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Choices  by Laikwalâssê



See chapter 1.

Chapter 8:  reaching home

After they had resumed their journey, the night reached its darkest hour. Never one to be afraid of the wood at night Legolas shuddered nonetheless at the sounds he heard; the trees around Imladris were not as familiar to him as the ones of his home.

They still had some miles to go to reach the inner circle of Imladris. Legolas knew it was usually well protected through the Elf-lord’s power. But was it still protected?  If so, why had no guards or patrols appeared thus far?

For nearly an hour neither men nor elves had spoken a word. The eyes of the dark haired advisor were turned straight forward as if he could see something in the distance Legolas could not. The blond warrior in his arms had not stirred once or even moaned which increased Legolas’ worry with every step they took.

Thankfully the men were quiet too. The unconscious one had awoken earlier but had not even complained about his awkward position hanging head down from his horse’s side.

Legolas had briefly stopped and cut the bonds to allow the men to sit upright but with their hands and feet still bound. Either the men had surrendered to their fate or were simply too tired to speak. Legolas did not care as long as they kept quiet.

Then it happened without any warning. Legolas heard the snarl of orcs before he could see them. He was about to call a warning but registered with surprise that the advisor riding so seemingly apathetic was actually very alert.

Erestor slid from his horse in a way that made Legolas doubt that he had been wounded if he had not seen the wound himself. He slapped his mare on her back and ducked behind a tree. Legolas had also managed to dismount and he laid the injured elf under a low hanging branch of an evergreen, protecting him from sight. This accomplished he ran toward the men while drawing his knife.

Reaching the first man he sliced through the rope and pulled him down from his mare. In a flurry of movement he did the same with the second man while slapping all four horses on their backside to chase them from the path.

Legolas hoped that the human horses were in some way as intelligent as the elven horses, to hide or flee if necessary. He doubted that fact already when he saw how the two mounts with the dead on their back bucked wildly and dove into the underbrush with too much noise for his liking.

When the two men refused to follow his sign to get down and hide, he angrily pulled them both down bringing his mouth inches from their ears. “Do as I say, and no foolish attempts, if you want to live.”

Not waiting for a response Legolas turned and knew that same instant that their attempts to remain unseen had been in vain. An orc rushed past the very tree the injured elf was lying beneath; fortunately not seeing him yet nearly tripping over him.

Legolas however was full in sight and the orc did not bother to wait long to charge at him. In too close proximity to use his bow Legolas drew one of his long knives to parry the crude scimitar swung at him but at the same moment the orc gave an unarticulated cry and tumbled to the ground with an arrow protruding from his back.

Surprised, Legolas followed with his eyes the direction where the arrow had come from and received a wink from Erestor leaning on the tree he was using for cover. Legolas inclined his head in gratitude, ready to dispatch another orc already running at him from between the trees. And for the second time that night he was robbed of his chance to kill the fell beast charging at him.

Like before the orc fell dead just before his feet with an arrow right through his neck. This time however the projectile had come from another direction and could therefore not be fired by his travelling companion. And not only that orc fell dead; the others of the band joined the fate of the one attacking the wood elf.

Instantly Legolas recognized the fletching of the arrows. With relief he lowered his knife while warriors from Imladris dropped from the trees.

Legolas waited patiently while the captain of the patrol greeted Lord Elrond’s advisor, instantly calling for two of his lieutenants to help the advisor sit down and rebind the wound on his leg.

Legolas briefly glimpsed the grimace on the face of the captain when Erestor protested vehemently and declared that he was very capable of returning the remaining short distance without help. Fortunately the warrior was an experienced one, and had enough authority to convince the headstrong advisor to accept help.

The healer of the patrol however had instantly knelt next to the injured troop commander and provided what help could be given in the field.

After the captain had give some more orders he came straight toward Legolas who was still waiting, watching how the Imladis guards efficiently took charge.

“Well met Legolas Thranduilion,” the captain greeted the prince of Mirkwood. “I hope you are uninjured?” The gaze of the captain lingered on the red patch on the young elf’s tunic.

Legolas inclined his head. “I’m fine, this is not my blood. Your timing was just right and I appreciate your help very much.” He nodded his head toward the advisor still debating with one of the lieutenants; the captain only smiled in understanding.

Remembering something Legolas looked past the warrior searching for the two men but he could not make out anyone at the place he had left them. Stepping closer the captain laid a light hand on the young elf’s forearm.

“Do not worry, Prince Legolas. We have caught your errant men. They are already on their way to Imladris.” Legolas looked puzzled at the captain, surprised that the elf obviously knew more of this matter than he did, but he was relieved nonetheless. These fellows in fact, had the nerve to try an escape in the middle of a battle. He was grateful to no longer be responsible for them.



When the tension began to leave his body, albeit slowly, Legolas sunk onto the grass and watched how the warriors piled the orc caresses and lit the pyre to get ride of the stench and filth staining the fair ground of their home.

Any offer to help them they had refused with friendly words and so Legolas could only watch, somehow relieved not to have to do this dreadful task. He performed this duty every so often in his own home and had no desire to get in closer contact with the disgusting creatures. Robbed of the ability to help at the moment he was content in the role of an observer.

Briefly he glanced toward the dark haired advisor and saw with relief that he and the guard had obviously settled their dispute. Lord Erestor was now sitting and accepting the assistance of a young warrior to rebind his leg wound.

Directing his gaze at his other travelling companion his heart sunk when he looked at the drawn face of the healer. Lord Glorfindel was well loved by all of the warriors of Imladris and the loss of the powerful Elf-lord would be a hard blow for them.

Legolas had always silently admired the ancient elf and simply could not comprehend a world without the steadfast presence of the Elf-lord.

He shuddered when a cold chill ran down his spine in spite of the fact that he was sitting in front of a crackling pyre. Another Elf-lord who was dear to him and two of his best friends also struggled to survive; another loss he could not even think about at the moment.

It was always frightening how a single moment could change one’s life fundamentally. He almost dreaded the moment they would arrive in the sheltered valley and he would know for sure about Lord Elrond’s fate.

Legolas nearly jumped when something wet but soft nudged him from behind. Turning quickly and scolding himself for his lack of attention and jumpiness he looked into the big brown eyes of his mare.

Sighing he stroked the velvety nose and scratched between the ears when the horse lowered his head demanding for more. Legolas smiled while willingly surrendering. From the corner of his eye he noticed, relieved, that Lord Glorfindel’s and Lord Erestor’s mounts had also returned unharmed.

Suddenly the pace of the Imladris elves’ activities altered and Legolas knew the moment of departure had come. Two of the warriors had constructed a litter attached between two horses to transport the wounded troop commander home in the hope of reducing the strain on his injured body somewhat.

When all of the elves had mounted Legolas swung up onto his horse and looked back at the two guards who would remain behind to make sure that the fire did not spread. Without Legolas noticing Erestor suddenly appeared beside him. That elf was much too sneaky for his liking.

When he looked in the drawn face however all sarcastic thoughts evaporated. “I want to thank you for your help, Thranduilion,” Erestor said and inclined his head in gratitude. “I’m in your debt.”

However before Legolas had the chance to answer the dark haired advisor had spurred his horse forward, again taking the lead of the procession.

Legolas shook his head. He always felt awkward in the presence of this elf. It was much too easy to misjudge the silent advisor.



Their progress was slow but finally they reached the steep incline leading into the valley. One of the guards took the wounded blond elf into his arms and carried him down, not trusting the horses to manage the steep decent without too much jostling.

Again shivers ran up and down Legolas’ spine. Always before when he had come to Imladris a peace and serenity had settled over him shortly after he crossed the invisible line marking the barrier within which the Elf-lord’s power worked. This time he could feel nothing of the sort. He swallowed and hoped that this did not mean that the Elf-lord had already passed from this world. The valley appeared grey and cloudy; no cheerful singing, no merry lights in the windows.

Legolas tried again to imagine how the elves in his home would react to such a situation. The area around the palace would be in an uproar he guessed. The warriors would demand to search for the men who had attacked the King. The anger would override the grief, at least at the beginning.

After they had reached the stable Legolas remained sitting on his horse. He was really tired after this night but also did not know how he should proceed. On the one hand he did not want to intrude into the cloak of silence that had settled over the valley. But on the other hand he could hardly wait to get the information on how Lord Elrond and the twins fared.

With a glance inside the stable he recognized the four horses of the men. He could not spot the men, but he was sure they had been taken care of and could do no more harm.

Just after he had made up his mind to dismount, the door of the Last Homely House opened and Lindir, Lord Elrond’s assistant stepped outside. In his wake Legolas could see at least three healers he knew. The elves quickly descended the steps and took over the care of the wounded troop commander. Lord Erestor had managed to dismount on his own but was now leaning heavily on the arm of a young healer allowing him to lead him inside.

Legolas waited patiently until Lindir had reached him. A stable hand had taken care of his horse in the meantime. “Prince Legolas, welcome to Imladris. I’m glad you have arrived safely after all the ….. trouble.” Seeing how the slender elf struggled with his composure Legolas inclined his head and smiled. “Thank you for the greeting, Lindir. The last stage of my journey was uneventful, thanks to the patrol.”

Nodding relieved Lindir gestured toward the entrance. “Please come inside. Your rooms have been arranged.” Legolas took a deep breath and followed the dark haired elf. What awaited him behind these doors?” he wondered as he walked over the threshold.

To be continued……………………………..


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