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Stirrings of Shadow  by Fiondil 6 Review(s)
Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 24 on 8/23/2007
What an exciting chapter, Aragorn is so brave !It is so true that when we look at the stars it puts our own troubles in perspective.

You havve a small typo you might wish to fix "Théoden is going to be very frighten," I'm always doing similiar.

I hope you have a safe trip to China.

Author Reply: Thanks Linda for pointing out the typo. I will fix it immediately. Yes, when we contemplate the enormity of the universe, our own troubles seem rather petty and banal in comparison. Glad you liked this chapter. I will have new chapters to post when I finish my tour.

Beruthiels CatReviewed Chapter: 24 on 8/15/2007
Mean, you is...out of the frying pan and into the fire. Patience? Not hardly! I'm power-pouting over here (grins) Be safe-we'll be here when you get back! Let's see...that will mean you have to give us EXTRA CHAPTERS, don't it? ooooooooooo. I like that.

Not a greedy bone in me,

Author Reply: Hey, I need to keep you coming back for more, so cliffies it is. *grins* I will do my best to give you at least a couple of new chapters for each of the three stories I am writing. Those overnight trains are good for writing.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 24 on 8/14/2007
Yes, knock the poor kid out and keep him out with drugs, even if it endangers his health or might kill him. But at least Theoden is now with his father.

Clever Aragorn, and love the frustration Widfara expresses.

Author Reply: Those who had Theoden in their clutches obviously were not concerned for the boy's health as long as he served their purposes. Such is evil in its many forms. Widfara wants to be heroic like Aragorn, little realizing that true heroism lies in intent more so than in action. That he joined Aragorn in search for the lost prince was enough to make him heroic whether he actually did the actual rescuing himself or just helped get the boy back to his mother and safety.

ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 24 on 8/14/2007
Yeah!!!!! Finally you got Theoden back, but did you say China?! Can you pack me in your suitcase and take me along? Oh! I would love to see it! anyway have fun and be careful, hear from you when you get back.

Author Reply: Sorry, my suitcase is full. *grin* Besides, I LIVE in China so it would be rather difficult getting you back home even if I could've fit you in my suitcase. Save up those pennies and maybe someday....

TiraReviewed Chapter: 24 on 8/14/2007
understanding, yes...patience, not so much. *sigh* but somehow I shall survive. Have fun!

and of course, you leave us with a small evil!

Author Reply: Yes, truly evil... *grin*

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 24 on 8/14/2007
So, Aragorn got Theoden out of the clutches of whoever is camped before the gate, but now he is trapped. But the enemy has no hostage anymore. Maybe they can use that to their advantage... And Widfara and Grimbold are still free. They can go back and hopefully bring help. Oh, wait. Isn't winter approaching? I hope you have a good trip and I'm waiting (im)patiently for an update ;-)

Author Reply: Yes, Theoden is free and whoever the baddies are they no longer have a hostage. I'm sure Thnegel and Aragorn will think of something to get themselves out of the city. And when I return from my trip I'll have at least the next chapter (maybe more than one) written.

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