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The Rider - Finding Trouble  by Jay of Lasgalen

Elrond rode at the head of the small group of rescuers with Glorfindel at his side. As he had done many times since riding out of the courtyard of the Last Homely House, he worriedly scanned the skies before them. The clouds were still threatening, but so far they had not loosed their contents upon the region where Elladan lay trapped. Elrond ran his thumb across the back of the forefinger of his left hand.

"If you do not cease doing that, Elrond, you will rub that trinket you carry completely through." Glorfindel's voice was pitched for Elrond's ears only.

Elrond glanced at his riding companion in confusion. When the golden haired elf looked pointedly at Elrond's left hand, Elrond followed the glance and his thumb stilled. He clasped his horse's mane with both hands. "Sorry."

Glorfindel maintained the same low tone, but now it was laced with frustration. "Why? Your son is pinned in a stream and a storm threatens. Gil-galad's gift weighs heavily on you – as it would any father at such a time. Valar willing, you will have no need to use it. Elrohir thought Elladan was in no danger of drowning unless there was rain, and the rains have held off thus far, have they not?"

"Aye, they have. You are right, my friend. We should reach him in plenty of time."

The two fell silent again. Elrond knew he would only use Vilya if Elladan were in dire straits, but to use it at all was to risk alerting the enemy to the ring's location and as a result, invite evil into the valley that had so long been considered a haven. Could he do such a thing for so selfish a reason? What would Gil-galad think of his action? Would he have used Vilya's power to save Elrond in a similar situation? 'There is no need to think of this – the rain has not begun. I should use my energy more wisely,' Elrond chastised himself and firmly pushed the ring of power from his thoughts.

In the distance, a wolf howled, taking Elrond's mind down another fearful path. Vorondil remained with Elladan, and the faithful horse would defend his master against all comers. But Vorondil was on this side of the waters. Elladan would be easy prey to predators from the other bank, for even in Imladris, animals would be hungry after the winter and bolder in their search for food.

Scanning the banks, Elrond finally found what he had been seeking and raised his hand to halt the rest of the party.

"There." He indicated a little used ford across the stream and met Glorfindel's eyes. "Take half the patrol and cross here. Keep pace with us from the other side."

Glorfindel gave a sharp nod in acceptance of the command, pointed to two riders and guided his white stallion onto the ford. Elrond waited only as long as it took the other elf lord to reach the opposite bank before kicking his own horse into motion once more. With his friend across the stream, he was now alone with his thoughts.

In far less time than it had taken Elladan and Elrohir to arrive at the same location while examining the streams and riverbeds for damage, Elrond pulled his horse to a stop at the spot Elrohir had described. His heart in his throat, he looked to Glorfindel in stunned disbelief. There was no logjam … and no sign of Elladan.


Elladan cried out in pain as the debris that had held him so long finally gave way. He cut himself off mid-cry, just in time to avoid taking in water as his head sank beneath its surface.

'Drowning in a stream…what an embarrassing way to die.' But even as he jested about it in his mind, he realized it could happen. Streams everywhere turned into small rivers during this time of year, and this stream was no exception. Desperately, Elladan kicked upward with his good leg – ignoring the pain in the other - and broke through the surface of the water, just missing being struck in the face by a branch protruding from a good size log. Elladan grabbed hold and pulled his upper body up on to the log and braced himself for a rough ride.

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