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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil

52: At Edhellond

“We’re parked at the Safeway,” Alex told Finrod as the four of them stepped outside and wended their way past the police cars.

Finrod nodded. “I just need to stop at the bookstore to let Nick know what has happened.”

“We’ll come along,” Alex said. “Finlay and I want to check the roof. We think that’s where Farrell shot from.”

“Will you not be contaminating the crime scene?” Finrod asked with a frown.

Alex grinned. “Been reading Loren’s mysteries, have you?”

Finrod gave him a sly look. “Actually, I have been reading some True Crime books while working at the bookstore. It is very disturbing to see how debased some Mortals have become. Morgoth’s legacy lives on, I fear.”

“Yeah, well, there are good guys, too, don’t forget,” Alex retorted, feeling a need to defend humanity even if he sort of agreed with Finrod’s estimation of it.

Finrod nodded as he opened the bookstore door and ushered the other three in. “And I am reminded of that every day when I witness small kindnesses among the people here.”

“Hey, what’s the deal? Did you find out what happened? Here you go, Mrs. Callahan. You have a good day.”

Alex saw Nick at the counter, handing a bag of books to an elderly woman, who gave him her thanks with a smile and made her way out of the shop, nodding to Alex, Finlay and Sakari in greeting as she passed them. Finrod held the door open for her. Once the door was closed, Nick spoke again.

“So what happened? Why are the police all over the place?”

“Someone didn’t like the pot roast,” Alex answered before Finrod could speak. The Elf gave him a merry look but did not contradict him. “Do you mind if I take my friends up to the roof?” Alex asked Nick. “I want to show them the view from up there.”

Nick raised an eyebrow, glanced quickly at Finrod, who gave him a barely noticeable nod, and shrugged. “There’s an outside stair out back. You can go out this way.” He pointed to the door behind him. “Mind the third step; it’s a bit loose.”

“We won’t be long,” Alex said to Finrod as he headed for the door with Finlay behind him. Sakari stayed where she was, her eyes wide at the sight of all the books.

“I will go with you,” the Elf said. “I am curious about the view as well.”

“Yeah, sure,” Alex responded with little enthusiasm.

“My wife only speaks French and her native language,” Finlay said to Nick as he passed him.

“No problem,” Nick said with a wave of his hand. “Bonjour, madam. Je m’appelle Nick. Et vous?”

“Je m’appelle Sakari,” Alex heard her say shyly as he led the way through the back room to the door that led out to the alley.

The three made their way up the stairs and Alex stopped at the top to look around. “Seems odd for the roof to be flat,” he commented. “I would think it would be sloped to help keep the snow off like the house I grew up in in New Hampshire. We don’t get as much snow as this place but we get plenty. All our houses have sloped roofs for that very reason.”

“Who knows?” Finlay said with a shrug, not really caring. “Maybe they originally intended to add a third story and then never got around to it. He shot from over there.” He pointed to his right where their roof met the roof over the bakery. The snow had been cleared for a space of about three feet and footprints were obvious.

Alex nodded but did not move. Finrod gave him a discerning look. “You do not go over for a closer look?”

“Contaminating the crime scene,” Alex responded, giving the Elf a grin. “C’mon, let’s go before Dave’s forensics team shows up and gives us hell.” He headed back down the stairs and the others followed. Inside the store they found Nick happily speaking French to Sakari, the two looking over some books in the children’s corner. They both looked up when the three entered.

“How was the view?” Nick asked.

“Cold,” Alex said. “Allons-y!”

“Wait! Sakari wants to buy some books,” Nick said.

“Books?” Finlay asked, perplexed. “I told you she doesn’t speak English, at least not yet.”

“These are French books for children,” Nick explained. “I have a small section of foreign language books. Here, you see? It’s Dr. Seuss in French, Le Chat au Chapeau.”

Finlay rolled his eyes and Alex smirked. “You should pick up the English version, too,” he suggested, “then you’ll have a complete set. They can be your textbooks for the kiddies.”

Finlay growled something untranslatable and nodded. “Pick out some books, then,” he said to Nick, “but make it quick, will you?”

“You bet,” Nick said and then spoke to Sakari in passable French, to which she responded with a nod, going back to the shelves to choose some other books.

“We’ll just wait for you outside,” Alex said and with a jerk of his head at Finrod, he headed for the door. Once outside, he sucked in some fresh air, then let it out slowly, releasing some of the tension he’d been feeling since the shooting.

“You plan to show Finlay what you really are?” he asked Finrod, not really looking at him.

“It might be wise,” Finrod said. “He has already met Lord Námo and Lady Estë, though he is unaware of their true natures.”

“Sakari seemed to know,” Alex said. “She called Nate a spirit guide and she thought you were an angel… er… Maia, I guess you would say.”

“She is very perceptive,” Finrod said, then he pulled out his phone and speed-dialed a number. After a moment, he began speaking into the phone in rapid-fire Sindarin. Alex caught only a word or two. There was a pause and then Finrod spoke again before ending the call, slipping the phone back into a pocket. “I have spoken to Glorfindel. He will call Vorondur. I think it will be wise for him to be there when we speak with your friend. Valandur and Daeron will also be there and some others.”

“He’s not exactly a friend,” Alex protested. “More like a former colleague. We never worked together when I was with the Agency, though we knew each other in passing.”

“Still, he looks to be an ally and we need as many as we can get. Ah, you have completed your purchases?” Finrod smiled as Finlay and Sakari came out of the store. Sakari was carrying a large bag and looking quite happy. Finlay didn’t look happy at all.

“It’s a good thing no one bothered to have my credit cards canceled while I was gone,” he muttered. “Okay, so where are we going?”

“Just follow me,” Alex said. “It’s not that far.” With that, he set off across the square to the Safeway and a few minutes later, he and Finrod were climbing into Alex’s car while Finlay and Sakari got in the jeep. Ten minutes later, they were pulling through the gates leading to Edhellond.

“Nice,” Finlay commented as he got out of the jeep, looking about the estate as he and Sakari joined Alex while Finrod went to the door to open it. Another car came into the drive and parked next to Alex’s car. Vorondur got out.

“Heard there was some excitement,” he said with a grin, though Alex thought he detected a note of worry in the ellon’s voice.

Alex shrugged somewhat nonchalantly. “You can say that. Ron, this is Ed Finlay, you probably met him very briefly when you were taking him and his friends down in the Safeway parking lot.” He gave Vorondur a significant look and the ellon raised an eyebrow but did not comment, merely held out his hand for Finlay to shake. “Ed, this is Dr. Ron Brightman. He’s a shrink.”

“A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Finlay,” Vorondur said.

“Ah, yeah, likewise,” Finlay muttered as he took the Elf’s hand, fairly goggling at him.

Alex wasn’t sure if the man was stunned by the Elf’s beauty or by the fact that one of the ‘ninjas’ who had attacked him and the other agents was a psychiatrist. “Oh, and this is his wife, Sakari,” Alex added.

“Wife, is it?” Vorondur said with a knowing smile. “That was fast.”

Finlay rolled his eyes and Alex smirked. “Sakari speaks French but not English,” he explained.

“Enchanté, madam,” the Elf said, taking Sakari’s hand and gracefully bowing over it. “I am delighted to make your acquaintance,” he said in accentless French and even Alex found himself catching his breath at the sheer beauty of the Elf’s voice. Sakari murmured an appropriate response, speaking barely above a whisper, looking very shy and, to Alex’s eyes, very young. He didn’t care what Finlay said, she still looked only fifteen to him.

“Shall we go in?” Vorondur said, still speaking French for Sakari’s sake. The others nodded and soon they were doffing coats and making their way to the library. Finlay, Alex noticed, had his arm protectively around Sakari as they came into the library where they found Finrod, along with Glorfindel, Valandur and the Twins. Daeron was not there, but Alex suspected the ellon was in the kitchen preparing some refreshments. The Elves looked up as they entered. Finlay and Sakari stopped at the door, though Alex continued into the room with Vorondur.

“Alex, I understand there was some trouble,” Glorfindel said as he held out his hand for Alex to shake.

“Yeah, a bit,” Alex replied. “Ah, you remember Finlay, don’t you?” He couldn’t help giving the Elf a wicked grin.

“Oh, yes, quite well,” Glorfindel said and the Twins both chuckled. Glorfindel gave them a glare and then walked over to the two Mortals still standing uncertainly by the door. Alex saw Finlay tightened his hold on Sakari a little more, as if afraid Glorfindel would snatch her from him. Glorfindel held out his hand. “Welcome to Edhellond, Mr. Finlay. My name is Loren DelaFiore.”

“You’re the one who pretended to be Elwood,” Finlay said, reluctantly releasing Sakari to shake the Elf’s hand.

“Yes, and I apologize for the ruse but I’m afraid we couldn’t let you take him. And who is this?” Glorfindel smiled warmly at Sakari, who smiled back.

“Ah, my wife, Sakari. She speaks French.”

“Wife, is it? My, you do work fast, Mr. Finlay.” Glorfindel smirked and Finlay actually reddened. Turning back to Sakari, the Elf took her hand, bowing over it as Vorondur had. “Madam, je m’appelle Loren. Enchanté de vous recontrer. Bienvenue en Edhellond.”

“Merci, Monsieur l’Ange,” she whispered.

The Twins laughed at that and Alex smirked. Vorondur grinned when Glorfindel turned to scowl at them. “She doesn’t know you too well, does she?” he said and then said something in Quenya to Finrod and Valandur, apparently translating what had been said. Finrod put his hand up to his mouth, his eyes dancing with merriment, while Valandur said something that had all the other Elves laughing, except Glorfindel, who reddened slightly at whatever had been said. He turned back to Sakari, giving her a gentle smile.

“Je ne suis pas un ange, madam. Je suis un elfe.”

“An Elf?” Finlay exclaimed in disbelief, speaking English. “Spirit guides. Angels. Now, Elves! That’s what that guy, the police chief, said about him.” He pointed to Finrod accusingly. “Give me a break here!”

“Stay calm, Mr. Finlay,” Vorondur said soothingly, taking Finlay by the arm as Glorfindel escorted Sakari. “Come and sit down.” He led Finlay to the sofa and Sakari sat next to him. “Ah, I see Darren’s brought tea.”

Alex saw the loremaster entering with a tray and went to help him. Daeron gave him a smile in welcome but did not speak.

“We’ll hold this conversation in English, since neither Finrod nor Valandur speak French,” Glorfindel said, looking at the Twins, “so perhaps one of you could act as a translator for Sakari? She should not be left out.”

The Twins looked at each other and shrugged almost as one. “I’ll translate,” Elrohir said and stepped over to introduce himself to Sakari.

“Why don’t you tell us what happened, Alex, so we’re all on the same page and then we’ll address Mr. Finlay’s concerns,” Glorfindel suggested as Alex and Daeron handed out cups of tea to everyone.

“Sure, no problem,” Alex said and proceeded to describe his meeting with Finlay and what happened at the café while Elrohir quietly translated his words into French for Sakari.

When he got to the part where Nate showed up, Glorfindel stopped him. “Nate, huh?” he said, shaking his head. “Why am I not surprised.”

“I realized when he showed up that I was sitting in the same booth as the first time I met him. Does he haunt the place or something?”

“One has to wonder,” Daeron said with a faint smile. “Please continue, Alex. What happened next?”

Alex continued his narrative, leaving out the conversation about weapons that they had been having and simply stating that Nate had told him to duck and what followed from that. “And then we… er… ran into Esther and she said the danger was over. About then, the police arrived and then Finrod. Dave wasn’t too happy about that.”

“Why not?” Vorondur asked.

Alex chuckled. “Dave had left strict orders to his men not to let anyone into the café and Finrod comes waltzing in, apparently using Jedi mind tricks or something to pass the police blockade, like Obi-wan on the Death Star.”

“What is a Jedi?” Finrod asked and for some reason that simple question set the Twins laughing.

“These are not the droids you’re looking for,” Elrohir said in a fair imitation of Alec Guinness, gesturing with one of his hands.

“No, no,” Elladan retorted. “He would’ve said, ‘This is not the Elf you’re looking for’.” And that set them both off again.

Vorondur and Daeron rolled their eyes, while Finrod and Valandur looked on in bemusement, not understanding the reference. Alex noticed Finlay goggling at them in disbelief and sympathized. Elves were… odd at times.

“Put a sock in it, you two,” Glorfindel muttered, shaking his head and closing his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose as if he had a headache. “Let’s concentrate on Farrell. Okay, so you’re sure he shot from the roof of the bookstore?”

“All the evidence points to it,” Alex said almost gratefully, glad to be talking about something normal, like a sniper, instead of imaginary Jedi Elves.

“That still begs the question of how did he know Alex would be in the café and what was he doing in the square in the first place?” Vorondur said.

“That’s two questions, but you are correct,” Valandur responded, then turned to Alex and Finlay. “Was there any sign that he was camping out on the roof?”

“Not that we noticed, but he could’ve been,” Alex said, looking at Finlay for confirmation. Finlay nodded.

“It’s still hinky,” he said. “We didn’t go right to the spot because we didn’t want to contaminate the evidence but even from where we were standing at the other end of the roof, I could tell that the angle is all wrong. How he ever got a clear shot is beyond me.”

“We’ll worry about that later,” Glorfindel said. “At least we now know that Farrell is definitely here. It’s just a matter of time before we track him down.”

“We?” Finlay demanded. “Who’s we? You mean the police, don’t you?”

“No, Ed. I may call you Ed, may I?” Glorfindel replied and Finlay nodded. “Esther told Dave that it was up to us and Alex to deal with Farrell.”

“And that’s what I don’t understand,” Finlay protested. “What is a waitress in a two-bit diner doing giving the police orders? Who are you people?”

Alex watched the Elves. With that question, even the Twins sobered and there was an otherworldly aura that seemed to settle around them all. Sakari leaned over to put a comforting hand on her husband, whispering something Alex could not hear, though he suspected the Elves could. Finlay’s expression went from rebellious to resigned and he patted Sakari on the knee, giving her a shy look. She smiled and kissed him gently on the lips. Alex watched as Finlay’s eyes widened, apparently not expecting such a move on her part. After a moment, she leaned back, her expression one of satisfaction.

The Elves remained silent, watching with interest. Alex suspected Vorondur was totally in psych-mode, analyzing the byplay between the couple with clinical detachment. Finrod whispered something in Quenya to Glorfindel and the two had a conversation with Vorondur, Valandur and Daeron adding their own thoughts to whatever was being discussed. The Twins remained silent. Apparently, this was a discussion among the elders, or so Alex thought. Finally, whatever had been discussed, some agreement was made and Glorfindel turned to Finlay.

“Do you wish to know the truth, Ed, or would you rather remain in ignorance?” he asked. “The choice is yours.”

“What happens if I say no?”

“Nothing,” Glorfindel replied with a shrug. “You and Sakari are free to leave at any time. And to answer your other question, should you say yes then you must be prepared to enter into a world that may prove far more dangerous than you have ever experienced, even in your days with the Agency.”

“What about Sakari? Would she be in danger?”

“I didn’t say you would be in danger, Ed, though that possibility does exist. I said you would enter a world that is more dangerous than the one you already know. Sakari already suspects the truth, though not the entire truth.”

“You mean with her going on about spirit guides and angels.”

“Yes,” Glorfindel said shortly, apparently not willing to elaborate further.

Silence settled around them. The Elves remained still in that preternatural way that they had, waiting with the patience of granite for Finlay’s answer. Alex started to say something to break the silence, but Daeron placed a warning hand on his arm, shaking his head slightly, and Alex subsided. This had to be Finlay’s decision without any influence on his part. He was not sure in his own mind if telling Finlay the truth was a good idea, but he realized that it was the Elves’ call, for they were the ones exposing themselves. What Finlay might do with the information, he did not know, but he suspected that the Valar might have plans for the erstwhile agent from what Nate had said to them in the café.

Finlay sat beside Sakari, eyeing them all suspiciously, clearly undecided as to which course he should take. Sakari sat looking serene, a small, secret smile on her lips, her eyes dancing with barely contained delight. “Dis oui, Edward,” she said. “Je veux entendre ce qui les elfes ont à dire.”

Finlay sighed and Alex couldn’t help smiling. The Elves did not move, but the eyes of those who understood what Sakari had said brightened with merriment at the ingenuousness of her words.

“Fine. Whatever,” Finlay practically snarled and then relented somewhat when Sakari frowned at him. He looked slightly sheepish and patted her knee in a conciliatory manner as he looked up at Glorfindel. “Elves, is it?”

“Yes,” Glorfindel said and then proceeded to show him by pulling back his hair to reveal his ears.

Sakari’s eyes widened and she grinned with the delight of a child being given a present. Finlay’s jaw dropped and he just stared at the ellon in obvious disbelief. Alex decided to intervene.

“Takes getting used to,” he said in a nonchalant voice. “I had the devil’s own time believing it, myself.”

“Uh…” Finlay suddenly looked distressed and he seemed to be hyperventilating.

Sakari rubbed his arm. “Edward, quel est le problème?” she asked worriedly. “Es-tu malade?”

Elrohir, being the closest, placed his hands on either side of the Man’s head. “Relax, Edward,” he said softly. “It’s alright. Just breathe normally. You’re okay.” He spat something out in Sindarin that had Elladan running and Alex suspected the ellon had gone to get some water. Glorfindel asked something and Elrohir shook his head.

Vorondur came over and knelt before the agent, taking his pulse. Elladan returned with a glass of water, as well as with a medical bag. He handed the water to Vorondur and then opened the bag to bring out a stethoscope. Vorondur tried to get Finlay to drink, but the Man was in too much distress.

Elrohir murmured something to Elladan as the latter placed the stethoscope on Finlay’s chest to listen. Vorondur gave up trying to get the Man to drink and concentrated on soothing Sakari, who was becoming hysterical at the sight of her husband’s distress. He drew her away and held her gently, speaking in softly spoken French, rocking her slightly as if she were a child. The Twins got Finlay to lie down, removing his shoes, and Valandur grabbed a blanket and covered him.

“Is he having a heart attack?” Alex asked worriedly.

“Shh….” Daeron said soothingly, putting a hand on Alex’s shoulder, pulling him away so that they were standing in a corner near the fireplace. “Let’s stay out of their way. Dan and Roy will take care of him. He’s just in shock.”

“But he’s going to be okay, isn’t he?” Alex demanded.

“Yes, Alex, he’ll be fine,” Glorfindel said, joining them. “If necessary, we’ll call an ambulance, but I think Dan and Roy can handle things well enough. Darren, I don’t think Finlay is in any shape to leave tonight.”

“I’ll go open up Amroth and Della’s old bedroom,” Daeron said, and giving Alex an encouraging smile, he left.

Alex cast a worried look at the Twins still huddled around the supine Finlay, whose eyes were now closed though he seemed to be breathing more normally. Glorfindel wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “You should go home,” he said quietly.

Alex shook his head. “Farrell is out there. He probably knows where I live. At least Derek is out of the way.”

“You can stay here if you like,” Glorfindel said.

“That’s just putting you in danger,” Alex responded. “I was thinking of grabbing some stuff and then disappearing, leaving a trail for Farrell to find, get him away from everyone else so it’s just him and me.”

“That’s too dangerous,” Valandur said, as he and Finrod joined them. “If he were to kill you, we would never know.”

Alex shrugged. “C’est la vie and all that. If Nate hadn’t been at the café I could already be dead or others might have gotten hurt. I can’t accept that. Farrell is my problem.”

“No, Alex, he is ours as well,” Finrod said firmly. “Lady Estë said as much.”

“Look, stay the night and let’s see how your friend is faring in the morning, okay?” Glorfindel suggested. “I think you should be here for him. He’s going to need you.”

“Why do you say that?” Alex asked.

“Because he’s where you were only a few short months ago. You can help him come to acceptance. Right now his entire world has been turned upside down. What was it you once said, that you could handle psychopathic terrorists better than Elves and angels and the end of the world?” He gave him a smile and Alex nodded.

“Yeah, something like that,” he allowed.

“And I suspect Finlay is pretty much in the same boat,” Glorfindel said.

“Okay, I guess, but I still need to go home and grab some clothes for tomorrow. I have office hours.”

“Do you think it wise for you to return to the college?” Valandur asked. “Might you not endanger those who are there?”

“Which is why I thought to just leave and make Farrell follow me to a place of my choosing where we could have it out, but as long as you think I should stay here, then I’ll continue as I have. I refuse to let him dictate my life.”

“I’ll have Ron go with you once we’ve gotten Finlay settled,” Glorfindel said. “I don’t want you traveling alone and when you go to the college tomorrow, one of us will come with you.”

“I told Dave I would stop at the station around nine to give a statement,” Alex told them.

“That won’t be a problem,” Glorfindel assured him. “Ah, everything all set?” This last was addressed to Daeron who had just come in.

“Yes, there are clean sheets on the bed and I’ve put out towels,” Daeron said.

“Good enough,” Glorfindel said with a nod then turned to say something to the Twins, who nodded and Elrohir scooped Finlay up into his arms as if he were a child and he and Elladan left with Sakari and Vorondur following.

“Do you think we should send someone over to the inn and pick up their luggage and bring it back here?” Daeron asked. “I have a feeling our guests will be here for at least a couple of days while Finlay recovers.”

“Good idea,” Glorfindel said. He turned to Alex. “Would you mind…?”

Alex shook his head. “We have to pass it on the way to my place anyway so it’s not a big deal. I think, though, that Sakari should come with us.”

“She may not want to leave her husband just yet,” Glorfindel pointed out, then went over to the desk and pulled out an address book. He pulled out his phone and punched in a number. “Yes, this is Loren DelaFiore. Would Laura Chapman be in by any chance?... Yes, I’ll hold… Hi, Laura, it’s Loren. How are you?... Fine, look the reason I’m calling is that one of your patrons, Edward Finlay, has suffered a collapse and we have him and his wife here at Edhellond. I want to send someone over to pick up their luggage. Dan and Roy don’t think Mr. Finlay should be moved for a couple of days… Yes, that’s right, Edward and Sakari Finlay… Okay, great. I’m going to send Ron over… You bet and send me the bill. I’ll take care of it. Thanks, Laura. Give my best to Noah and the boys… Bye.”

He ended the call. “Laura Chapman is the manager at the inn,” he explained to Alex. “She’ll accompany you to the room.”

“Okay, I’ll go collect Ron,” Alex said and left the library, making his way toward the stairs where he met Vorondur coming down. He quickly explained what Glorfindel wanted from them.

“That’s not a problem. I’ll call Holly and let her know what’s going on. Give me five minutes. I need to speak to Loren first.”

“I’ll go warm up the car,” Alex suggested as he opened the closet door and pulled out his coat. Then he stepped outside and headed for his car. Several minutes later, Vorondur came out and then they were driving away.


Words are French:

Allons-y!: ‘Let’s go!’

Le Chat au Chapeau: ‘The Cat in the Hat’.

Enchanté de vous recontrer. Bienvenue en Edhellond: ‘(I am) pleased to meet you. Welcome to Edhellond’.

Merci, Monsieur l’Ange: ‘Thank you, Mr. Angel’.

Je ne suis pas un ange, madam. Je suis un elfe: ‘I am not an angel, madam. I am an Elf’.’

Dis oui, Edward. Je veux entendre ce qui les elfes ont à dire: ‘Say yes, Edward. I want to hear what the Elves have to say’.

Quel est le problème? Es-tu malade?: ‘What’s the matter? Are you ill?’

C’est la vie: ‘That’s life’.

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