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A Matter of Honor  by meckinock 12 Review(s)
ElwenReviewed Chapter: 13 on 8/28/2006
Your are a consumate story teller. I stand in awe and I've thoroughly enjoyed your tale so far.

Author Reply: Thanks very much, Elwen. I hope you continue to enjoy the story as it draws nearer the conclusion.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 13 on 8/28/2006
Diphtheria, perhaps? And the denigha attempting a tracheotomy? I don't think being a healer of any kind is likely to be a good thing around this bunch of primitives. They'd burn you as a witch as soon as look at you. Although at least Dugaric's son seems determined to prove the innocence of his betrothed - so maybe he, at least, is interested in her as a person rather than just as a female.

And I hope the denigha hangs around - because I'm sure she has a lot to tell the Rangers. A lot that might prove very interesting to our Dunadan's future prospects.

If, that is, they ever manage to get out of this brouhaha with these contentious Dunlendings.

Author Reply: You know you have just earned the Karenator Award, Bodkin!

I think Dugaric's son is a nice boy :-) His mama must have managed to impart some Rohan sensibilities in him. Aragorn is looking forward to chatting with the denigha- once he settles the brouhaha.

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 13 on 8/23/2006
I hope that the mysterious old lady survives long enough to verify that the poor girl was untouched, and to talk to Aragorn - the old lady seems to hold the key to two problems here. I don't think she murdered Dugaric's child at all, btw, or even was trying to kill her.

Author Reply:
I think the old lady will be all right - she's a pretty tough bird. And she's happy to have at least one defender :-)

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 13 on 8/22/2006
What a tense chapter.How clever of Aragorn to suspect Tulric.I truly thought he and Halbarad were in equal trouble then.The old woman fascinates me too.Great reading as always.

Author Reply:
Well, they're still in a lot of trouble, but there's something to be said to knowing what you're walking into, for sure. Glad you're enjoying it, Linda.

lizReviewed Chapter: 13 on 8/22/2006
Another intriguing chapter. I was hoping Aragorn would think of some way to convince him. Looks like it happened just in time! And I'm ashamed to admit that I'm so "into" this story that I sort of forgot about the reasons for Aragorn's fatigue and such from the last tale -- and now these two stories could be connected. I would certainly be paranoid if I were Aragorn, what, with all these Dunlendings suddenly after him. But what a cool, collected Chieftain he is. (Oh, I just let out a little sigh. Don't mind me...)

Annnyway. Fantastic job, and as always, I eagerly await the next chapter :)

Author Reply: Hi, Liz,

What I really like about Aragorn and Halbarad is that if Plan A gets thwarted, they immediately move on to Plan B without wasting a lot of time pining about how awful things are. Action dudes. Let me join you in a sigh...

Thanks for the review. Will try to get the next chapter out before Sept 10 (when I have to go out of town.)

RSReviewed Chapter: 13 on 8/21/2006
I've a feeling the mysteriious denigha holds all the answers to Aragorn's questions. The chant she gave was very eerily spellbinding (did you make that up?). Veric is a strong one..there's great defiance there; maybe he can teach his father a thing or two?

It's no wonder Aragorn and Dugaric are Chieftans! Aragorn is clever enough to figure the deception and Dugaric was smart enough to listen to Aragorn. Though I do not like Dugaric's ways, there's a part of me that is starting to like him.

A magnificent chapter!

Author Reply: Wow, RS, you're asking all the key questions!

1. Aragorn certainly thinks she is someone well worth talking to.
2. Ooh. Since you put it that way, yes. I like eerily spellbinding more than eerily abominable
3. I think Dugaric is trainable.

I do enjoy playing Dugaric and Aragorn off each other, and a part of me likes him, too. I'm glad you agree, so I don't feel as twisted!

perellethReviewed Chapter: 13 on 8/21/2006
We could control the roads, the river crossings, the passes, instead of these meddling Northerners. The Forgoil would bow to us; the Breelanders would pay us for protection.” Now, this Veraric is a man with a Big Dream... and a Big Brother in between! What an extraordinary chapter, Meckinock! with more double cross, the local witch and the all that obscure background: northmen recalled in song and a chieftain's daughter murdered in the forest by suspect witch, an old grudge and the poor boy trying to save his bride's life sticking to the old tradition... Boy, the scene came out vividly, quick and clear as if I was there!

I really like how you are presenting Dugaric. No wonder he is a chieftain. He is ruthless as it suits his responsiblity, yet has no qualms to admit he was wrong, and is one to listen to others and take counsel from where he thinks it is worthy...except of course in the case of the old witch, but that, I think, is understandable under such circumstaces. A very powerful character. Now that Aragorn has his blade back I just hope these two old rangers may have their comeback at their enemies, they really deserve some retaliation after such mistreatments and bad luck!

A most enjoyable chapter, with soothsayer and more mystery!

Author Reply: Now, this Veraric is a man with a Big Dream... and a Big Brother in between!

I couldn't have put it half so well myself. He's a soulless opportunist, all right. As screwed up as some of Dugaric's principles are, at least he tries to do the right thing. He doesn't deserve Veraric for a brother. I did enjoy the witch; glad you liked her. There is something about an old crone that really appeals to me. If only Tolkien had made Gandalf an old woman, things would have been more interesting. I can see him and Old Lady Saruman, sitting and sniping at each other... Glad you liked it, Perelleth.

grumpyReviewed Chapter: 13 on 8/21/2006
When and if Aragorn gets out of this, I have signed him up for a refresher class on "sneeking away from the bad guys". I think Halbarad might need to go to. So far all they have managed is a lump on the head and a wound to the leg.
Just what will the other rangers say. Plus misuse of Daisy, poor thing, not trained at all for this sort of thing.
I loved it that Aragorn did not think that Halbarad was the surrendering sort.
Great chapter, very interesting about the old woman. Can not wait for more.

Author Reply:
I have signed him up for a refresher class on "sneeking away from the bad guys".

ROTFLOL. I guess he has that coming!

And poor Daisy; really she did not sign on to be a battle stallion :-)

You're great, Grumpy.

Ainu LaireReviewed Chapter: 13 on 8/21/2006
I am the worst reviewer in the world. I really am, and for that, my most sincere apologies. This is one of my favorite stories pretty much ever; I love it so much.

Wow, just wow. So this certain band of Dunlendings... the one that have captured Halbarad and the chief's brother... are certainly up to no good. And they want to sell Aragorn to someone? Ooh, boy, I wonder if that same someone is Saruman, or someone else. Aragorn has many enemies. Poor him. Too bad we like to see him suffer a bit XD

Ha! I am glad that Tulric was found out, though it was not cool of Dugaric to do that to Aragorn. But Aragorn's line of thinking was correct; many men would betray others, especially strangers, in order to get their kinsman back safe and sound. Pssh, no honor at all. Disgraceful, really. But that sounds like what would happen in even a few places today.

But anyways, I am delighted that you updated so quickly! This is really a great story, and I always read the chapter right after you post it. Anyways, I hope you continue soon with another chapter; school is starting and I need more of this good fan fiction ^^


Author Reply: No, I'm the worst :-)

I feel bad for Dugaric. It must be hard to have such ingrained loyalty to your kinfolk and have it betrayed. Aragorn is so selfless that sometimes he overlooks that most people think in terms of "us" and "them." I'm trying to update more quickly. On the downside, you might notice more typos.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 13 on 8/20/2006
Nothing like a little familial double cross, and then an old crone who might just know something about what Aragorn is looking for. And a tie to the earlier story.. even better!

Interesting use of honor as a weakness of Aragorn, this assumption that honor means something to others. Keeping his intact while being around those who don't honor their word is difficult, yet also a testimony to what is good and right.

I am glad he is at last untied.. and that some in the Dunlending tribe wish to see the girl live. Perhaps there is hope.

Author Reply: I figured since I gave the Dunedain challenging relatives, I might as well give the Dunlendings some, too. I feel sorry for Dugaric. He actually tries to live by his principles, bent as some of them are. His brother is just out for Numero Uno.

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