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Sun and Shadow  by sheraiah

Disclaimer: Don’t own it, just playing in Tolkien’s sandbox for awhile.

Thank you for the lovely reviews!  I’m really stepping out of my comfort zone with this one as it is my first attempt at a romance and all encouragement is appreciated.


                                              Valilis found little rest that night. Again and again she found her thoughts returning to Thranduil. She knew not what to make of her fascination with him. Finding out that she had not only spied on a king while he was bathing, but had teased and flirted with that king as well unsettled her. He had not seemed to mind, he had seemed to enjoy the familiar manner she had taken with him. In fact, as she thought about it, he had appeared very reluctant to tell her his name. Did he have no one who saw the elf and not the king? From his reactions to her she thought it likely that there were few, if any, who did. In that moment, she knew she had to see him again.


                                              Thranduil made his way back to the talan. He had been gone long enough that Luinloth was probably considering setting out to look for him. Luinloth was well known around Greenwood as a mother hen. He grinned ruefully; his assistant would likely be very amused if he knew what had happened. Reaching the talan, he climbed up and entered quietly. As he had predicted, Luinloth had been about to come in search of him.

                                               “Well, you certainly should be clean, my lord. This goes on record as the longest bath in history.” Luinloth gave him a mock glare. Thranduil rolled his eyes and laughed.

                                               “‘Twas not my doing. I made the acquaintance of a very lovely lady and offered to walk her back to her talan.” Thranduil wore a slight smile. Luinloth peered at his king closely.

                                               “Either you did no more than talk, or you did not live up to your reputation this night, my lord.” He studied Thranduil’s reaction with interest.

                                                 “We talked. She is not one that I would consider having a casual dalliance with. In any case, the point is likely moot now.” Thranduil move toward his bedchamber. Luinloth was not about to let the conversation go at that.

                                                 “Why would the point be moot? Was she not interested?” He could not understand that, ladies were always interested in Thranduil. His king sighed heavily.

                                                 “I would say that she was interested, particularly when she was watching me bathe.” He grinned wolfishly at the thought. “However, now that she knows who I am that has likely changed.” He entered his bedchamber and dropped the curtain ending the conversation.


                                                Nimendis woke her sister the next morning by tearing the covers off her and throwing pillows at her head. Valilis gave her sister a look of death and haughtily rose from her bed. Nima pulled her back down.

                                                “‘Lilis, who were you talking to last night. I knew that you went for a walk, but I heard a male’s voice when you came back.” She was surprised to see her sister blush profusely.

                                                “Nima, will you keep this to yourself?” At her sister’s wide-eyed look and nod of acquiescence she continued, “I walked down by the pools. There is never anyone there at that time of night, but as soon as I got to the edge of the pool I heard splashing. I went to the rock to sit and take a look. Nima, the elf I told you about. The one I stared at. It was him.” Nima let out a little gasp and giggled.

                                                “Was he as lovely without his clothes?” Nima kept her voice low; it would not do to have parental eavesdroppers at this point in the conversation. Valilis’ blush deepened.

                                               “More. Nima, he is the most beautiful male I have ever seen. I did not think that he knew I was there, but when I went to leave he stepped onto the path and scared me half to death. To make amends for frightening me, he offered to walk me back here.” Nima’s eyes were even wider, if that was possible.

                                                “Well, that is good. It sounds like he might be interested in you.” She was puzzled to see her sister frown.

                                                “I think he might be and I know I am interested in him, but there is a rather large problem with that.” Valilis fell silent for a moment.

                                                “Lilis! What could possibly be a problem if you are both interested?” Nima could not understand her sister’s reaction. Valilis looked up at her then, and Nima saw the apprehension in her face.

                                               “Nima, he is the king. It was Thranduil himself that I was spying on, and flirting with.” Valilis watched comprehension dawn on her sister‘s face as her own turned yet a darker shade of red.

                                                “You silly squirrel, you do not think him too good for you do you? If that is what is worrying you, we really must have a little talk.” Nima gave her sister an arch look. Her sister got an odd look at that.

                                                “Nima, I need to think about this. Swear to me that you will tell no one.” Nima gave her word and the sisters separated to dress and join their parents for breakfast.

                                                Thranduil woke before sunrise as he always did. His morning ritual included watching the sun rise. It was his favorite time of day and gave him a few precious moments to himself before he had to take on the daily tedium of ruling a kingdom. He rose and stood at the east-facing window as the first rays appeared through the trees. As soon as the sun was above the horizon, Luinloth entered with a tray of fruit and bread. While Thranduil ate, Luinloth set out Thranduil’s robes, hair clasps, and mithril circlet. When the king had eaten his fill, Luinloth took away what was left while Thranduil dressed and then returned to assist the king with his hair. In his own realm Thranduil wore the simpler warrior’s braids except for feasts and court and could plait his hair without assistance, but he felt that the more formal and elaborate style was needed while he was visiting in Lorien.

                                                  He was to meet with Celeborn this morning, and then they would be joined by Lorien’s March Warden after luncheon. Thranduil had been sensing a threat to his realm of late and wished to discuss it with Celeborn. Thranduil was closely tied to the lands of his realm and could sense disturbances within it, occasionally with enough warning to circumvent trouble. He was able to watch over it even from afar and could sense the threat slowly growing even here in one of the most peaceful places in Arda. If the threat continued to grow, it would have to be dealt with. What affected Greenwood would likely also affect Lorien and if the threat were large enough both realms would be involved in dealing with it, hence the purpose of Thranduil’s visit. His pride precluded asking for help and indeed he had as yet no reason to need such, but he could be neighborly and inform his distant kinsman Celeborn of a potential threat to his territory. He stood and stretched then settled on a backless stool to allow Luinloth to braid his hair. Once Luinloth had a double handful of his king’s hair he decided it was fairly safe to quiz him about the events of the night before.

                                                   “You never did finish telling me about the lady you met last night, my lord,” Luinloth remarked, smoothing the herringbone braid he was plaiting. Thranduil rolled his eyes.

                                                    “I had nothing else of interest to say, and you are worse than my advisors. I will marry when I am ready and not one moment before so you may cease your speculation and your questions,” Thranduil groused, scowling fiercely at the wall. Luinloth was unfazed by the mild display of temper and persisted.

                                                    “Who said a word about marriage? I merely asked what happened. Really, my lord, you must remember that I have known you since you were still at your mother‘s breast. I know that you wish for what your parents had and that nothing less will suit. Do not ever fear that I will harass you about a union that is less than that simply to provide yourself with an heir. Now, tell me about this lady.” As he had expected Thranduil relaxed, mollified by his assertions and began to tell him in detail about the events of the previous night. The more the king spoke, the more Luinloth suspected that more was afoot than mere attraction but he held his tongue as he did not wish to interfere. “Will you try to see her again? She might surprise you, my lord.” That statement produced a chuckle.

                                             “She might at that. If I do see her again it will be her doing. I am much easier to find than she is. Are we finished?” He glanced over his shoulder.

                                             “One moment, I just need to tie off this last braid. There, you are presentable now I think. Now let me fetch your outer robe.” Luinloth returned with the garment, a dark green silk embroidered with leaves in silver along the edges. He held it out and Thranduil slipped into it.

                                              “I will be meeting with Celeborn and his folk most of the day, Luinloth. I doubt I shall require you until the evening meal.” With that, Thranduil exited the talan.


                                                 Night had fallen in Lorien and Thranduil was restless yet again. The conversations with Celeborn and his March Warden had been fruitful. Celeborn also had been sensing a threat, but as yet Lady Galadriel had seen nothing of it in her mirror. Celeborn had sent for his son-in-law, Lord Elrond of Imladris before Thranduil had even arrived so concerned was he of this nebulous threat. Once Elrond was present, the discussions would begin in earnest. Though he would never admit it aloud, Thranduil was relieved that others sensed the same thing he had. Still, Thranduil was an elf used to taking action and neither sitting in discussion nor waiting were his preference when he had a choice. He had informed Luinloth that he was going to the pools to bathe and set out in that direction.

                                               The pool was again deserted and he was glad of it. He disrobed and dove in, allowing the water to wash the tension from him with the day’s grime. He had finished his bath and was sitting on a flat rock by the water’s edge combing the tangles out of his wet hair when he heard a soft footfall behind him. He looked up through the strands of his hair at Valilis and smiled.

                                               “I wondered if I might see you here again, ‘Lilis. Mae Govannen, Hiril-nin [my lady].” He impatiently shoved his hair out of his face and she chuckled at him.

                                                “Here, let me do that.” She reached for the comb. His surprise was evident, but he handed the comb to her without protest. She moved behind him and began to remove the snarls that he had worsened with his impatient gesture.
“Mae Govannen. I was not sure that you would be here, but decided to take a chance that you would. I am glad I did.”

                                                “As am I.” He fell silent then, finding her ministrations to his hair more than a little sensual. They sat in silence for a few minutes, Valilis enjoying the feel of his hair in her hands and Thranduil enjoying her touch.

                                                 “Do you braid it for sleep?” Valilis leaned around him to look in his face. He shook his head.

                                                  “Nay, leave it for now. I will braid it after it dries. Thank you. I always manage to make a bigger mess of it before I get the knots out.” He turned to smile at her again. She blushed faintly but accepted his thanks with a smile of her own. She moved to his side and he slid over, making room for her on the rock. She settled herself gracefully, tucking her skirt around her legs.

                                                   “I was wondering, my lord……”

                                                    “Thranduil.” At her look of consternation he elaborated, “I gave you my name yesterday, ‘Lilis. If I am to call you by that name then it seems to me that it is only fair that you call me by my name.” His eyes held hers and she could not look away.

                                                     “Thranduil,” she repeated softly, her color deepening. She was rewarded with his smile and she relaxed a bit. “I was planning on having my evening meal tomorrow in my favorite place in Lorien and I wondered if you would like to join me.” Valilis was certain that she could hear her own heart beating so nervous was she.

                                                “I would like that. Unless something unexpected concerning my responsibilities takes precedence, I would be honored to join you for the evening meal.  ‘Lilis, do you often walk by these pools?” His question could have been taken as disrespectful had he not radiated curiosity.

                                                 “Yes, they are usually deserted at this time of night. Sometimes I just find it necessary to have a few moments alone, as I share a talan with my parents and my elder sister. I love them very much, but I cannot be in their presence constantly nor they in mine. Do you have any family?” She eyed him with curiosity. A brief flicker of something that looked very much like sorrow passed over his countenance.

                                                 “Nay, none close. My Adar and brother fell in battle and Naneth faded afterwards and joined them in Mandos’ Halls. I have a few rather distant kin, like Lord Celeborn but that is all.” He spoke softly, his face the practiced, impassive mask he used frequently in his role as king. A slender, soft hand atop his caught him off guard and his mask slipped a bit. He glanced up, startled and met her eyes. Ai Eru I believe I could drown in those eyes, he thought. He turned his hand palm up and clasped hers gently. She made no effort to pull away. They sat in a comfortable silence for several minutes until Thranduil spoke. “Where shall I meet you tomorrow?”

                                                  “I would say here, but the pool will likely be in use then,” she giggled. He grinned, a rather devilish look on his face and she had a fleeting glimpse of the elfing he had once been. “I will meet you at your talan.” He considered for a moment, and then agreed.

                                                   “That would be the best plan, I think. Besides, my assistant is like to perish with curiosity over you. I may yet need his skills during this visit, so perhaps it would be a good idea to at least allow him to spy from the talan.” He had an impish twinkle in his eyes, though he kept his face serious. Her laugh undid him, and his serious mien dissolved as his mirth broke free. He sighed and rose, gathering up his belongings. Turning back to her he held out his hand, “May I have the honor of escorting you back to your talan, my lady?” She placed her hand in his and allowed him to assit her in rising from her seat on the rock.

                                                    “The honor would be mine,” she replied smiling brilliantly at him, “Thranduil.”  He returned the smile as he moved to stand next to her and offered her his arm. She took it and they started down the path to her talan, conversing quietly.

                                                All too soon, they arrived at the foot of the tree that housed her talan. He turned to face her, and took her hand in his. He did not truly want to say good night and he could tell that she did not either, but he wished no trouble for her so he gave her a warm smile and brushed his lips across her knuckles lightly.

                                                “Good night, ‘Lilis. I look forward to dining with you tomorrow.” He started to release her hand and step away. On impulse, she stepped forward quickly and kissed his cheek before turning swiftly and fleeing up the spiraling steps into the talan. He watched her until she disappeared into the talan, then set off on the path to his talan with a considerably lighter heart.

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