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The Silence  by Aldwen
Young Celebrimbor's story of the time after the return of the Noldor to Middle-earth for the Silmarils and during their abiding by the Lake Mithrim. A story of sorrow and despair, but also a story of hope. Canonic gap-filler.
Status: Complete
Chapter  1: Chapter 10
Chapter  2: Chapter 21
Chapter  3: Chapter 31
Chapter  4: Chapter 40
Chapter  5: Chapter 51
Chapter  6: Chapter 61
Chapter  7: Chapter 70
Chapter  8: Chapter 81
Chapter  9: Chapter 90
Chapter 10: Chapter 100
Chapter 11: Chapter 110
Chapter 12: Chapter 121
Chapter 13: Chapter 130
Chapter 14: Chapter 140
Chapter 15: Chapter 151
Chapter 16: Chapter 160
Chapter 17: Chapter 170
Chapter 18: Chapter 180
Chapter 19: Chapter 190
Chapter 20: Chapter 203

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