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to lose hope is to give up  by Laikwalâssê

To Lose Hope, is To Give Up

A/N: As always many thanks to my beta Erulisse.

Chapter 11: he´s back

Centhar had just finished his examination of the now sleeping twins, when the door to their room banged open and Glorfindel appeared breathless at the doorframe. All colour drained from Celebrían´s face, when she recognized the dishelved appearance and feared the reason behind it.

Glorfindel tried to catch his breath and quickly stepped toward Celebrían, seeing the worries his sudden entrance had provoked. Not wanting to heighten the tension any further, he took Celebrían´s cold hands in his and smiled at her. “He has awakened, and even better he has recognized me.” A small cry escaped Celebrían´s lips and Glorfindel quickly embraced her, feeling all the pent-up tension leaving her.

Stunned speechless for some moments instead the healer quickly gathered his supplies and left knowing that Glorfindel would take care of Celebrían. Throwing all dignity to the wind, he ran down the corridor, anxious to see for himself that the unbelievable had come true. His mind occupied with the many thoughts tumbling through it, he nearly collided with Erestor when he sprinted around a corner. Like Celebrían, Erestor also misinterpreted the need for haste and the dark haired councillor looked anxiously at the healer, after they had both regained their balance. Not wanting to say anything before he had seen it with his own eyes, Centhar simply ran past Erestor.

Overwhelmed within his grief, Erestor stood there frozen to the spot. Detached, he heard a door open and looked up when he saw Glorfindel emerging from the twins’ room with a crying Celebrían in his arms. He closed his eyes. His worst fears had come to pass.

“No!” he choked, barely able to take another breath.

Hearing the faint sound Glorfindel looked up and paled, seeing the desolate expression on his friend’s face.  Here was someone else who had misunderstood the situation. Everyone in this house was taut as a bowstring, ever fearing that the final call had come to their Lord.

Receiving a reassuring nod from his Lady, the golden warrior rushed toward Erestor and grabbed his arm. “Peace, Erestor,” he said calmly, quite happy that he could repeat the good news. “Elrond is alive. He has awakened and has spoken to me.”

The councillor’s shocked expression quickly changed into one of pure joy and together the three elves quickly followed the healer. Reaching Elrond´s room, Centhar suddenly hesitated. What if this was all a dream and he would wake just now to the gruelling reality? Don’t be ridiculous, he chided himself, remembering the joy in Glorfindel´s eyes just a few minutes before. Taking a deep breath he silently opened the door and slipped inside, minutes later followed by Celebrían, Glorfindel and Erestor. The healer’s sigh of relief at seeing his patient awake and looking directly at him, was audible.

Rushing past him, Celebrían sat on the mattress and gently caressed her husband’s cheek. Words were not needed as the two gazed at each other.

Clearing his throat the healer stepped up beside the bed. “How do you feel, my Lord?” he asked softly, while watching his patient intently.

Tearing his gaze from his wife’s face, Elrond looked at the healer. Centhar registered with delight that the Elf-Lord´s eyes looked clear and bright.

“My head aches and I´m a bit dizzy, but otherwise all seems well,” he answered hoarsely.

Pouring his patient a glass of water, Centhar smiled. While he was swallowing the refreshing liquid, the Elf-Lord clearly recognised the rather forced smiles on Glorfindel´s and Erestor´s face and frowned.

“How long have I been unconscious?” he asked, redirecting his gaze at Centhar.

The young healer exchanged a quick glance with Celebrían. “You should rest now and regain your strength,” Celebrían answered instead of Centhar and took the glass from her husband.

Glorfindel cringed inwardly when he saw the frown deepen on his friend’s face. So much for this attempt to distract the Elf-Lord he thought.

“Centhar, how long?” Elrond asked again. The young healer flinched at the tone, knowing a command when he heard one.

“Five weeks, my Lord,” he answered softly.

Elrond, a healer himself, knew only too well what this meant and he gasped. Now he perfectly understood the fear and doubt on the faces of the four elves standing before him. They had feared for five long weeks that he would never wake again or be damaged to some degree.

He lowered his eyes. “I’m sorry”, he whispered, squeezing his wife’s hand absentmindedly.

Laying a reassuring hand on Centhar´s shoulder Glorfindel sat on the other side of the bed. “There is nothing to be sorry for, my friend. We are only glad that you have returned to us. That’s all that matters now.”

“Yes, it is,” Celebrían whispered tearfully and she planted a gentle kiss on her husband’s lips.

Elrond smiled and even Centhar relaxed a bit after the Elf-Lord had assured them again that he was well. Suddenly, however, the worry crept back across his face. Looking at his friends he was nearly afraid to ask. “What of Arahel?”

“Don’t worry, Elrond,” Erestor spoke for the first time, “he is fine.”

Intently searching the two Elf-Lords faces, Elrond clearly sensed that there was more to this simple statement, but for now he would let it be.

Suddenly noticing that it was much too quiet, he looked at his wife. “I miss the boys. Where are they?” With a supreme effort, Celebrían quickly hid her worry and forced a smile on her face. It was only due to Elrond´s weakened state that he failed to notice the tension all around him at the mention of his children.

“They are sleeping and they will be very eager to see you in the morning”, Celebrían replied diplomatically.

Not quite a lie, Glorfindel thought, admiring the quick reaction. Feeling that something was withheld from him, but much too tired to follow this thought any longer, the Elf-Lord smiled and finally heeded the healer’s advice. He closed his eyes and was asleep almost instantly.

Four heavy sighs could be heard, as the visitors left the room silently, but with much lighter spirits then when they had entered.



The next day Glorfindel opened the door to Elrond’s room, but hesitated when he saw Celebrían sitting on her husband’s bed. “Glorfindel,” Elrond called, because he had spotted the golden haired elf. “Please come in.” Glorfindel nodded and stepped inside, silently closing the door.

The Elf-Lord looked much better today, albeit still far too pale for Glorfindel´s liking. Nonetheless he smiled to himself, as he thought about, how quickly the good news had spread through the valley.

When Glorfindel was seated in a nearby chair, Elrond gazed at him soberly. “Celebrían has told me, what Erestor and you have done. Thank you, my friend for doing what I could not, and… for saving my life,” he whispered. Glorfindel only squeezed his friend´s hand reassuringly. These few words were spoken with such gratitude, that it made him forget all the hardships.

“You are welcome,” Glorfindel answered and Elrond swallowed, knowing full well what risk his two friends had taken.

“Glorfindel, you never should have risked so much, not even for me,” Elrond said looking earnestly into his friend’s eyes.

Glorfindel sighed. “Stop it, Elrond. All has turned out well and that’s all that matters, all right?”

Nodding Elrond looked up. “How are your injuries now? Do they still pain you?” he asked.

Glorfindel shook his head. “All is healing well, thanks to Centhar. He’s a worthy substitute of you.”

“That he is,” Elrond confirmed, “that he is. But still I have not heard the whole story.” He was looking questioningly at Glorfindel. The golden warrior sighed, settled himself comfortably in the chair and began his tale.

Occasionally Elrond looked horrified or bewildered. Then he looked grateful after Glorfindel mentioned the help of the Lorien elves and the restoration work already done. Squeezing the hand of his wife, he silently thanked her for her parent’s help.

When Glorfindel had finished Elrond sighed, clearly feeling still some amount of tension between them. “Thank you, my friend and what part of the story have the two of you neglected so far?” he asked.

Caught off guard this time, Celebrían was not able to hide the worry for her sons. Elrond gasped, as he recognized the concern in her eyes. “Celebrían, what is it? Where are they? Are they injured? Please, you must tell me,” he said pleadingly?

Seeing that Celebrían was not able to answer, Glorfindel laid a reassuring hand on his friend´s arm. “Peace, Elrond, it’s not that bad. Elladan has been ill for three days. He refuses to eat and has a light fever. I think it is simply because he misses you and he senses the desperation around him.”

Calming down a little, Elrond nodded and embraced his wife, seeing the tension of the last few days leaving her in palpable waves. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, “but I couldn’t tell you. You had just returned to us and… and…”

Elrond stroke her hair gently. “Shht. I understand, yet you should have told me.” Celebrían nodded, relieved that she could now share the burden of her worry. Easily guessing the next action, Glorfindel shook his head.

“Oh no, Elrond, there is no way for you to leave the bed. But…,” he held up his hand, seeing his friend about to protest, “but I will bring them to you, if you wish.”

Contemplating the compromise, Elrond knew this was the best result he could gain at the moment. He nodded. “Yes, please bring them to me. Thank you.”

To be continued……………………..


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