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Reclaiming Khazad-dûm  by Ellynn 124 Review(s)
LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 3/29/2021
Methinks Darri is one sharp character. His realization that the story is growing with each telling was well done. I like the moment of connection with the passing elf.

I'm sorry the king took offense. Sometimes it is a better idea to listen quietly than to show off your pride. The elves might have had information worth hearing.

Interesting speculation about the hidden spider nursery that keeps replenishing the forest supply. Since we no longer have giant spiders in the world, I wonder what hero might have been responsible for finally eradicating the menace?

I have tried mead once or twice. I remember the last time clearly; it was not to my taste. Rather than sweet, like a Rheinland Auslese (which is what I was expecting, seeing as it was made from honey), it was dry and reminded me more of a very dry French wine. (My taste runs to German or California or Washington or Oregon wines rather than French; I have tasted French wine mainly at family gatherings as that is my brother-in-law's preference. I find Italian, South American, and Australian wine quite palatable as well. And now you're going to think me a lush. Sigh, I love wine, but it does not love me, so these days I use it mostly in cooking. Still, they say to cook with a wine good enough for drinking...)

Author Reply: Back in carboniferous period, oxygen level was about 30%. All the insects and spiders and their relatives were GIANT. I'm SO glad they are small now. :)))

Thank you for the review, I'm glad you like those little details. Thanks for reading.

(I like sweet drinks. Sweet sparkling wines, sweet liquers made of blueberries. And yes, I think wine is a good addition for cooking. :) )

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 20 on 3/29/2021
Tyra is such a wonderful friend. I'm glad the young lovers are together again!

Author Reply: I promised things would get better, didn't I? :)

And now... towards Khazad-dum and war.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 8 on 3/27/2021
Quite an exciting battle! But what happened to the young Dwarves who were planning on spectating?

Early in the reading, I had the curious thought: if female Dwarves had beards, what if Gimli had been Gloin's daughter? Odd, the things that happen before-coffee.

I loved this bit of characterization:

"Your highness, it could be dangerous," his general warned him.

"As if that will stop me," replied Durin, and one end of his lips rose in a smile.

Somehow, the dialogue with the Elves' leader reminded me of Legolas and Gimli's counting game.

Ah, yes, mead. The celebratory post-game drink.

Author Reply: You mean, what happened to Darri and Faldur - on the way towards the center of events? Well, nothing much. You can simply imagine that by the time they reached the front part of the camp - near which the battle happened - the battle was finished.
But that doesn't mean that something interesting won't happen to them just a little later... :)))

Can you believe that I have never actually tried mead and that I have no idea what I'm writing about when I mention it? *lol* I've tried different drinks, but somehow I haven't had the chance for mead. You?

Thanks for the review. :*

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 7 on 3/26/2021
The precautions against the possibility of giant spiders sound quite practical.

I have to tell you, I laughed out loud when Darri swore. The perfect Dwarvish expletive!

Looking forward to reading more.

Author Reply: I supposed that Dwarvish swearing should be different than ours, so I tried to come up with something funny. I'm happy I succeeded! :)))

Thank you.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 19 on 3/24/2021
As if this will ease ANY pain! Foolish girl!

Author Reply: Foolish, yes. But young and inexperienced in love. And *very* scared.

Thanks for the review, dear.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 3/24/2021
The bear still could be one of several things. One of which didn't care all that much for Dwarves, as I recall, though he put up with them, with a little machination by a certain Grey Wizard.

The tall young Dwarf evidences empathy and imagination. Quite promising.

Safety in numbers. Yes, that sounds like a good plan.

Looking forward to reading more.

Author Reply: Oh, this one was just the ordinary bear. :)
But who knows what future brings...? :)))
Thank you. :*

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 19 on 3/22/2021
Oh no, poor confused Darri.

Because numbers matter. Because any fighter can contribute. Because our common goal is above us individuals. Because we create a future for our people, for those who are not born yet

Those are very good reasons indeed.

Author Reply: This is not an easy period for any of them. Some are confused, some are scared... some are hurt.
But things *will* get better, I promise. :)

Thank you. :*

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/22/2021
Talk about an enchanted stream! I was so glad it wasn't the kind of enchantment that would send her off to sleep and threaten to drown her (though I imagine that the dark magic has been cleansed and driven out of the Wood of Greenleaves - at least, I should hope so). That the stream communicated with Halldis and told her its story... somehow seems to fit with her artistic bent.

Dwarves are so practical. (They picked up the dead wood and didn't cut live wood in part because the branches were too high to reach. I snorted at that.)

Hmm. I can think of two kinds of bears that might be in the forest. Looking forward to seeing where this story goes next. What a nice way to wake up and drink my coffee before starting my workday.

Author Reply: I think that, after almost seven centuries of peace, there is no more darkness in the forest, so I believe this was the right kind of magic to write about.
No more darkness... almost.

I am saying no more about it. Or about the other kind of bear. *significant silence*

Thank you. :)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 18 on 3/18/2021
Finally, am all caught up! Each has his or her own reasons for wanting to enter Khazad-dum once more, and Durin has his plans set. Excellent planning shown, and am glad they are planning to deal with the Rohirrim,

Author Reply: Well, trade is the logical next step once they settle in Khazad-dum. No country or people can produce *everything*, so trade is a necessity.
Thank you so much for all the reviews. *hugs*

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 17 on 3/18/2021
Durin is thrilled to see the mountains of their beginning at long last, and two of his younger followers are finding one another. Life will continue, and their people will once again flourish once the halls of their ancestors are won!

Author Reply: I think that Khazad-dum, when turned from empty blackness to the place filled with light and life, is really beautiful.

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