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Miscreants and Rapscallions  by Elendiari22

Disclaimer: I don’t own them, and I’ll put them back safely when I’m done!

Author’s Note: I’m terribly sorry it took me so long to update, but school just ended and I now have time to write. Expect regular updates for as long as this story continues. Thank you, all of my readers!


Chapter Eighteen: The End of the Contest

  The opponents sat in two groups, staring at each other. Merry sat against his pole, hands still tied behind his back, glowering at them all. Legolas and Faramir Took sat patiently in the shade, waiting to see what would happen. Faramir was covered in orange powder.

   When the children had looked up to see the elves standing in the opposite entrance to the open square, they had shrieked and dived at Merry. Merry, hot and hung over, had groaned and resorted to childishly kicking them away from him.

    “Get off me, or I’ll bite you!” he growled. “I will!”

    The children had backed away, and the elves, who had started forward, stopped. Faramir nodded wisely at them.

    “That’s a good idea,’ he said. “Cousin Merry has sharp teeth.”

    And so they sat in a face off. Elladan glowered at them, and Eldarion glared back until Elfwine whispered in his ear, and they turned away. Their whispers were so soft that Legolas could barely hear them.

   Merry gave a loud sigh and growled, “If you’re not going to untie me, can you at least give me some water? My head is being pounded by dwarvish hammers.”

   Immeren, Elrohir’s wife, stood and helped the hobbit drink from a water skin she had carried with her. Merry smiled at her gratefully, than proceeded to glower again at the rest of the assembled personages. From where he was sitting next to Lindir, Faramir stifled a giggle.

   At last, Eldarion stood up and faced them all. “As son of the High King Elessar, I hereby decree that anyone who steals a hobbit, or who forces one to do something against their will, will be forced to sleep in the dungeons.”

  Elladan coughed back a laugh; Eldarion looked so much like the child Aragorn had at that moment that he couldn’t help but chuckle. The children were all glaring at them, backing their prince up.

   “Then I suppose that Queen Arwen and Lady Eowyn will be sleeping in the dungeon?” Merry demanded. “Because Overheaven knows that I was forced to do this!”

   Eldarion faltered; he hadn’t thought of that. Theodwyn leapt to her feet and placed her hands on her hips, obviously prepared to do any dirty work for him.

    “This wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t kidnapped Faramir!” she cried, glaring at the Elves.

    It starts, Legolas thought, and fought to keep from rolling his eyes.

    “My lady, as I recall, you were the ones who took Prince Legolas captive in the first place,” Elrohir said serenely. “We merely retaliated.”

   Theo snorted. “Yes, but we’re children!”

   “Can we please not fight and resolve this!” bellowed Merry, sounding for all the world like he was about to wail. “It’s hot out here, and I’m wanting my lunch, so if you can please settle this issue, I’d be most grateful. Thank you.”

   Properly cowed, the elves and the children stared at each other a little more. Faramir crawled into Immeren’s lap and fell asleep, and Rowan stretched out on the grass next to Legolas. Elfwine’s stomach rumbled, and still they did not budge. Merry leaned back against his post and began to sing the bawdiest song that he could think of, hoping that it would force them into hostage negotiations. It worked.

    “Prince Eldarion, you are too much like us for your own good,” sighed Elrohir, throwing a glare at the master of Buckland. “You want Faramir back, and we want Legolas released, right?” Eldarion nodded, and the Elf lord continued. “How about this: we will end the game on a draw. We will all march out together with Master Brandybuck, and tell the King and Queen that we wish to lay aside our differences and be friends. Then we will release the prisoners, and will head back into the City. Doubtless a hearty lunch will be waiting for us.”

     At that, Faramir opened his eyes. “Lunch? Where?”

    The children giggled, and went into a small huddle. There was much whispering and shaking of heads, and one emphatic, “But I like the Elves, Elfwine!” from Rowan, and then they turned back around to face their audience.

    “We have agreed to end the game in a draw, and will now proceed out of the maze with all of you, my lords and lady,” Eldarion said. “We will release Legolas if you will release Faramir.”

   Immeren responded by untying the rope around Faramir’s wrist. The hobbit sprang up with a grin and ran across the lawn to his friends. Theodwyn grabbed him and hugged him tightly, closely followed by Elanorallie. “You’re back! You’re back!” they chanted gleefully. Faramir looked a little flustered.

   Eldarion untied Legolas, grinning slightly at him. “You’re free to go, my lord,” he said, bowing.

   Legolas bowed back. “Thank you, my prince,” he said. “Go rescue Faramir from the ladies.”

   Eldarion and Elfwine glanced back to where the hobbit was heatedly protesting the hugs and kisses being forced upon him by Theodwyn and Elanorallie, while Rowan looked on and giggled. Legolas went over to the sons of Elrond, and the others, while the lads went to rescue their friend.

   “Well, this has certainly been an interesting adventure, hasn’t it, my friends?” he said, grinning broadly.

   Elrohir laughed and cuffed Legolas playfully on the arm. “It certainly has. Who would have thought that children would challenge us?”

   “Ah, but they are led by Estel’s son,” Immeren pointed out. “Who would do such a thing.”

   Lindir laughed, trading an amused glance with Haldir. The older Elf was untying Merry, who was looking extremely gratified to be free. The hobbit clapped his hands, commanding all of the attention to himself.

  “It’s well past luncheon, my lords and ladies. Shall we get out of this maze and demand our lunch?”


   Aragorn, Eomer, and Prince Faramir were standing at the edge of the Royal Pavilion, gazing out at the two teams. They appeared to be in a standoff of sorts, which Aragorn knew from experience could last for hours. Merry looked furious, and Aragorn felt a stab of pity for him, tied to a pole wearing a pale pink dress. He was rather glad that Faramir and Eomer were in control of themselves again. They had spent the first half hour of the contest laughing themselves silly over Merry’s plight. It had taken Aragorn threatening to make them wear dresses to the next feast that had finally made them be quiet.

 “Ah, here we go,” Faramir muttered, as the prisoners were untied. “Valar save us when Legolas comes after us.”

   Eomer gave an undignified snicker. “I fear for Arwen. Merry looks like he’s out for blood.”

   “Yes, but his retributions are generally harmless in the long run, although they are very annoying at the start,” Aragorn said without thinking. This earned him two very interested glances. To change the subject, he nodded back towards the field. “Here they come.”

    The Elves and the children were walking together out of the maze, coming back the way that they had gone in. Merry had pulled the dress off, revealing his trousers and shirtsleeves.

   At that same moment, Arwen, Eowyn, and the hobbit matrons appeared at the entrance to the pavilion. They were all unabashedly grinning broadly, although Arwen was the only one who had managed to make hers serene. They assembled themselves as the teams came out of the maze.

    “Have you come to present the winners?” the Queen asked as the sweaty, bedraggled players came out of the maze.

    Lindir bowed. “Your highness, we have ended in a draw,” he announced.

    Arwen nodded. “I take it you sorted out your differences, and exchanged prisoners?” They all nodded. “Good. In that case, we will retire to the Citadel for the victory feast. But first, tell me. How many times were the prisoners hit by blunted arrows?”

    “There was a reason for that?” cried Legolas. Arwen nodded and raised an eyebrow at him. “Twice.”

   “Four times, Queen Arwen,” Faramir Took said cheerfully. “But it didn’t really hurt. They more came out of the bushes and whacked me.”

   Arwen smiled at him. “I’m glad of that. I must announce that the arrows were for a reason. They let me know how many points each team received. Now I know. You will find out the rest at tonight’s feast.”

    With that, she swept off of the stand. The contestants glanced at each other, shrugged, and started back towards the City. Legolas rubbed his shoulder absently.

   “Whatever it is she’s up to now,” he said to Elladan, “It had better be good.”

    Elladan nodded fervently. He had thought it would be over, with the end of the contest. Apparently not.



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