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All That Glisters  by Lindelea 5 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/23/2004
Oh dear! It's a bog, and here I was thinking ruffians. Of course, knowing you it may be both!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/29/2004
Seems Merry should have gone with them or convinced Diamond to stay. Poor Hilly! I am realived that he was able to toss Faramir to safety but now what will he do? I loved Diamond's line about Pippin having rope thanks to Sam. A very nice nod to the quest. I hope Pippin hurries.

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/26/2004
If only Merry ahd ridden with them! Oh, dear! Stuck in a bog! Poor Hilly, and he is being so brave to try and stay as cheerful as possible when he is facing drowning! Yikes! can't wait for more!

Author Reply: But of course, Merry might have met Hilly's fate, so perhaps he's better off at the Cockerel. OTOH, he might have recognised the danger, seeing the dead trees in the standing water, seeing as how he's encountered bogs before.


Connie B.Reviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/26/2004
Oh, this is a bad situation; not as bad as the ruffians I feared, but bad enough. I hope Hilly can hold on for a long time. He's gonna need to. This is really getting good.


Connie B.

Author Reply: Did some brushing up on my knowledge of hypothermia and it's sobering to read that Hilly would lapse into unconsciousness not more than three hours after immersion in cold water, and much sooner if he spent his energy in exertion.

Making mental note to dress in layers next time we go hiking in the foothills, and carry waterproof matches and fire-starters.


BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/26/2004
The poor pony!

And Hilly is in desperate straights - I hope rescue comes soon, but I'm a bit concerned about who might provide it. It's a good thing that Farry was thrown to safety, but they are not in a good position - to put it mildly.

Author Reply: You're right to be concerned. Pippin is nowhere near, and not due to arrive in Pincup until midnight or so. If I didn't know what was about to happen (and know something of Hilly's future) I'd be terribly worried.

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