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The Thrum of Tookish Bowstrings, Part 1  by Lindelea 85 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 8 on 2/27/2020
Sounds as if Rudigrim is one of the prime instigators here. What is his motivation, then? Envy? Spite? The desire to see the Thain cringe and crawl?

Author Reply: (((hugs))) I know it looks dark, and it will get a bit darker before the dawn. Rudigrim may well be reflecting the political turmoil amongst the Tooks, seeing that the viciousness of the gossip (gossip can be incredibly destructive even when there is no malice behind it. perhaps especially then.) has just about rendered the Thain and Steward ineffective by this point. That, mixed with his own personal resentment (he was of the "Regi for Thain" faction before Paladin called Pippin back), is not a good combination for Pippin's sake.

This story is a roller-coaster, for sure (at the moment, it's coming in between 40 and 50 chapters, depending on where the natural breaks work best, and the Muse just added a new section that was supposed to be only one chapter but expanded to several). However, once we get past this stretch of whitewater, the political turmoil will die down a bit and there will be other things driving the plot.

Thank you so much for your support! Looking forward to seeing you.

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 8 on 2/26/2020
Wow! A trial and Farry as witness! Everyone being suspect! That is horrible! Ferdi and Tilly suffering Pippin's suspicion in the past now the rest of the Tools. Ferdi just can never seem to catch a break!

Author Reply: Oh, I know! For the most part, this story pictures a slice of Farry's life every five years or so, and Ferdi and the other hobbits around him certainly seem to go through more than their share of troubles in each segment. It must have something to do with the luck of the Tooks. Though it makes me wince to say so, this story does happen to catch Ferdi at some of his worst times, luck-wise. I comfort myself by imagining the long stretches of boring days where nothing happens, that come in between the crises, but as JRRT himself noted, don't make for very good storytelling. LOL!


MirkwoodmaidenReviewed Chapter: 8 on 2/25/2020

Eeeeek! Poor little Farry having to testify. At least Fortinbrand was gentle in his handling of the child. Still what a to-do! I await with baited breathe the next set of happenings!


Author Reply: Fortinbrand has a good heart and the best of intentions. He's doing his best to see justice done. And in this system, which considers hobbits as generally honest and open about their deeds (there is No smoke without fire, added to the attitude that an accusation would hardly be made unless it's true along with the heavy penalty for false accusation), the accused is automatically considered guilty unless further investigation or witnesses' answers to questions prove him/her innocent. It is a thorny problem!

Have had too much caffeine today, so thanks for bearing with me as I think aloud, and for taking the time to leave an encouraging word!

demeter dReviewed Chapter: 8 on 2/25/2020
"It gets a bit bumpy from here" she says. OH MY GOODNESS! What next? Are they going to say the Master of Buckland is not fit to pass judgement on the Thain or his relatives because he, himself is related to the Thain? Wow! You can not leave this one hanging now that you have brought us to this state! More, please? You know, tho, if he was not also so connected to the Thain, I wonder what the mayor with his "Plain Hobbit Sense" would have to say about all of this? I am glad you are still writing, dear lady!

Author Reply: Happily, I have a number of chapters already edited and ready to go on this one (and more are currently going through beta reading), so there should be a new chapter every two or three days. The Muse has been in a particularly good mood since returning out of the blue recently, for which I am eminently grateful.

It's so good to hear from you! Glad you're along for the ride. Thanks for stopping to leave a good word.

MirkwoodmaidenReviewed Chapter: 7 on 2/24/2020
Oh Dear! You weren't kidding when you said the ride gets bumpy! Poor Pippin! Those Plotting Tooks! *Fume* *Fume* Plotting against our Pippin!!

Needless to say I am really liking this story!

Pippin would of course always be welcome in Gondor with the King, but still!!


Author Reply: MM, I am so glad you are liking the story!

I am doing my best to write it so that it fits on the timeline I constructed years ago (and have written to, for the most part), and yet still works as a standalone. Hopefully it works!

Ah, those Tooks! (But of course, JRRT said himself that hobbits could be quite stubborn and tiresome and have limited imagination, or something like that... But Gandalf also said that hobbits were full of surprises, so there is that.)

Thanks! As I'm sure you'd agree, reading reviews is so very encouraging.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 2/23/2020
Hmm. And who is guilty of this joke at justice, eh? Am angry on the accuseds' parts!

Author Reply: Tooks, actually. Which will come clearer as the story proceeds.


Author Reply: Will modify my answer thus: Tooks who are seeking what they consider is best for their homeland.


Author Reply: And, because I am rather driven to distraction at the moment, and hoping for a good outcome, I will divert myself with a riddle hopefully worthy of a Tookish-Bagginsy Burglar himself, with his "burahobbit" answer that, while perfectly true, also served to confuse certain others in his story.

Tooks, and Tooks who are seeking what they consider is best for their homeland, and a few more Tooks into the bargain.

Thank you for having patience with me. Will tell you all about it when we meet again.

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 6 on 2/22/2020
I was delighted to see this story! I have been away from fanfic for some years and only returning as a lurker every once in a while. Anyway! To have a new story from a familiar name was so exciting!

I have always loved your character development of Ferdibrand and the other escort hobbits!

Poor Farry to hear talk of his father's short life. He is loosing his own childhood prematurely because of it. Looking forward to finding out how he and those close to him handle the challenge of this sickness!

Author Reply: It is so good to hear from you again! I too have been away from fanfic for some years, but now that I am semi-retired, the Muse has returned from a long absence. This story is written all the way to the end! I'm hoping she will be tractable enough to tackle the WIPs as well. At the moment, it seems to be working to post two or three chapters a week.

Thank you so much for stopping and leaving a good word.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 2/22/2020
Always the healer first, our Woodruff. May Farry recover swiftly!

Author Reply: Amen to that! Both of your sentiments, actually.


MirkwoodmaidenReviewed Chapter: 6 on 2/21/2020
Poor little Farry! It has been rough time for him.


Author Reply: It's hard to catch a break, especially when everything you say and do is a matter of gossip for those around you. Poor little fellow. But he's got a good head on his shoulders, and he will certainly come into his own.


shireboundReviewed Chapter: 6 on 2/21/2020
Oh no, what a shock for everyone. Poor little lad, and poor Diamond and Pippin.

Author Reply: I remember when my little ones came down sick; I always wished I could swap places with them.

Thanks for stopping and leaving a good word!

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