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Beyond Imladris  by PSW 134 Review(s)
daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/29/2016
Oh good! I stopped by here tonight to see if you'd updated and here the chapter was!

This is going to sound odd, but I liked the fact that you separated Elladan and Elrohir in the first scene rather then having them act as one. Sometimes they're sort of merged into one, as if they were a single person. Actually, I enjoy stories where they appear completely separately too.

Dorhaur's POV is interesting as he recovers from his astonishment and makes guesses. I hadn't thought much about how much the average Ranger would think or know about what happened to Arathorn's family. I like the suggestion of some conflict over that. It seems realistic because no group is completely harmonious.

Author Reply: Yes, I like it when they're split up sometimes too. Tolkien gave us so very little about them, and to me it's hard to get a sense of their individual personalities if they don't spend a little time not just playing off of each other. I have seen a few stories that actually separated them for a good length of time, and it is always very interesting to watch them develop separately ...

It seems to me that the Dunedain couldn't just announce that Aragorn was dead in order to hide him -- it would make it more difficult for him take up his position again when he was grown. There's always the possibility of someone objecting, or claiming that it wasn't really him, or some such. Better that he just disappear, and then let the rumors run wild -- some people might get close to the truth, but no one would know for sure, and there would be no 'official proclamations', as it were, to get around when he does return.

Thanks as always for reading and commenting! :-)

(I've been reading your adult Legolas stories again, BTW -- I love the ones when he's out on patrol. But I'd forgotten how cheerfully I could have strangled a great many of those settlement Elves ... :-P)

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/29/2016
a truly incredible series of circumstances came together at exactly the wrong moment

LOL, so true! This is a wonderful chapter, with so much resolved. I'm very relieved that Estel is back in loving arms once again.

Author Reply: I'm glad you liked it! I went back and forth over doing the POV switch, but I think the story was in a good place for it, and there were things to cover that Estel couldn't really hear. I thought it turned out pretty well... :-)

Yes, I liked that line too -- it was definitely a perfect storm... :-P

Thanks so much for reading and commenting!

shadowbrideReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/24/2016
I did wonder if Estels` dream was a premonition that his family were close by, however, I didn`t expect that to be the case.

Pleased that he is found now and safe????????

Would be interested to hear how the elves explain who Estel is to the Ranger.

Great story by the way - I always look forward for an update.

Author Reply: Yes, I suspect that they'll have an interesting time trying to decide what to say, as well... :-P

Thanks so much for reading and commenting!

ibonekiReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/24/2016
I feel like Estel's relief that his Ada was not a hallucination pretty much leapt off the page. Great job. I also enjoy that over the course of a few days, Dorhaur has grown to respect Estel and Estel considers him a friend, aww. In addition to more of this happy reunion, I am super-duper looking forward to Dorhaur's reaction upon realizing who just saved them, and to whom Estel belongs.

Author Reply: Yes, I like the way their friendship has developed, too. When Dorhaur first appeared, I wasn't quite sure how that was going to go, but it's worked out...

Thanks so much for reading and commenting!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/24/2016
I nearly missed this chapter because it was posted so soon after the previous one!

I like the way the bond between Estel and Dorhaur has grown up with their mutual trust and respect. For some reason, it surprised me that Dorhaur slid down into the ravine to go after the wargs, though once he did it, I could see it was the only option. I'd be a terrible Ranger.

a rush of glittering steel and flowing hair, dark and bright in the moonlight.

What lovely phrasing.

So I have a question about decisions you make when you're writing young Aragorn. I've never done it, but one thing I've wondered about is what Estel might call Elrond and the twins. You chose to have him call Elrond "Ada" and to think of him as "his father" and of the twins as "his brothers." I think that somewhere Elrond refers to him as his son? I may be misremembering that. But Estel knows Elrond isn't his father in the same way he's the twins' father. So how do you think he worked that out in his head?

Author Reply: Ha! I liked that line myself -- thanks for noticing. :-P

Yes, Dorhaur only had a sword and a knife with him, there wasn't much he could do from up top. I doubt I would make a good Ranger either... ;-)

Thanks so much for reading and commenting!

elizaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/24/2016
Oy Vey! talk about suspense. Awesome chapter PSW, although I almost screamed at my computer when the wargs showed up. Talk about terrible luck. thank you for sending in the Calvary. I'm almost as relieved as Estel, lol although I imagine he's a bit happier.

great job

Author Reply: Thank you! I'm happy you're enjoying it. :-)

Yes, those wargs really were the cap to a bad night -- but now at least everyone's in the same place again....almost. Those back home still don't know what's happening, I guess...

Thanks so much for reading and commenting!

RobnrunReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/24/2016
An unexpected update! Though I suppose this means two weeks with none... But thanks!
I'd love to see Dorhaur's side of this story at some point!

Author Reply: You're welcome! :-) I was excited for this chapter, I hated to wait. It may turn out that I'll be able to work some writing in....but I thought, just in case....

Thanks so much for reading and commenting!

someoneReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/24/2016
When Estel woke up in the ravine, my first thought was that no one should have that bad luck and he simply can't get lost at this point! Luckily Dorhaur was able to track him even in the dark and didn't leave Estel alone... Where did those wargs even come from! That was a good moment for the elves to finally catch up.

Dorhaur is going to be confused by Estel's family, but it is good to have Elrond around if one has been bitten by a warg. I'm looking forward to hearing Elrond's side of the story, and seeing if Dorhaur finally understands who his young friend is.

Author Reply: I know, poor kid. ;-) But it all worked out in the end -- and I suspect that Dorhaur will find himself high in Rivendell's favor.

From Aragorn's comment in FotR -- 'Strider I am to one fat man who lives within a day's march of foes that would freeze his heart and lay his little town in ruin -- I assume their must be wargs and other baddies pretty close by....

Thanks so much for reading and commenting!

Author Reply: There, not their... :-P

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/24/2016
He flung himself across Elrond’s lap even as the Lord of Imladris pulled away from the edge, and the strong, slender arms closed tight around him.


Oh gosh, I hope Dorhaur isn't too badly hurt. *frets*

Author Reply: Hooray indeed! :-) Hopefully not ... we'll see what comes of this all...

Thanks for reading and all your comments! :-)

CelethReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/24/2016
Oohhhh...that was such a relief, and just in the nick of time too! Elrond and his sons, and the mighty Glorfindel too (who just happens to be my favorite Elf) couldn't have come at a more opportune moment. can't be...surely Estel was not dreaming again, sleepwalking again in that uncomfortable ravine floor? Nooooo!!!

But that was so masterfully written, first the peaceful interlude between the dour Ranger and young Estel, both of them opening up to each other in the peace of the starlit night. How fortunate that Dorhaur did not return for his rope just yet! And then, with one terrifying growl, the story gets the heart racing, full of action and terror, right until the moment when Estel is safe in his foster father's arms. Its so surreal that I have to wonder if Estel is still dreaming.

And if it is real, I wonder what Dorhaur will make of it, that Estel calls the Master of Imladris Ada, and his adored brothers turn out to be the Elven warriors Elladan and Elrohir. Surely Dorhaur would know them since they are known to occasionally ride with the Dunedain.

But Estel's identity has to remain secret, so I wonder what will happen next. I'm so excited to know what will happen next...but a little sad that this story seems to be winding to a close soon =(

Author Reply: It's got a bit of life in it yet, never fear.... ;-)

I'm so glad you're enjoying it! I was excited for this chapter...

Thanks so much for reading and commenting!

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