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Beyond Imladris  by PSW 134 Review(s)
elizaReviewed Chapter: 18 on 1/29/2017
Well, since my suggestion to let Elladan accidentally push Baradhald off the side of Amon Sul seemed a little extreme, I guess a good dressing down from Elrond will work (but feel free to use it, if he refuses to behave).

Nice chapter. It's an awesome portrayal of Elrond as a father. He's so often presented as the calm, wise, collected "lord of the Elves", I can imagine he would be like any other father when one of his children are threaten.

can't wait to here this conversation
Well done

Author Reply: Yes...this is someone who's been around a while -- fought in the War of Wrath and the Last Alliance. I'm sure he knows how to intimidate when necessary... ;-)

Thanks so much for reading and for your comments!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 18 on 1/29/2017
Wow, this is such an interesting and pivotal chapter. In the midst of the drama and revelations, I do love this sweetness...

Estel shook his head, and surprised them both by curling into Elrond’s side. His father put an arm around him and pulled him close, kissing the top of his head.

“I love you, my son.”

“I love you too, Ada.”

Author Reply: It's been a bit of a rough couple of weeks for both of them... ;-)

Thanks as always for reading and for your comments!

ibonekiReviewed Chapter: 18 on 1/29/2017
Mwahahaa *rubs hands together*
Suffice to say I am looking forward to the next chapter...

Author Reply: As am I ... ;-)

Thx as always for reading!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/19/2017
I just came back from out of town to find this chapter waiting. Yay!

I liked your description of rural life among the Dunedain. It can be hard for us to picture it since it's so different from the way most of us live. I also liked Elrond's comments on how Elves see differences in age once they mature because I've found it hard to wrap my brain around that.

Lovely, living chapter as always.


Author Reply: Thank you! :-) The more I think about it, the more I think there must be some genetic physiological difference as well as psychological difference in the Elves around this particular issue (among others). It can't be just their long years -- there must be something there even when they are children.

That said -- I had to leave some sort of opening for your Mirkwood. Middle Earth without Annael ... I just can't picture it anymore... ;-)

Thanks as always for reading and for your comments!

GuestReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/17/2017
Just read this all in one sitting. Wow, what a ride. Your characterizations are impeccable. This is the Elrond raising Estel slice of life (as it were) that I've always wanted. And your original characters are great support, particularly this awesome ranger. Would it be too easy for his young son to be Halbarad? Though I suppose that doesn't quite work since Halbarad was Aragorn's cousin, and Dorhaur is essentially a self-described nobody. Regardless I hope Estel will get to hang out with him when Dorhaur visits Imladris. Oh, and please tell me Baradhald gets what he deserves from Elrond (or Glorfindel, what a wingman) before this is up.

Author Reply: Thanks so much for your comments! I'm always very glad to hear that the characters ring true -- it's definitely important to me... :-) I'm so happy to hear you're enjoying it! Hope you like the rest as well. As for Baradhald ... i think I can safely say he won't be happy with the outcome. ;-)

Thanks for reading!

And PS....Glorfindel -- definitely what a wingman... ;-)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/17/2017
Considering how long my own lapses between chapters can take, who am I to criticize anyone else? Heh!

I love this father-to-father conversation. And now Estel has some explaining to do.

Author Reply: Right...nothing like turning around and finding a parent right there... :-P

I'm glad you're enjoying, thanks as always for reading and for your comments!

ibonekiReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/16/2017
Welcome back!
Boy do I love Elrond in this story. I've so longed for an Estel-growing-up fic written in such a way that feels believable in canon, and this continues to more than fit that bill. You keep bringing up so many interesting facets of the challenges faced raising a mortal (particularly THIS mortal), and in doing so, you write Elrond with a perfect mix of sagacity, paternal anxiety, and openness. And using a ranger OC to help all of that continues to be great. What I don't like--the end is in sight! Say it ain't soooooooo

Author Reply: Thank you! That's a fantastic compliment ... I always try so hard to keep things canon-believable, and I'm always glad to hear when it seems to be working out. :-) I have been having a lot of fun writing Elrond, actually -- I'm happy you're enjoying!

Thanks as always for reading and for your comments!

elizaReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/15/2017
Welcome back and happy New Year.
I had been checking back regularly for an update and glad to see the story continue.

I'll repeat what the other reviewers mentioned. You're portrayal of Elrond is wonderful. I enjoy how he is not to proud to admit his limitations and ask for help.

And it's nice to see Estel getting back into a bit of mischief, a sure sign that he feels safe again.

Thanks for the update.

Author Reply: Thank you for sticking with it! And I'm so glad you enjoyed this chapter!

Yes, I really feel that a part of wisdom -- and Elrond is definitely that -- is knowing when you don't know, and asking for help. He's got a ready-made resource, and he's going to use it! :-)

Thanks so much for reading and for your comments!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/15/2017
Very wise to split the final chapters. Be easy on yourself!

Oh my, what an unexpected and rare conversation for Dorhaur. Imagine spending one-on-one time with Elrond and learning so much about Elves and their lives.

Author Reply: Yes. Dorhaur is a bit overawed at first, and understandably so -- but he quickly comes to see that Elrond has let some of his defenses down, and is offering him a conversation that not everyone gets to have. It will definitely be something he'll remember...

Thanks so much for all your continued support and your wonderful comments!

CelethReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/15/2017
Oh no, now it's coming, what I had dreaded so much. The end is coming...waaahhh!!!

That said, I loved the way you portrayed Lord Elrond in this chapter. His rumination, and his humility in asking for Dorhaur's thoughts. I also liked the way you gave Dorhaur's "side comments" hehe.

Thank you for coming back, and Happy New Year!

Author Reply: Thank you! I would think that true wisdom would allow for that kind of admit that you just don't know something. And why *would* Elrond understand the nuances of raising a Man rather than an Elf? It's not something he's done... And w someone like Dorhaur at hand -- a father, a Man, and someone who has show obvious affection for Estel -- I would think he'd just jump on that chance.

Thanks so much as always for reading and for your comments!

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