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Ada's Little Girl  by daw the minstrel 19 Review(s)
LaikwalâssêReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/2/2015
what fun, a new story of you. I always loved your family constallation around Legolas. Just as I could imagine it. Now to see how Ithilden will gather his resources - LOL! I have just purchased your novel. I´m so excited to finally read it. Hope all will go well with the shipping to Germany. Lai

Author Reply: Ithilden just needs a moment! LOL

I enjoy sending everyone else away and writing about a slightly smaller case sometimes. The basic relationships in all my stories are among Legolas and his father and brothers. That's the grounding.

I hope the book makes it to Germany too. I haven't actually seen it yet, but several people I know had it delivered yesterday and they say it's pretty. :-)

AnnarielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/1/2015
How wonderful, another story for my favorite fic!!!

I long to know what will happen to the three involved, it will Ithilden? What you'll find Legolas and Eilian? So much mystery to be unveiled.
And it would be marvelous to read also about Legolas being Southern patrol captain!!!!

Good to see you to write Legolas fic again!!

Author Reply: I love writing about these guys. Legolas and Eilian have been looking for someone who's digging, and lo and behold, Ithilden found a digger! There's only one more chapter, so we'll see how they get together.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/1/2015
Oh dear - all three of Thranduil's sons seem to be thinking 'What could possibly go wrong?' They should know the answer by now - everything! And heading out without their guards? *Shakes head*

I love this return to Legolas and his brothers. Each one is still so in character, especially Ithilden, I think: 'He pictured her, soft-spoken and gentle like Alfirin. Ithilden would teach her to play the harp. He'd have to keep her under close guard as long as Sauron's creatures lurked in the woods. She probably shouldn't be allowed more than a league from the stronghold. He could make that a rule. His daughter would understand that he was guiding her out of love and long wisdom. ' Ah, Ithilden - still thinking he can control his world. He's got a shock coming!

This tale is especially apt just now, as my son's partner is expecting their daughter any day now. I just hope their experience will be less fraught!

Author Reply: Oh, Jay, how exciting! I want grandchildren and my son is not cooperating.

Going off without guards was something I hesitated over. It's insane, really, but I needed them without guards. So I convinced myself that Legolas with Eilian isn't any less safe than Legolas with Beliond, and same with Eilian and Maltanaur. Ithilden is the really fool-hardy one here, but for all his rigidity, he's capable of thinking he controls many more things than he does.

Tell your son to stay home, no trips to inspect anything.

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/1/2015
What a Joy! I mean, that you have posted a new that poor Ithilden is stuck in a hole with a man and a girl...Well, the brothers to the rescue. You have not idea how much I have missed your stories.
Thranduil being a very good grandfather....

And Congratulations! will go and check your book. I was already aware...Wish you the best!

someoneReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/1/2015
It is not often that reading a story makes me chuckle out loud, but I couldn't help it now. First, "Ithilden was so stunned by the treachery of the world..." and then "He was in a hole with a Man, his daughter, and a tangle of rope. He would need a few moments to gather his resources." Your Ithilden is hilarious with the way he sees the world and reacts to things!

I've read (and re-read) many of your stories several times over the years without leaving a review, so this seems a good time to tell you how much I have enjoyed your take on the life in Mirkwood. The characters feel real and it's easy to grow fond of them.

Now, are Eilian and Legolas going to end in the hole, too?

Author Reply: That the characters feel real is the nicest thing you can tell me! And beyond that, thank you for telling me you've been reading and enjoying. I've occasionally had other people out themselves that way, and it always feels like I've had this friend I didn't know about. In other words, it's a very great pleasure.

Eilian and Legolas are on their way.

AromeneReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/1/2015
I love Legolas & family fics!

And congrats on your novel. What an achievement!

Author Reply: My beta has always said that my stories are about family, and as I tried to write so-called original fiction, I could see what she meant. I love brother stuff, so that's what's in my novel. I can't seem to get away from it.

The novel has been a long struggle. Writing is fun. Publishing is not.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/1/2015
Oh happy day! Not only a story, but multi-chaptered!!

Typical Eilian to duck out of the Celuwen/Thranduil confrontation. (Although I agree with Thranduil that grandchildren are there to indulge, while the parents can deal with the sugar high.) Although it's a good thing that he and Legolas have each other's back in the absence of Beliond and Maltanaur.

And typical Ithilden. Rules and keepers are for others - he is able to look after himself. Except when he's not.

Sera seems a bit of a brat, though. I don't think Ithilden will be too impressed at being stuck down a hole with her, not with his own little treasure on the way.

Lovely, lovely to see this. I look forward to seeing more. I'm now off to reread it.

Author Reply: Well, two chapters. Does that count as "multi"?

I am deeply jealous of people with grandchildren. I'm looking at you, Bodkin. Personally, if I were Celuwen, I'd want to move into a nearby flet where grandfather can visit but not interfere. But then, things are growing more dangerous in the Woodland Realm, so maybe not.

Sera and, to a lesser extent, Loriel are examples of the way daughters may not always be the little angels Ithilden is expecting. He and Alfirin will raise a more sensible girl that Sera for sure, but I doubt if she'll want to stay within a league of home forever.

Thanks, Bodkin.

MattReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/1/2015
Great to see you writing fanfic again. An interesting start to a new tale in this universe. Looking forward to seeing where you take things. Thanks for your hard work on this so far.

Author Reply: It was fun to write this again. Fanfic is all the fun of writing with none of the pressure of publishing. That's like the perfect world.

This story is only two chapters so I can't take it too far, but I hope it's a good read anyway.

Thanks for the kind words.

rikkiReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/1/2015
Congratulations on publishing your book! I know you have worked long and hard to become a published writer.

This time it is Ithilden who is having the adventure that Legolas and Eilian always seem to face. In his rush to get home before his daughter is born, he has fallen into a situation that he cannot control. Things are not going to fall into the order that Ithilden demands of his life and I have a feeling that you have started your readers on a comedy of errors that will be a great read.

Add to this mix two brothers who have left the palace without their guards or letting anyone know beyond Alfirin that Legolas is going to meet Ithilden and ride with him back to the stronghold. By the time the three get back to family and the king they are going to be wishing they had just stayed out in the woods. I am looking forward to this story of all the brothers together as they have not been since the Battle of the Five Armies.

Author Reply: Writing is so much easier than publishing, and writing is no picnic! Still, the book seems to be there on Amazon. I haven't held it in my hands yet, but I will.

Ithilden bossed people around until he put himself in a situation he'd be furious at someone else creating. I like writing the three brothers together. In some ways, that's why elfling Legolas stories are fun to write. The cast hasn't gotten too big yet. It's just Thranduil and the boys. Too many characters sort of confuse things.

This story is only two chapters long, because farce doesn't take you all that far, but it was fun to be writing this again. It's so low stress.

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