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What's left behind  by perelleth 6 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/9/2006
So much to understand, absorb, come to terms with, learn to endure. And it is probably even harder, as elves, to cope with disaster that comes so quickly, piled on other disasters and followed by more. And yet, at the same time, they have the enduring bones of the earth and the time for slow regrowth and repair.

Mallereg is in such distress - he really needs balm to his soul in some way to patch over his raw areas. And Laerîniel - well, at least she has one thing on her mind that helps her look past what else is going on. A very satisfactory reunion in many ways. But Legolas is not whole, either - anything that can stop a Wood elf hearing the forest is not good. It won't take Laerîniel long to recognise the different song that is echoing through him now. And it will be more distressing, probably, than a physical injury that will heal.

Love the parting from Gimli - although if he went off on his own, he is rather too confident in his ability to defeat who-knows-what he might find on the way home - and the selection of trophies and gifts that Legolas brought back with him.

Sorry to be so long reviewing - but I just don't seem to be getting enough time for important things at the moment!

Author Reply: Sorry to be so long in answering ! :-)

They would be really used to disasters, in such long lives, and so they surely know how to cope with them. Yet it would take long for any family -and the wood elves in general- to fully recover, though, even if Legolas' return was supposedly a good news and a way to definitely close up the episode and begin to look forward!

Gimli is sure that Lasgalen is far more dangerous than his own way home... what, with the news Legolas is bringing back!

Thank you for wading through!

RedheredhReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/7/2006
This is such a lovely chapter! I just wanted you to know I really enjoyed reading it again in its final form.

Author Reply: You are terribly kind, Redheredh. Glad that you managed to go through it yet again...despite all. Many thanks yet again.

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/6/2006
Oh goody, an update! There were so many things in this that caught my attention:

Laerîniel's return home and allthey see on the way is very sad. I great portrayal of all Legolas missed while he was away.

And for the first time she wondered with trepidation what kind of Elf would be returned to her, what kind of changes, what inner wounds would her husband have sustained during that eventful year, what scars would have been left by the dreadful experiences he had surely gone through. I love this and it is too realistic. Everyone must have wondered how Legolas would be when he returned.

The old beech was a descendant of the one Legolas had planted after he asked for her hand –so long ago. Love this detail.

And Legolas and Gimli's goodbyes were very well done.

The horse seemed to calm down, although Legolas wasn’t sure whether his snort had been one of contempt or despair. Hehehe--this made me laugh. I think the horse of Rohan would definitely find Mirkwood strange.

“I am Legolas Thranduilion, and I belong here!“ he again called, opening his arms and looking upwards to the tall, imposing trees he had known since saplings, and the sight made him laugh in joyous rapture. I loved this and it seemed so perfectly Legolas. And his reunion with his wife and then with everyone else was wonderful. I very much like the idea of Legolas having this waiting for him after all his trials.

“My kinsman carefully considers each decision, and rarely allows his temper get the best of him,” Thranduil grunted in response. “Although I doubt that he accepted the Dwarf freely, but rather at his wife’s insistence…” he added with an undisguised scowl.

“And that’s why he is called the Wise, isn’t it, my lord?” The Queen’s serene voice could not hide her amusement, as she let her hand run lightly along Thranduil’s face.
Absolutely loved this!

And I loved the trophies/gifts Legolas brought home with him. That was a great idea. But all is not perfect as we see in Legolas's uneasiness in several places here. Sad. I am very anxious to see how his family will react to learning of his plans and of the sea longing.

Author Reply: Yes, how the poor horse managed to get used to such a different type of master always got me wondering! Glad you picked that up! :-)

Well, I for one do not dare coming "home" without presents, so it was fun to figure out what he would be bringing.

The sea-longing thing always made me curious, as well as Legolas' fate. I always found it difficult to see that his had been a perfect, "happy ending", what! for a wood elf to be "sentenced" to never again find peace under his trees... so I concluded that his tale was longer, and his reward just a bit way ahead.

Thanks for following, and for your kind comments...

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/6/2006
What a reunion! That was long-awaited and well-earned. And presents for all, as well. Yet, I like seeing that not everything is as it was, that there are tears even in the midst of the laughter.

Author Reply: I am honoured that you found time to make your way through this inconsiderately long chapter, despite your tight schedule. Go you!

I like seeing that not everything is as it was And how could it? They shall surely have tales to trade until they reach Valinor...and all in one single year. Enough to give an Elf a fit!

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/6/2006
It is so sad to see Legolas not able to hear the trees as he used to be able to, and to not find the peace he had hoped for in going home. Not only is his own heart not at peace, he finds his family in similar circumstance - a family broken by death and shadow and disobedience. It will be very hard, I think, for Legolas to find the right time to bring up his hopes for Ithilien, esp once his family learns of his sea longing. The Quest really did take him from them.

Author Reply: The Quest really did take him from them.
I figured as much. Galadriel's words never seemed a good omen to me..(and Legolas doesn't take them as very encouraging either in LOTR...)
Some tales just take longer to reach their happy ending...

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/6/2006
What a great chapter. I loved seeing Legolas arrive and start to discover what's been going on at home. I predict it won't take his family long to realize that something is up with him too, poor elf.

Author Reply: Yep, updating there must have taken quite long... Thanks for following, despute the dely!

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