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Let Him Eat Cake  by Grey Wonderer

This is not Beta'd so when you read this remember, all mistakes were made by me and are not the responsibility of anyone else.

“Let Him Eat Cake”

Pippin stood at the head of the table in the banquet room of the Great Smials in his best waist coat and looked at the large group of friends and relations that were looking back at him waiting for him to say something clever or mature or meaningful. He knew they wanted something short naturally since the birthday cake was about to be served but they did expect something in the way of a speech. Pippin inhaled, looked over toward Merry and Berilac who were standing just behind his older sisters, and then turned to face his guests seated at the table. He cleared his throat and smiled. “Some of you probably thought I wouldn’t make it to my thirty-third birthday.” There was laughter at this pronouncement. “Well, sometimes I doubted that this day would ever come myself and so I can’t really fault you for that.” More chuckles. “The fact that I am standing here before you is probably because most of you have pulled me out of some scrape or another.” Loud laughter now. “Anyway, we are all of us here and that’s the important thing really when you come to think on it.” Nods and smiles now. Pippin had said something rather profound but not so thought-provoking that it might spoil the cake for anyone. Pippin lifted his glass and said, “Too my family and my friends and all of the hard work they’ve done to get me to thirty-three!” Everyone stood, laughing and joined Pippin in the toast. Out of the corner of his eye Pippin could see Merry giving him an approving nod while hoisting his glass.

“The cake!” a small Took child of no more than six shouted and everyone turned to look as an enormous cake was pushed into the banquet room by not two, not three, but six hobbits.

Pippin’s eyes went almost as wide as those of the little ones who were now standing in their seats or trying to climb out of the laps of their parents in order to get a better look at this massive confectionary masterpiece as it loomed into view.

Pippin felt someone clasp his shoulder and he turned to look. His father was standing next to him. “Do you think we have enough cake, son?” Paladin Took asked in a humorous tone. Pippin’s father was known for having a very serious out-look on things and so this was a rare moment indeed. Not only was a cake the size of a banquet table being brought into the room but also Pippin’s Father was making an attempt at humor.

“If we don’t have enough cake then no one does,” Pippin said grinning.

“No one has more cake than the Thain’s heir!” Fredegar Bolger announced loudly and everyone cheered.

Pippin laughed that infectious laugh of his as the cake was pushed into position next to him. There were thirty-three candles burning brightly on top of the cake, which was decorated with lavish white roses of icing and coated, in the pink frosting that meant that this cake was made from strawberries. If anyone doubted that fact they had only to look at the ripe, red berries dotting the top of the cake. This was, by far, Pippin’s favorite cake. This was his Aunt Esmeralda’s strawberry and cream cake with strawberry icing. Pippin looked toward his party guests and found his Aunt seated next to his Uncle Saradoc and waved to her. “Did you do this?” he called out astounded.

She stood and called back in her clear Tookish accent, “Now, you don’t think that cake was made by only one hobbit do you?”

“It looks as if an army of cooks might have been needed,” Pippin said. “But it’s your recipe isn’t it?” Could his nose have been that far wrong? He sniffed and resisted an urge to run a finger through the icing. He was thirty-three now and at least in public he would have to try and maintain some sort of air of maturity.

“It is my recipe and it was an army that made it,” Esmeralda said. “Your sisters, your mum, Rose, Estella, Diamond, several of the cooks from the Great Smials, and Samwise Gamgee.”

Pippin looked over at Sam and grinned. “You had a hand in this impressive cake?”

“We couldn’t have made it without him,” Pearl laughed. “It was Sam who managed to organize the baking effort. He was our general if you will.”

Sam blushed. “I’m used to bakin’ large amounts ‘o food with lots of helpers in the kitchen.”

“Do you like it?” Pippin mother, Eglantine Took, asked as she came to stand next to him.

“It’s the most splendid cake that I’ve ever seen,” Pippin said giving her a hug.

“Let’s quit admiring it and eat it!” someone shouted from far down the table.

“Cut that and serve it will you, Pip?” Merry said licking his lips.

“Wait!” Eglantine said. “Make your wish first. Blow out the candles and make your birthday wish.”

Pippin smiled down at her. “I have what I wished for last year.”

“What was that?” Berilac asked unable to let the remark go without comment.

“Well, last year I leaned over my cake and blew out the candles and wished for,” he looked at Merry and grinned and the two of them said the rest together as if it had been planned. “The biggest cake in the Shire!”

“Wish for something else before the candles set the biggest cake in the Shire on fire,” Pervinca urged. “We didn’t slave over that cake to have you let it roast.”

Pippin inhaled deeply and then closed his eyes and blew. As the candles went out Fredegar shouted, “What did you wish for this time?"

“A baked ham the size of a four cart ponies,” Pippin replied. As everyone groaned Pippin reached over for the serving knife and began to cut the impossibly large cake as best he could. A line quickly formed and Pippin served about ten hobbits before his Mother and his older sister Pearl took over that chore.

Pearl cut Pippin a very large slice of the cake and handed it to him. “Now that you’re of age I trust that you know your own limits?” She said this softly and as a question but the look in her eyes was one of warning.

“I’ll watch him,” Merry offered from just behind Pippin’s left shoulder.

“I’m of age now in case you’ve both forgot,” Pippin said firmly loading a fork with some of the cake. “I’ll watch myself thank you.” He put the bite of cake into his mouth and savored its taste. It was so good that his eyes nearly rolled back into his head as he swallowed it.

Pearl sighed. “Just try to leave some cake for the rest of your guests.”

“I don’t know why she worries so,” Pippin said to Merry as the two of them moved away from her and over to a couple of empty seats at a table near the far wall.

“For some reason I am remembering that time you made yourself sick on cake at my party,” Merry said taking a bite of his own cake.

Pippin scowled at his older cousin. “I was a child then.”

Before Merry could reply the music started. A few couples got up to dance but most of the guests were too occupied with the cake to dance. Some were tapping a foot in time with the music while they ate but not very many were willing to leave the table with so much cake to be enjoyed.

Sam walked over and grinned down at the two of them. “He’d have enjoyed this,” Sam said softly. He didn’t have to explain who it as that he meant. Merry and Pippin both knew that Sam was speaking of Frodo.

“He’d have loved this cake,” Merry smiled going slightly misty-eyed.

“I wish he were here,” Pippin said between bites.

“I like to think that he knows about it all at least,” Merry said thoughtfully.

“He might,” Pippin said with a grin. “He always knew everything. I suspect that he still does.”

Sam smiled back at Pippin and then reached over and pinched off a bite of Pippin’s cake and ate it. “This turned out just fine,” Sam announced licking his lips.

“Get your fingers out of my cake,” Pippin objected.

“You have no right to say that to anyone,” Merry smirked. “I can’t count the number of times I’ve found your fingers in my food.”

“What are you three arguing about?” Rose asked coming over and slipping an arm about Sam’s waist. She looked up at him adoringly.

“Your husband has had his fingers in my cake,” Pippin said as he shoveled another bite into his own mouth.

“Sam Gamgee, where are your manners?” Rose asked and then reached over and ran a finger through the icing on Pippin’s rapidly disappearing cake and proceeded to lick it the icing from her finger while looking at Pippin.

“You’re both daft!” Pippin said trying not to laugh and failing.

Merry reached over and proceeded to steal Pippin’s entire plate and begin to eat the cake remaining.

“Merry, that’s mine,” Pippin frowned.

“Go get us some more why don’t you?” Merry teased. “Mine is gone and yours is fast joining it.” Merry patted his own stomach and continued to eat.

“Some birthday,” Pippin muttered and he got up from the table to go and get more cake.

“You’re the host now and of age so you should be willing to serve your hungry guests without complaint,” Merry called after him. It’s the mature thing to do.”

Sam grinned and once Pippin was far enough away he said, “It don’t seem like Mr. Pippin can be of age does it?”

“As far as I’m concerned Pippin will always be no more than ten years old,” Merry smiled. “He can get as old as he likes but he’ll always be my little cousin.”

“He’ll certainly have no trouble remaining littler as long as you keep eating cake the way you are,” Rose teased.

“I’m a growing hobbit,” Merry objected. “I need my nourishment.”

“You’re forty-one,’ Rose objected. “It would take a miracle for you to grow an inch.”

“I know where a miracle like that exists,” Merry said with a wink at Sam.

“Dance with me,” a voice whispered in Merry’s ear. “Quit eating and dance with your wife.”

Merry looked up at Estella who was standing behind him. “But Pip is bringing more cake.”

“Fine,” Estella said with a shrug. “I’ll go dance with another while you stuff yourself with cake.” She turned to walk away and Merry stood and literally scooped her into his arms with one swift motion.

“My wife dances with me,” Merry said with a mock stern expression on his face. He then looked over at Sam and Rose and said; “Don’t eat my cake when it comes. I don’t trust either of you.” With that he led Estella out onto the dance floor.

Pearl cut two slices of cake and handed them to Pippin with a frown creasing her brow. “So this is how you plan to watch yourself and be careful is it?”

“One of these is for Merry, who, if you must know, ate most of my first slice,” Pippin said only slightly annoyed . “I don’t know why I’m getting him another. He’s the one you should have a talk with. He’s had two slices already and this will be his third. I’m still trying to have one slice without help.”

Pearl smiled. “Just be-“

“Careful,” Pippin finished for her. “I know.” Shaking his head he turned and walked back over to the table, which was now completely empty. He looked about and noticed that Merry was dancing with Estella and the Gamgees had gone somewhere as well. He didn’t see them just now but with so very many hobbits all packed into the banquet room that wasn’t surprising at all.

With a shrug Pippin sat down at the table and placed the two plates of cake on it. He took up his fork and began to eat. He was just finishing the second piece when Diamond sat down with him. “So you really like it?” she asked looking hopeful.

“Of course I do,” Pippin smiled licking icing from the corner of his mouth. “It’s been my favorite cake since I was a wee faunt.”

“But this one?” Diamond asked. “You like this one?” She looked hopeful.

“Of course I do,” Pippin said puzzled. “It’s wonderful.”

Diamond smiled. “I’ll get you another piece then, shall I?” She was on her feet and holding the empty plates in her hands before Pippin could blink.

“Well, I’ve had two just now and,” He stopped there seeing that her smile was fading. Why was she so anxious for him to have more cake? Everyone else was concerned that he’d have too much cake but Diamond seemed intent upon getting him another slice of it.

“I suppose this isn’t as good as when your Aunt makes it on her own,” Diamond said looking at him the disappointment clear in her eyes.

“No, actually this is the finest cake I’ve had in some time,” Pippin said quickly.

“You’re just being nice because you know that I helped make it,” Diamond said but she did look slightly cheered all the same.

“I love it but Pearl is after me to limit the amount that I eat,” Pippin said. “Then again, if you go over and get it Pearl will think it’s for you.” He winked at her conspiratorially.

Diamond giggled. “I won’t let on,” she said winking back and hurrying off toward the cake.

So, Pippin thought, Diamond was concerned that he might not like the birthday cake that she had helped to make for him. Well, he could eat another slice if it made her happy. He did enjoy the cake. The truth was he enjoyed making her happy far more than he enjoyed the cake. That was a bit troubling. A Hobbit usually thought of his own stomach first and here he was thinking about Diamond. Maybe he was in love. He’d finally met a lass that meant more to him that food. He was still mulling this over when a smiling Diamond returned with two large slices of cake and sat down beside him. “Pearl doesn’t suspect a thing,” she whispered handing him a fork.

Pippin had taken several bites of his cake when he noticed that Diamond wasn’t eating. He frowned. “Don’t you like the cake?” he asked.

“Oh, I went ahead and got you two pieces since I know that Pearl is keeping an eye on you,” Diamond said grinning. “This way you can enjoy your favorite cake and not have to listen to a lecture or get a disapproving look.”

Pippin swallowed the bite that had been in his mouth and tried not to look worried. He’d eaten four pieces of cake before without any trouble. What was he worried about? Pearl and Merry had him over-thinking all of this. After all, didn’t everyone always say that he got in far too much trouble when he thought about things too hard? Four pieces of cake was just a satisfying beginning for a hungry Took. Besides, watching him eat the cake was making Diamond’s pretty lips turn up in that smile that he loved so much. He smiled at Diamond and said, “Good thinking.”


“I do hope Pippin is enjoying his party,” Pearl said to Pimpernel. Both of the sisters were busy serving cake. Eglantine had left them to the job and gone off to see to some of the guests.

“I think he is,” Pimpernel smiled. “I’ve seen him dancing with Diamond and that does seem to make him happy.”

“He does fancy that lass, doesn’t he?” Pearl said looking thoughtful.

“I think she may just end up being part of the family before too long,” Pimpernel said handing a slice of the cake to Fredegar Bolger who smiled at him.

“If you ask me, Diamond will be very good for your brother,” Fredegar said having heard the conversation while awaiting his cake.

“You think so, do you?” Pimpernel grinned.

“She’s a nice, quiet, lass with a good head on her shoulders,” Fredegar said. “She might actually manage to tame him a bit.”

“Perhaps,” Pearl said as she handed a piece of cake to Odo Proudfoot.

“Don’t matter a wit what she’s got going on in that pretty little head of hers,” Odo put in. “She’s got that lad wrapped around her little finger and that’ll be all that counts.” He left munching on his cake as he went.

“Well, all of that aside, I’m afraid I’ve spoiled Pippin birthday,” Pearl sighed.

“How?” Freddy frowned moving out of the way slightly so that a group of youngsters could get their pieces of cake from Pimpernel.

“I was rather stern with him about the cake,” Pearl said. “I don’t mean to be so bossy with him but I am having trouble getting used to the fact that he’s all grown up now. I shouldn’t have teased him about how much cake he eats.” She looked worried and her brow creased slightly as she looked out onto the dance floor at Pippin who was twirling Diamond about in time with the music. “I do hope that I’m not becoming a bossy old biddy.”

Pimpernel giggled. “Really, Pearl, you’ve always been bossy with the rest of us. It’s just how you are. We expect it!”

Pearl turned and gave her younger sister a sharp glance. “You expect it?”

Fredegar, seeing trouble coming, quickly came to the rescue. “Why don’t you cut a slice of cake and take it over to Pippin as a sort of gesture of apology?”

“Who’ll hope Nell with this cake?” Pearl asked looking down the long line of Hobbits waiting to get served.

“I will,” Fredegar offered. “I’ve had my cake.” He held out his empty plate and smiled at her. No one could eat a slice of cake faster than Fredegar.

As Pearl walked off carrying a plate of cake in hand, Pimpernel turned to Fredegar and said, “That was very close. Thank you, Freddy.”

Fredegar chuckled. “It would seem that Pippin isn’t the only member of your family with a talent for saying the wrong thing.”

“Just what do you mean by that, Fredegar Bolger?” Pimpernel bristled.

Apparently Fredegar, thought, I also have a talent for saying the wrong thing.


“Pearl, you didn’t have to bring me this,” Pippin said holding the plate and looking at his oldest sister with surprise. “I wasn’t angry with you.” He was relieved that Diamond had gone over to speak to a friend just now. Diamond might start to giggle knowing how much cake Pippin had already had and that would give everything away to Pearl. Diamond was not very good at keeping secrets.

“Still, I should try not to be so bossy now that you’ve come of age,” Pearl said looking embarrassed. “Anyway, I didn’t like the thought that I had spoiled this party for you.” She reached over as she spoke and straightened the collar of Pippin’s shirt for him. “You’re all grown up now.” He eyes teared up slightly.

“You’re still my older sister,” Pippin said hoping to stave off a flood of tears. His mum had already cried several times during the week and Pippin was in no mood for more female tears. Why was it that all of the lasses in his family were reacting to his thirty-third birthday as if someone had died? He took his free hand, the one not holding a plate of cake, and began to fish around in his pocket for a handkerchief.

Pearl pulled out her own handkerchief and blotted at her eyes. “You look so grown up,” she said with a tiny sigh. She reached up and pushed a stray curl out of his eyes and said, “Now, you enjoy your birthday cake. You’re old enough to know how much cake you need.”

“Well, Pearl, the truth is that I have had –“ he saw her expression and realized that he was about to say the wrong thing. “I have had a wee bit of a taste for another slice,” he corrected himself and took a large bite of the cake. He was rewarded with a smile from Pearl who promptly reached over with the handkerchief and wiped a bit of frosting from the corner of his mouth. His sisters were always fussing over him that way.

“Don’t get icing on your waistcoat,” Pearl cautioned and she stood there and watched him eat the entire slice.


“Look what I’ve managed to get my hands on,” Pervinca grinned sitting a covered plate down on the table in front of Merry, Estella, Pippin, and Diamond.

“What?” Merry asked arching an eyebrow. “Have you someone’s head under there?”

Pervinca scowled at him while Pippin snickered. “I guess I shouldn’t have bothered,” Pervinca said picking up the plate. “It wasn’t as if I had to do this or anything but I thought that since it was your birthday I might try to be nice to you.” She looked at Pippin as she spoke.

“But, Merry’s the one what said it,” Pippin objected. “I was just sitting here looking the picture of innocence.”

Estella groaned. “Ignore both of them, Pervinca. I do.”

“You weren’t ignoring me this morning when we were in bed,” Merry said leering at her playfully.

Pippin groaned this time. “Please, I’ve eaten.”

“And you could have eaten more if you’d been nice,” Pervinca said still holding the plate.

Pippin stood. “What is it? What’s under there, Vince?”

“Never mind,” Pervinca said sounding irritated.

“Come on,” Pippin said rounding the table and reaching for the plate.

Pervinca pulled it out of his reached and the two of them began to weave about as Pippin tried to get the plate and Pervinca tried to keep him from it. It began to look like a well- rehearsed dance.

“Come on, Vince,” Pippin said. “It’s my birthday.”

“Yes, well,” Pervinca said moving away from him. “You’ve grown older but you’ve not got better manners. You don’t deserve this!”

“I do so,” Pippin objected. “I’m very deserving.”

“Give it to him,” Merry called out from the table. “I was the one that was rude.”

Pervinca sighed. “I suppose that’s so.” She looked at Pippin. “Very well, you can have it but don’t tell anyone that I gave it to you.” With that she thrust the plate into his hands and then uncovered it with a flourish. “Ta-dah!”

“Cake?” Pippin said in a weak voice looking at the three slices on the plate.

“Of course it’s cake,” Pervinca said. “I know that Pearl will be watching you with the cake and so I did you a favor since it is your birthday.”

Diamond’s eyes lit up. “Pippin loves the cake,” she offered from her seat next to Estella.

Pippin looked from his sister to Diamond and then back at the cake. “And you’ve brought three slices,” he said. “We can share.” He looked at Merry, Estella, and Diamond now.

“I wouldn’t dream of taking your cake,” Merry said.

“You were happy enough to take it earlier,” Pippin reminded him.

“And I feel bad about that,” Merry smiled.

“So it’ll just be Estella, Diamond, Pervinca, and I eating then?” Pippin said sitting the cake down. “You are going to help me with this aren’t you Vince?”

“No, I’m off to do a bit of dancing just now,” Pervinca smiled. ‘I am quite certain that you’ll manage to eat it without me.” She cleared her throat and looked up at him. “What do you say?”

Pippin grinned. “Thank you, Pervinca.” He bowed to her as if she were a queen and then watched as she walked away. He then turned back to the table to find that only Diamond was sitting there. “Where did Merry and Estella get to?”

Diamond giggled. “Merry said something about finding a dark corner in which to smooch.”

Pippin looked at the cake again and then sat down. “Well, then it’s you and me and this cake. We have three slices.” He offered her the fork. “You first.”

Diamond took the fork and loaded it with a large piece of the cake and then proceeded to put it into Pippin’s mouth. “You eat. I just love watching you enjoy this cake. When they asked me to help them with the baking I was worried because I’ve never baked anything this important before. Oh, I’ve done more than my share of cooking and I am rather good at it if I do say so myself, but I’ve never made a cake for a coming of age party.”

Pippin swallowed quickly and said, “But I’ll feel bad if you don’t eat some of this. We should share it.”

She put another bit on the fork, turned it toward herself and then at the last second she put it into Pippin’s mouth. He had opened it to say something about how good it was and she had taken that opportunity to feed it to him. “This is your birthday and your cake. I will enjoy watching you eat it.”

Pippin swallowed. “All of it?”

“Every single bite,” Diamond grinned.


Pippin was starting to feel slightly unwell. He’d lost count of exactly how much cake he’d eaten. He was beginning to wonder if he might have been better off if Pearl had decided to limit his cake. Instead Pearl was partly responsible for the fact that he felt as if he might explode and coat the banquet hall with frosting at any minute. He hadn’t felt like dancing but Diamond had wanted to and so they had danced several times in a row. The last one had been a very fast reel and Pippin’s stomach was churning. He rubbed a hand over his midsection and a small groan escaped him. Diamond had gone off with Estella and Rose and Pervinca and Pippin decided to look for a quiet place to sit down. As the guest of honor he didn’t think it proper to go outside and leave his guests, most of which were now laughing and drinking his health.

Pippin had just seated himself in a chair against the wall when Berilac and Merimas came over. Both of them were obviously well on their way to drunk. Merimas was weaving and smiling pleasantly. Berilac had a mug of ale in each hand and when they reached Pippin, Berilac shoved one of the mugs into Pippin’s hand. “A toast!” Berilac announced loudly. A great many of the Hobbits in the Banquet Hall turned at the sound of Berilac’s voice and focused their attention on Pippin and his two Brandybuck cousins. “A toast to Pippin Took!” Berilac said raising his mug. “Merry’s little shadow has finally come of age! Stand up, Pippin!”

Slightly embarrassed and hoping that the cake stayed where it was, Pippin stood. “Drink!” Merimas instructed pushing Pippin’s mug toward his mouth. “Drink your health, Pippin.”

“I’m not supposed to drink my own health,” Pippin objected and this drew laughs.

“Then drink mine,” Merimas grinned lopsidedly.

Everyone was waiting for something and so Pippin said, “Join me in drinking to the good health of Merimas Brandybuck!” He raised his mug and drank now for it would have been very rude to offer the toast and then not be willing to drink it.

“To Pippin who is drinking Merimas’s health!” Berilac called out and then he drank also.

Pippin managed to drain his mug without tossing up the contents of his stomach but it was rather difficult. Merimas draped an arm around him and began to tell him how much it meant to him that Pippin would actually drink his health while Berilac left them to look for more ale. Fearing that he might be asked to drink more ale when Berilac returned, Pippin gently pushed Merimas into the arms of a passing lass and said, “Here you go, Merimas, have a dance!”

Merimas was pleased with this turn of events and began to weave about on the floor with the startled lass who was, Pippin was forced to note, less than pleased to have Merimas as a dancing partner. As the music swelled and the speed of the dancers increased Pippin moved away from it all and hurried out of the nearest door. It might not be proper manners but he had to get away for a minute and see if he could calm his stomach a bit. The ale certainly hadn’t done anything to help.

Some time later Pippin was standing out in the garden taking deep breaths when his Uncle Doc came up to him and slapped him on the back so hard that Pippin felt as if he might fall on his face. “Finally!” Saradoc Brandybuck laughed. “After years of working on it, you’ve finally come of age, Pippin. How does it feel?”

Just now it didn’t feel very good Pippin thought but instead he said, “I think I’ll enjoy it.”

“Well, here’s something to help you,” Saradoc smiled.

Pippin felt something being pressed against his already too-full stomach and he groaned. He looked down and saw a very large slice of cake. Before he could say anything his Uncle continued. “I have this tradition that I started with Merry when he came of age and since you’ve been like a second son to me I thought that I would begin that tradition with you too, Pippin.”

Pippin was now holding the plate and looking confused. “What tradition is that?” Pippin couldn’t remember Merry mentioning anything.

“It’s nothing grand really,” Saradoc said with a small smile. He reached into his trouser pocket and removed a single candle and a flint. While Pippin watched, Saradoc put the candle into the piece of cake and then lit it. “Now, because you are of age now, not all of your birthday’s will be like this one,” Saradoc began.

Pippin found himself desperately hoping that none of his other birthdays would be like this one. His stomach lurched a bit.

“Sometimes, because you are an adult, you won’t have a special celebration. Things like family or children or business or other responsibilities of life will get in the way of things,” Saradoc said with a sigh. “Adults sometimes have to carry on without a celebration for the good of the family.”

Pippin nodded. He remembered several years when it seemed as if his own Father’s birthday had been over-looked. There were years when they’d simply had a small family supper and a very small cake. This thought made Pippin swallow in an effort to keep from gagging. He’d eaten enough cake tonight to make two normal birthday cakes. But his attention went back to his Uncle who was still speaking. “On all of Merry’s birthdays since he became an adult, I bring him one slice of cake with a candle on the top as a reminder,” Saradoc said. “This is a reminder of all of the wonderful birthdays that you’ve had and all of the future birthdays that you’ll have.”

And all of the cake that I've eaten, Pippin thought unhappily. He took his free hand and rubbed his unhappy stomach.

“In the years that lay ahead may you find happiness and joy and when there is no celebration or only a small one, think of all of those that went before,” Saradoc said. “Now, Pippin-lad, blow out the candle and make a wish.”

Pippin blew and he wished that the pain in his stomach would go away or if it didn’t that he might manage to make it through the long night ahead without embarrassing himself.

“Now,” Saradoc said handing Pippin a fork. “Tuck in!”

Pippin’s eyes went wide. “You mean eat it?”

“It’s what folks do with cake,” Saradoc laughed. “It’s traditional. Merry always eats the cake once we’ve completed the traditional part of things. In fact, I think of that as part of the tradition as well.”

Pippin wasn’t certain how he was going to manage this but he knew from the look on his dear, beloved, Uncle’s face that he was going to have to eat this piece of cake or die trying. That last option seemed more likely than anything else but Pippin smiled and lifted the fork to his mouth. Then he had a thought. “Do you help Merry eat the cake?” he said this hopefully.

“No, I eat the cake when it’s my birthday. We do it then too,” Saradoc smiled. “That was Merry’s idea. Only the birding eats the cake. It’s tradition.”

Pippin usually liked most of Merry’s ideas, but this one was not one of his favorites. He put the first bite of cake into his mouth and swallowed. Pippin hoped that what dear Bilbo had always said of him was true. “No matter how much you feed, Pippin he always has a bit more room.” Please let this be so.


“Where’s the guest of honor?” Merry asked as he approached Diamond and Estella.

“I don’t know,” Diamond frowned. “I haven’t seen him in a while. In fact I was looking for him.”

“The last person that I know of who saw him was your Father, Merry,” Estella said. “He said something about a tradition?”

“Ah, yes, Father told me that he was going to do that,” Merry smiled. He gave the lasses a brief explanation of his Father’s traditional birthday event.

“That’s a lovely idea,” Estella said.

“And you get to eat cake,” Merry grinned. He patted his stomach and said, “Do you suppose there is any cake left?”

“It was a very large cake,” Estella said. “There might be more.”

“I’ve only had about four slices tonight and if there is more I really might find room for it,” Merry said winking at Estella.

“I thought you were going to find Pippin and give him that bottle of Brandy,” Estella said looking at the bottle in Merry’s left hand.

“I am, but as he doesn’t seem to be around just now I probably have time for one more slice of cake,” Merry said. “In fact if Pippin were here right now I am certain that he’d join me in another slice of cake.”

“Well, he certainly enjoyed the three slices that Pervinca brought him and the two slices that I gave me,” Diamond said proudly. “I think he may like my cooking.”

Estella managed to suppress the urge to remind Diamond that she had not been the only one who had baked that cake. “Wait a minute, that would mean that Pippin ate five sliced of cake,” Estella said.

“I’ve had four and am thinking of a fifth,” Merry shrugged. A frown crossed his face now. Pippin had eaten a piece of cake before the five mentioned slices. He’d had the one that Merry had finished. In fact if Pippin had gone through with the cake eating tradition with Merry’s Father then Pippin had managed to eat six slices of cake this evening. Merry grinned. He was falling behind. Just then he caught sight of Pimpernel and he called out, “Any more of the cake?”


Pippin was miserable. He found himself wishing that he would vomit up some of the cake but at the moment he wasn’t doing that. He was just feeling increasingly full. He was very glad that he hadn’t thrown up on his Uncle but he did wish that he could go ahead and be sick now. He was sitting on a chair in the back garden with both arms over his middle leaning forward staring at the grass. It felt as if an entire cake was wedged into his throat and keeping everything from coming up. He could smell that heavy cream frosting from the cake as if there were a piece of it sitting in front of him now. Pippin would have been glad to burp but even that wasn’t happening. “I really am going to explode,” Pippin groaned.

“There you are!” Merry called out as he came across the lawn toward Pippin. Merry could tell something was wrong and he knelt beside of Pippin’s chair and placed a hand on Pippin’s back. “What’s wrong, birthday lad?” Merry teased.

“If you have cake I’ll kill you where you stand,” Pippin said with a groan.

“No, I don’t have cake,” Merry said patting Pippin on the back. “I have-“

Before Merry could complete his sentence he heard a retching noise and he felt something warm hit his foot. Merry gagged and quickly moved his foot back but it was already too late for that. Pippin was retching and gagging again. With a sigh Merry sat the bottle of brandy on the grass and placed his hands on Pippin’s shoulders. With a great deal of effort he ignored the fact that Pippin had just thrown up on his foot. “Easy lad, get it out,” Merry encouraged in spite of the fact that it was becoming clear that Pippin had no choice in the matter.


Merry got Pippin to his feet and put an arm around Pippin’s waist. “And here I thought we’d both get drunk and pass out this year,” Merry said in a whisper.

“I’m going to die,” Pippin moaned. He had one arm over Merry’s shoulder for support and his other arm across his stomach.

“You’re lucky I haven’t killed you myself,” Merry said. “You threw up on my foot.”

“Kill me then and put me out of my misery,” Pippin said weakly.

“I’m not going to kill you,” Merry said gently. “I’m going to sneak you back into the Smials and get you to your room.”

“This birthday isn’t going the way I planned,” Pippin said forlornly.

“With you they never do,” Merry smiled. “I can’t think of a single one of your birthdays that has gone well.”

“At least Uncle Doc gave me a wee bit of hope,” Pippin said as he leaned against Merry while walking on shaky legs.

“He did?”

“He said sometimes you don’t have a celebration when you’re an adult,” Pippin said. “Sometimes there are other things that get in the way of it.”

“Maybe you’ll be lucky and not have a celebration next year,” Merry chuckled.

Pippin stopped again and Merry pulled back enough so that this time Pippin missed both of Merry’s feet when he vomited. At this rate it would take all night just to get Pippin into bed.


Merry pulled the covers over Pippin’s shoulders and sighed. “I’ve put a bucket next to the bed and your mum is on her way here.”

“I hope it’s a large bucket,” Pippin moaned.

“You are entirely too much trouble, you know that don’t you?” Merry said.

“I know,” Pippin said softly. He was curled into a ball trying to ease the pain in his cramping stomach and so his voice was slightly muffled. “Are you quite sure that you won’ t put me out of my misery?”

“No, you threw up on my foot and now you must suffer,” Merry said.

There was a knock at the door and then a voice said, “Can I come in?”

“Mum?” Pippin groaned.

“Yes, darling,” Eglantine said gently. “I’ve brought something to ease your stomach a bit.” She smiled at Merry as she walked over and sat down on the bed beside of Pippin who moaned when the bed moved with her weight. “Sit up and drink this,” she said holding out a mug.

“I don’t think I can,” Pippin whispered. “Just let me lie here and die.”

“I’m going now,” Merry said. “I have to wash my foot.”

“Merry, tell them I got drunk. Tell them you knocked me out. Tell them I left town,” Pippin said. “But don’t tell anyone that I ate too much cake. Please?”

Merry chuckled. “They won’t hear it from me.”

“Drink,” Eglantine said firmly as she placed the glass into his hands.

Pippin wrinkled up his nose and forced himself to drink the remedy which he hoped would begin working at once and then he handed the glass to his mother and lay back down.

“That’s it. Now be still and let the draught work,” Eglantine said.

“I am, Mum,” Pippin said.

“Night, Pip,” Merry said.

“Merry, whatever you do, please don’t tell Diamond that I got sick eating the cake,” Pippin said.

“Lie still, dearest,” Eglantine said gently. “Merry wouldn’t tell this to Diamond.”

“I might some day when Pippin is seventy or so and he and Diamond are married but not before then,” Merry said, grinning. “You like this lass don’t you?”

“I like her enough not to want her feelings hurt. She’s rather proud of having helped to bake that,” Pippin paused. Even the word ‘cake’ seemed to stick in his throat at this point. He coughed and then managed to say, “Cake.”

“I think the lass actually fancies you,” Merry said. “I won’t say a word to her about this. She may be your parents only chance of having a daughter-in-law. I’ll let her think I got you drunk. I did plan to and so it is the very thing that everyone was expecting.”

“And don’t tell Pearl,” Pippin groaned.

“Peregrin Took, lie still and rest,” Eglantine said firmly. “Merry isn’t going to tell this to anyone.”

“Not until Pip is seventy,” Merry reminded his Aunt. “Good-night, Pip and happy birthday.”

Pippin moaned and Merry closed the door quietly as he left the room.

“Now, rest,” Eglantine said adjusting the blankets on the bed and tucking Pippin in as if he were a very little lad rather than one of the tallest hobbits in the Shire.


“Yes, darling?”

“Next year on my birthday I don’t want any cake,” Pippin said.

“You’ll change your mind about that by the end of the week,” Eglantine said softly. She sat down in the chair next to the bed. “By this time tomorrow you’ll be starting to forget how ill the cake made you.”


“You always do,” Eglantine said.



“I’m thirty-three now and you don’t have to sit with me if you don’t want to,” Pippin said. “I’m old enough to suffer through this on my own.”

“Indulge me,” Eglantine smiled. “Pretend that you’re not old enough.”

In spite of how terrible he felt Pippin managed a small smile. “I was pretending.”

“What do you mean?” Eglantine said.

“I was pretending that I didn’t need anyone here,” Pippin said. “I thought it was the adult thing for me to do. Do you mind staying?”

“Of course not,” Eglantine said looking pleased to be asked. “You may be all grown up now and be a Knight and live all the way out at Crickhollow away from your family and be in love but now and again a lad needs his mum.”

“I asked Merry to go and get you,” Pippin said softly as he drifted off to sleep.

“Rest, Pippin,” Eglantine said pleased that the draught was doing its work. “Happy birthday my lad.” She sat there until dawn recalling all of Pippin’s birthdays and watching him sleep.

The End

GW 07/01/2007

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