do things Willie Wonka, and Willie was the first to figure out how to get out of his box, the first to figure out how to get outside, the first to discover water and to try to catch it, and the first to bring home prey--a moth, if I recall correctly. Sounds as if Tater and our Willie were indeed kindred spirits! Heh!

Author Reply: It seems in any litter of kittens or pups there is always one a little more adventurous and spirited than the rest!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 15 on 4/2/2015

Author Reply: Thanks! It was a lot of fun to do!

NotACatReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/2/2015
I might be a little late to raise this issue, but in the story that Berilac told in In the Court of the High King the Ranger was "Dirluin son of Hirluin".

Is this an intentional turnaround to demonstrate how stories get churned up in the telling, or a mistake?

Author Reply: I've been meaning for ages to answer this with a "Thank You!"

You are absolutely right, and it was a mistake. I decided to do the ret-conning in the other story, where the name's used merely in passing a couple of times, rather than in this one where I've used it frequently. So now the stories match.

A good lesson for me not to rely on memory, even when concerning my OWN stories, LOL! Again, thank you very much.

It's never too late to call me on an error, though some are not so easily fixable!

VirtuellaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 4/1/2015
Methinks Hirluin is going to have a surprise when the hobbits do anything but run and hide...?

VirtuellaReviewed Chapter: 8 on 4/1/2015
How true, a horse and human must seems to intimidating to hobbits! I like it that they call him "Mr Hirluin," that's a nice cultural element. And I'm glad the healer daughter is not at home, since that would have been a little too pat. Leaving some of her salves behind is plausible enough.

Author Reply: *grin* The horse and the human are going to be intimidating by their size if nothing else. The "Mr. Hirluin" seemed very natural to me; these are farmers of about the same social class as Farmer Cotton and Farmer Maggot.

I'm glad you appreciate the part about the daughter--that was exactly my reasoning for why she wasn't home for a visit at the time. But she'll certainly be needed later.

VirtuellaReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/1/2015
I always like a story that is set in regions the books don't tell us much about, like the lands to the North of the Shire here. This first chapter flows very well and I enjoy, as always, your elegant prose. How interesting that the dwarves should make telescopes!

Author Reply: Thanks! This is a part of the Shire I've not used much, so it is fun to imagine what it's like.

The spyglasses made by Dwarves and occasionally found in use by other peoples is a bit of fanon that I've put to use before. It seems like the sort of thing Dwarves might come up with that would be a handy item for trade.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 8 on 3/29/2015
This is getting better and better! I hope the authorities will believe Hirluin soon enough.

How would we react if someone told us that creatures out of nursery tales were coming to attack us?

demeter dReviewed Chapter: 8 on 3/16/2015
Such a smart horse. A good partner for a solitary Ranger to have on his travels. So now we know that the Ranger has a better chance. Next, to find the Bounders! It is probably a good thing that the Thain is also a "Took". That Tookish sense of adventure makes it more likely that the message will be believed. Now to see the Battle of Greenfileds from the Hobbits' point of view. I will be watching!

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