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Droplets  by perelleth 10 Review(s)
French PonyReviewed Chapter: 10 on 6/14/2007
So, here I am at last. I've been letting my reading slide, and I do apologize for that.

But what a nifty little story to come back to! I like the way the focus starts out so narrow, right on Elladan, then gradually widens to include his "mystery opponent," and finally reveals that Elladan got his trouncing in front of a cheering audience. That was clever, and Estel certainly did make his point.

Author Reply: I hope you took a well deserved rest!
I am particularly thrilled that you liked the tale! At times I stopeed and wondered "what is FP going to say about this? Does it rin true?" Well, I assume that at least I did not stray too much!

grumpyReviewed Chapter: 10 on 6/10/2007
Great story. Loved Elladan's reaction to being finally beaten by Estel in a sword fight. Baby brothers do grow up! Liked that part about not going out again for a few more years.

Author Reply: THank you, grumpy. Big brother's do have a hard time admitting that baby brothers do grow up! (says one who knows :-))

DotReviewed Chapter: 10 on 6/10/2007
I swear you always put me to shame. I couldn’t write a swordfight like that in a million years and English is my native language!

This is wonderful. The fight itself was enthralling – there’s such skill and beauty in it even as it’s clearly deadly. But mostly I loved being in Elladan’s head during it as he tries to figure out the moves before they’re made and berates himself for doing this when he’s tired.

I guessed who the opponent might be so even though I was becoming rather worried as the fight became more vicious, I admit I grinned when Elladan found himself unexpectedly defeated.

How am I going to explain this to Adar? Ooh, I like that! There’s more than mortification there. Elladan’s got himself into something he can’t get out of.

And so he has. Well that’s what he gets for being cocky! I’m glad for Aragorn, though. I hadn’t realised they were being watched! LOL. Poor Elladan. I bet they all enjoyed seeing him beat young Estel.

I’m laughing at the thought that it was Glorfindel’s idea that Estel “play to his advantages.” Heh. And it turns out that Estel is clever as well as a good swordsman.

I love that moment when Elladan becomes aware of Estel’s dignity and his readiness to become who he needs to be. It was very moving. Glorfindel is right – Estel is becoming a man worthy of everything he will be called to do only because of those who have given him their time and their wisdom. How could Elladan be anything but proud?

Estel deserves what he just won. “Well-done, Estel […] although I regret to inform you that...” Even if he has to wait a few years :-D

Excellent, Perelleth. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Author Reply: THank you, DOt! Truth be told, I would have never thought myself capable of writing that in my own language, but this was a case of last-minute pressure working out! FOr some reason suddenly the whole scene appeared before me clearly, so I only had to follow it and tell the tale. A clear case of inspiration! :-)

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 10 on 6/3/2007
I enjoyed this, Perelleth - Elladan handled his defeat well, though really, silly half-elf - fighting when he has just returned tired from a long time away! You convey a lot in this short piece - I easily felt like I was there.

Author Reply: THank you, NIlmandra, glad that you enjoyed and that it was believable! Of course Estel had to search for an advantage to beat Elladan, and he was sneaky enough to challenge his pride! :-)

RedheredhReviewed Chapter: 10 on 6/3/2007
LOL! Clever Estel working out every advantage to get what he wanted. And Elladan for all his mind's inner workings. :)

But, a good final exam of little brother's skill, competence, and intelligence. I am sure everyone, especially his Adar and brothers, will feel better now about the young man going out into the wider world.

Good episode! Yay for Mechinock having another birthday!

Author Reply: Thank you, Redheredh! Being taught by Iladris' finest, it couldn't be a surpirse for Elladan that sneakiness was among his talents! :-) So it was only naturla that one day he would be ready to go away, as you say, although it must have been only too early for his family, as it always is! :-)

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 6/3/2007
Hehehe! I loved seeing young Estel's first victory! I think Elladan will have some explaining to do to Elrond, but it is his own fault. :-) And the sword battle was really well written. Those are so hard to write without becomeing repetitive and hard to follow. But this one was perfect. Great job!

Author Reply: Thank you, elliska!
Sword fighting is very difficult, I find, so I am doubly glad that this one came out properly! And Estel was actually ready to step into the wide world, but surely he needed a great feat to show the family that he was ready indeed!

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 10 on 6/2/2007
Wonderful, Perelleth! I loved this - I like anything with well-written twins, and Elladan was perfect in this. You kept me guessing who his opponent was - it could have been another elf, until the word 'man' narrowed it down to Aragorn or Halbarad.

Young Estel did very well to beat his brother - and to challenge him when he did, when he knew Elladan was tired after a long patrol. Sneaky!


Author Reply: THank you, Jay! :-) I suspect that sneakiness must have been in Estel's trainig program, so Elladan had no right to complain! :-) I intended to keep the identity hidden for a bit longer but I tired of alternating "opponent", "the other" and "adversary" man it was! :-)

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 10 on 6/2/2007
Thank you so much, Perelleth! This was absolutely delightful. Elladan's expert blow-by-blow assessment of his opponent's skill and strategy lent excitement and realism (and humor) to the scene, especially after his identity was revealed. I wanted to cheer for Estel along with half of Imladris. You portray him so beautifully here as a confident, competent warrior just stepped over the brink of manhood. Don't take this the wrong way, but he reminds me of my dog the other day. He slipped out of the house and had a nice run around the neighborhood with me trying to catch him. When he had had enough he just came back to the house and waited for me to show up. When I saw him, he was wagging his tail like he'd just ridden the biggest roller coaster at the amusement park. He's a year and a half old, and male, and just full of himself, and I couldn't even get mad at him. Estel is like that here - full of himself and deserving it, and still free of all the worries and burdens that he will carry for so many long years.

may you find time to tell us more about certain lost ring!

Er... I'm trying. You know what it's like. Thanks for even remembering it, though!

Author Reply: LOLOL! I had to laugh at the picture of your dog coming back from his adventure and eager to share the excitement as if nothing had happened...:-) that's exactly the feeling, I suspect, you cannot get angered at that! :-)

I am glad that you liked it. OUt of inspiration as I am am lately, this came out directly from the void,, and thankfully not too late. Hapy birthday again, and let us hpe that the year brings some more spare time for self and pets and pastimes, :-)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 10 on 6/2/2007
Oh, devious Elladan ... and even more devious Estel. There's nothing like being brought up by elves to ensure that a man is ready for the pressures that result from being the heir of Isildur!!

Wonderful piece. I loved every step of it - and the insight into the mental processes of Elrond's firstborn. Lovely.

Author Reply: THank you! :-) It is always great fun to see the twins' tacticts somehow backfiring...

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 10 on 6/2/2007
Nicely done, Perelleth. I enjoyed the fierceness of both swordsmen, and then Elladan's dismay and Estel's triumph and glee. The motivations and emotions were mixed enough to be believable and interesting.

Author Reply: Thank-you, daw. Sword fighting is not one of my strngths, so I am glad that it came through well...

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