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Two By Two  by Jay of Lasgalen 52 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/29/2004
Such a shame to stop this! They are so sweet.

I love the tormenting of the twins - tell them they might be muddled up, hint there was a bigger problem and disappear.

You just couldn't get human males flirting convincingly with someone who had been their babysitter - 20 years is just too big a gap. It must be odd with elves - after the first millennia, surely age really doesn't matter.

I shall miss the cute baby elflings.

Author Reply: The baby twins are sweet, but there's only so much I can write about them like this. As young elflings they will be into more mischief, and asserting their individuality - there's more potential for stories.

I think Elrohir could flirt with anyone! (and I wish he'd try it with me ...)

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/29/2004
Oh wonderful! This made me laugh. The way elves' ages seem to even out when they're adults makes all kinds of funny things possible. And these two are going to have some confusing questions for their parents. I hope they're all sober!

Author Reply: Elrohir will soon be very sober indeed when he hears what happened - it must be rather a shock! As an apprentice, Firiene would have been around her majority at the time - so what's 50 years age difference when one is 2000?

KarriReviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/29/2004
Uh-oh, the cat's out of the bag. It's a good thing the tale makes for such a sweet one. I'm sure the twins will be touched if they manage to get it out of nana and ada.

Author Reply: Yes, they will know the whole story soon - and poor Elrohir will get rather a shock. It will make them appreciate Elrond even more!

LOTR loverReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/28/2004
"'Elrond, you wretch!'" I love it! They're hardly born, and *Elrond* is playing twin games with them! What an inspired moment, Jay!

Author Reply: That's my favourite part in this chapter - I'm glad someone else liked it as well. Poor Celebrian had an anxious moment there.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/27/2004
Ah, this is a nice way of showing the parent/child fear bonding without long explanations :D. They *knew* each little soul - very nice.

Author Reply: I didn't feel capable of describing the intricacies of bonding, so I decided that Celebrian couldn't describe it either. She just knew her sons.

LiannaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/27/2004
I just discovered this story, and I have been catching up on it. You've got me hooked. I was almost afraid you would really let Elrohir die -- after all, you did kill off Legolas in the very first chapter of your very first LOTR fanfic; who knows what you are capable of doing?

But this is a very good story. A little angst, a little sweetness, a little humor, a lot of exhaustion. That's pretty much what early parenthood is all about. I must admit, however, that I never thought about the need for parents of identical twins to use some sort of trick to tell their babies apart!

I do not write fanfiction; I only read it. But as it happens, I earn my living as an editor (of technical books). Most of the manuscripts that come my way are nowhere near as clearly written or error-free as your stories are. My compliments to you and your beta reader.

Author Reply: < ... you did kill off Legolas in the very first chapter of your very first LOTR fanfic; who knows what you are capable of doing?> Yes, I did, and I'm still not sure where that came from! I'm so glad you like the story - this one is 90% fluff, with just a little angst (but Elrohir is fine, really!)

Thank you - especially as I don't use a beta reader! (I should, I know - I check and re-check stories, and as soon as I publish one I notice something wrong!)

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/27/2004
Oh good for Naneth! And good for Ada too. I love the way these elves can identify their kids by just sensing them.

I remember not wanting to leave my son for very long when he was first born. I think I had more separation anxiety than he did.

Author Reply: I think Elves would be able to do that. And bearing in mind that Celebrian is Galadriel's daughter, I'm *quite* sure she can tell the twins apart! ;)

The first time I left my son, he was spoilt rotten by my Mum and Dad ...

KarriReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/27/2004
Very sweet! I am glad that nana and ada could tell them apart. :-)

Author Reply: I think they *would* be able to tell. Though it would make an interesting basis for a story if they couldn't tell them apart ...

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/27/2004
Big huge aaaahhhhh. I'm glad that Elrond and Celebrian knew which was which.

It's funny to look back on having tiny babies - you long for them to sleep, then hover over them watching to make sure they are breathing. You long to get away and are then itching to get back. And you think it will last for ever, and it's over in moments, leaving you years to regret that you were too exhausted and stressed to enjoy it properly.

Author Reply: I know what you mean - but I preferred the toddling/young child years. I found them more interesting then. I was never broody over babies.

I'm sure Elrond and Celebrian will enjoy this time with their sons, though - at least they are not deliberately causing chaos yet!

AnyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/7/2004
*LOL* Oh no, poor Firiene(with double-dots over the last e *gg*)! I'm sure Celebrķan and Elrond can tell the twins apart. What a nice story, Jay. I love how everyone falls for the twins. Funny I'm currently working on something similar - little Legolas bringing down a proud, strong, mighty King of Mirkwood! *LOL* ;)

Just one little nitpick: I am a twin myself and my twinsister and I were just as big as any other babies so I can tell from own experience (hehe) that twins aren't necessarily smaller than other newborns :)

Love your stuff! :)


Author Reply: I'd love to read that! I love Good!Thranduil stories. E and C will be able to tell the twins apart, though no one else can at this stage.

I confess to virtually no knowledge of twins at all, but just guessed that with two in a space designed for one, they'd be smaller!

Thanks for the review.

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