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All That Glisters  by Lindelea 7 Review(s)
EruvywethReviewed Chapter: 22 on 1/3/2005
I know Ferdi is short for Ferdibrand, and I guessed Hilly was for Hildebrand, but what's Tolly's full name?

Author Reply: Hilly is short for Hildibold, and Tolly is short for Tolibold, who are both younger brothers of Mardibold, whom you ought to be encountering soon.

Thanks! Nice to hear from you.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 22 on 12/11/2004
How I would LOVE to greet the King myself. /me wanders sadly away, wishing I looked more like Arwen Undomiel

Author Reply: Ah, wouldn't I love to greet him, myself. Writing is the closest I'll ever come, I fear.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 22 on 11/24/2004
Very nice! I'm sorry that Ferdi doesn't get to go, but I guess that would mess up some of your other stories. It's hard to keep things straight sometimes, isn't it?
Well, I have to quit again; going to try and get an hour's sleep before I have to get up again.
This story's great!

Author Reply: It is hard to keep things straight. I don't mind so much when my editor says, "er... ah..." but when a reader catches something, showing that they remember my stories better than *I* do... well, it's humbling. But welcome. Am glad when someone takes the time to point out something I've overlooked or forgotten.

Goodness, suffering insomnia? Have had that problem, and have read fanfic to while away sleepless hours, but it wreaks havoc on the following day. *hugs* Hope you did get that hour's sleep, and thanks so much for the lovely reviews!

Chibi-KazReviewed Chapter: 22 on 10/12/2004
I can't wait to see Aragorn and Arwen and everyone again! More, I can't wait for Hilly and Ferdi (whom I just know will end up in the thick of things anyway) to meet good honorable Men and have their perceptions changed. Have Faramir and Eowyn tagged along w/ the King? I bet Faramir would love to meet his little namesake. So many opportunities for meetings and getting-to-know-yous and learning that Men can be good too. Ooo, I'm getting a squiggly-excited just thinking about it!

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 22 on 10/12/2004
Missed quite a bit there, didn't I? Oh, when Ferdi and Pippin happened upon the hanging I was so worried it was actually Jack and Will! Thank goodness it wasn't! Maybe Ferdi will have some peace now that he has met the boy he thought he condemned! I couldn't believe that the Rangers would actually be so cruel as to hang a child! It is good to know the little boys are being taken care of when the Rangers come upon them!

I wich Ferdi was going to meet the King. I guess he does another time but still, what a time it would be! I feel bad for Hilly, loosing his pony and all, and one he was so close to!

Well I am waiting for more! ;) Thank you!

Connie B.Reviewed Chapter: 22 on 10/11/2004
Glad to see Ferdi recovering. It is a good thing Hilly has someone like him to talk to. I'm also proud that Ferdi is reporting only the official spin on events. He could have just as easily, in private, spilled the real story, but he really didn't want any more suffering in this matter.

It souunds like Hilly's got a lot of his own healing to do now. I think meeting the king will be very good for him. Pippin really is wise in choosing who accompanies him. Ferdi didn't need the experience, hilly does.

Good chapter, and good story.

Connie B.

Author Reply: As far as Ferdi spilling the real story... well, I've heard it said about him that he wouldn't tell his own father what's for tea if he didn't think old Ferdinand needed to know. What with the way hobbits gossip it's probably wise to limit your gossiping to the "truth" that you don't mind getting around.

Perceptive comment, that Hilly needs healing. He also needs to look at Men in a new light.

The Bridge meeting is coming up, and was lots of fun to write, though I wonder if I got a little carried away and need to re-do it. The *good* thing about writer's block is that I couldn't re-do it if I wanted to, so you get to see the original version here, even if it changes later.


BodkinReviewed Chapter: 22 on 10/11/2004
It is very refreshing to see Ferdi speaking the pro-Man line about Jack and his lads, with Hilly providing counter-point - and obstinately refusing to listen. Those Tooks! What a pig-headed bunch.

Why isn't Ferdi going to the bridge? I would have thought Pippin would want to expose him to a little more mind-stretching.

I can empathise with their distress over the pony - poor Whitefoot.

Author Reply: Ferdi, "pro-Man", is something you don't see every day!

There are a couple of reasons why Ferdi isn't going to the Bridge, one which will be made clear in the next chapter, and the other the simple fact that Ferdi won't see the Brandywine close up until late in "At the End of His Rope". I had to come up with a reason why Pippin wouldn't take his "right hand" with him. Let me know if it sounds plausible. (I don't think Ferdi falling asleep on guard duty is enough of a reason for Pippin to leave him behind, though Ferdi might not see it the same way.)

I'm looking over the next chapter to come and wondering... will people accept Pippin acting outrageously, or will they think he's over the top? Ah, well, hopefully people will not simply shake their heads and turn away, but will make comments if he's truly out of character.

Thanks for commenting!

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