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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 13 Review(s)
bookwormReviewed Chapter: 13 on 6/15/2008
"water so clear he could see to the very bottom. Light was all around but there was no sun. He wondered how the ship could move without sails to catch the breeze that smelled, not of salt, but of... something green, he decided, though he could not put a name to it. He did not feel any hunger but realized he was thirsty again, so he made his way aft to the barrel and drank some more water, feeling refreshed as he had never felt before.

Now the ship was sailing through a garden of water lilies, bright yellow against dark green lily pads. They did not seem to impede the ship which sailed through them with silent grace. And that was what Glorfindel began to notice — the absolute silence that surrounded him. There was not even the swish of waves hitting the side of the ship as it sliced through the water. He felt disinclined to speak out loud and tried to make as little noise as possible as he returned to the helm. "

A reference to the Chronicles of Narnia yes? A lovely lovely chapter. Ah, Glorfindel, you're such a troublemaker that even Atar gets directly inolved! *offers hugs*

Author Reply: Actually a nod both to C.S. Lewis and Dante. *grin*

Glorfindel is everyone's favorite elfling, including Atar! LOL

I'm glad you found this such a lovely chapter. Thank you for letting me know.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 13 on 6/14/2008
Don’t know for whom to feel more sorry. It is only too understandable that Finrod lost his patience, I think, but admittedly Manwë was right, too – Glorfindel has not been reborn for very long, and he had a hard time since his release, so it’s no wonder he is not taking all that very well. He's emotionally not very stable just now after all he went through.

"If he’d been in my service when I was king of Nargothrond," Finrod replied, "I would have paid Morgoth to take him off my hands."
Manwë chuckled at that, giving Finrod a brief hug. "And no doubt, my Fallen Brother would have taken one look at him and then politely refused your kind offer."

*rofl* But on the other hand, maybe Glorfindel would have driven Morgoth to flee Arda completely, simply to escape our favourite balrog-slayer ;-)

Námo and Irmo keep laying bets as to which way Glorfindel will jump next and half the time they’re both wrong
Hmmm ... could you not set Eönwë to keep record and then publish all these bets and what truly happened? Would be fun to read *grin*

Oh, Glorfindel got to sail on Vingilot? Even if not in real. Great! And even greater that Atar was it who brought him there. Even if it was to give him a bit of a talking to – but all in all, he was rather nice to Glorfindel. Though I fear if I were Glorfindel I would have been a bit confused about the permanent change of the one with me. Worse than a chameleon! It must feel decidedly odd.

Well, and now everyone is there, and I look forward to finally know *why* the Valar did that!

Author Reply: Both Finrod and Glorfindel are under a lot of stress and Glorfindel is acting out more than usual because of his precarious emotional state. Hopefully, though, this will be a learning experience for him and he'll be more mature after this.

I tried to convey the idea that the One is beyond any description we might care to give him and that he's neither of one race or another, of one gender or another (Ingwion's experience). I'm sure Glorifndel actually found it intriguing trying to guess what Atar would look like next. *grin*

Manwë will explain everything (or nearly everything) in the next chapter). Thanks for reviewing.

TariReviewed Chapter: 13 on 6/10/2008
Poor Glorfindel. He is certanly having a hard time. But, how many elves can say they met Iluvatar face to face. What an awesome experience. I have no doubt that he will be great some day.

I am so sad to find I am caught up with this tale. I guess I will just have to start another story until the next chapter is posted. (sigh)


Author Reply: Not only Elves but how many Mortals can say the same, too? *grin* I think this explains why he is so powerful when we meet him in LOTR. His encounter with Atar probably did more for him than most people suspec.

EI2 is updated once a week, usually on Sundays, so you won't have too long a wait for the next chapter. *grin*

Beruthiels CatReviewed Chapter: 13 on 6/5/2008
I was wondering how long it would take Finrod to "bolt".This would be just about the last straw for him, although he's obviously running mostly from himself. Just like him though, to find humor in Finrod wanting to foist Glorfindel off on Melkor. A typical "older brother" reaction...
Glor on the other hand, has had too much time to think since arriving, and has worked himself into quite a state. Not being able to see Earendil would push him over the edge, in light of the events of Gondolin. He is understandably terrified. To his way of thinking, he couldn't be any more *alone* since their arrival after Finrod takes off. It's another crisis point for him...but he will be better after this, I think. The 10th dimension is a good place for him to grow up a little more. Sooner or later he has to face his issues, and he's exactly where he needs to be, especially with the meeting he's not expecting to have with Atar.
(Still laughing over Irmo and Namo laying bets)

Should have seen the appearance of Vingilot coming! Good one....and the description is just extraordinary, as is the explanation of "how it works". Glorfindel needed this perspective. Is this "water" the same as fed the two trees? *grin*

Atar's sense of humor regarding Glorfindel's gibbering is just wonderful...we should all hope to have such a relationship of total acceptance...and even HE finds this Child a bit exasperating. Shades of Namo's youth, perhaps?

"Something green"... the smell of Life. Lovely...and so Glorfindel gets his own trip to the Timeless Halls. And to climb the Holy mountain. Not exactly what he was expecting, but the parallel to Taniquetil just leaps out of the page. He is after all, there by invitation. This especially fits in light of Ingwion's experiences in the recent chapter.

The hiding of Earendil makes perfect sense here, otherwise Glor would be too anxious to take up where he left off, and it's just not time for that yet.

Atar's appearance, a subtle reminder to Glor that Eru is limitless, and appears as He needs to to each one of His Children. The fact that Glorfindel doesn't comment on this reinforces the idea that his fea understands what is happening.

No matter how Glorfindel resolves all this, he will be changed. I am reminded of Tolkien's description of him at the rescue of Frodo at the Bruinen...he has the glory of where he's been, even more so than having beheld the light of the Two Trees. Seamless to canon.

Finally he's back to being "just (endearing) Glorfindel" again- still pacing...and still so much to learn...

There you have it. Disjointed review for sure, but so many layers beyond what is apparent on the surface...


Author Reply: Not dijointed at all. Either that, or I'm not fully awake yet. LOL

Anyway, all that you've said about Glorfindel's need to grow up a little more and that the 10th dimension was a good place for him to be is absolutely true, and while I didn't consciously think about such things as the parallel with Taniquetil and the scene of him at the Ford Bruinen, I can see where they fit into it all and I thank you for sharing another facet of the Silmaril so to speak. There are indeed many layers to this chapter (and the story) beyond what appears on the surface and I'm not surprised that you found one facet (or two) of which I was not consciously aware when writing this chapter.

I made Atar's appearance different for Glorfindel than for Ingwion to show that Atar is indeed limitless and is really neither male or female, of one race or another, but incorporates all of them into one and we see Atar as we need to see 'him' or 'her'. Glorfindel's fëa understood that even if Glorfindel himself could not articulate what he was experiencing.

It should be interesting to see just how this little trip affects Glorfindel in the future. I wonder if Finrod will feel jealous when he learns that his cousin Ingwion had a similar experi8ence with Atar? *grin*

Thanks for reviewing, Cat. I really appreciate it.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 13 on 6/5/2008
Bilbo was listening closely and doing his homework all those years in Rivendell. Nice interweaving of the poem's elements; and another knows that special Presence as is needed. And now he accepts the comfort he chased away earlier, and having accepted it the fear of abandonment is dismissed as Finrod returns.

Lovely imagery.

Author Reply: I guess Bilbo was indeed, LOL. Thanks. I'm glad you loved the imagery and the interweaving of the poem's elements. And yes, another does know the special Presence as needed. I'm sure he'll be seeing things much differently from now on, or one can only hope. With Glorfindel you never know. *grin* Thanks for reviewing, Larner.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 13 on 6/5/2008
I've written a long review, but the server refuses it :-(
Nilmandra is looking into it to find out why it doesn't work, but it may take a bit of time - I hope to post it soon. For the moment I will only say that this chapter was fun!

Author Reply: Sorry about that Kitty. If you wish you can in the meantime send the review to me privately and then post it later once Nilmandra figures it all out. I'm glad to hear that you found the chapter fun. I enjoyed writing it.

Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 13 on 6/4/2008
Oh my, what a chapter! Even Atar is sometimes taken back by our Balrog Slayer? *laughter* Atar seems to be taking a more direct hand in the story. It's interesting to see your descriptions of him. Poor Glorfindel though. Seems he's being forced to grow up when he isn't quite emotionally mature yet. Its intersting to see his reactions. One never knows quite what to expect from him. *grin*

Glad Finrod burned off some steam. I'll have to remember that. When life gets unbearble, go for a long run! So I wonder if Manwe will be explaining now, or if Glory still isnt' ready yet.

Wonderful chapter! As always, I look forward to more!

Author Reply: Atar seems to be taking over, that's for sure. Not sure why. I thought I was doing pretty well, telling the story, but I refuse to argue. LOL

Glorfindel does have some growing up to do and maybe it's being pushed a little harder than necessary, but I know the Valar (and Atar) need to get him ready for when he goes to Middle-earth. We'll see in the next chapter how Manwë handles Finrod and Glorfindel's questions.

Glad you liked the chapter, NiRi. Thanks for reviewing.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 13 on 6/4/2008
Why visit, just leave him there, they don't have internet?!

Author Reply: Apparently not! LOL

eilujReviewed Chapter: 13 on 6/4/2008
Well, it's been a day of surprises, including SoA being down again, and now finding this so unexpectedly soon. (Not that I'm complaining, mind! But I wonder, is this speedy posting a response to reviewers’ nagging? j/k! j/k!)

"Glorfindel kept getting upset every time he thought about what the Valar had done to him (or what he thought they might have done to him)" -- *snicker*

I'm trying to imagine the conversation if Finrod and/or Manwë ever tell Glorfindel that they had decided Morgoth would reject Glorfindel as a gift. [Maybe they should actually make Morgoth the offer: I suspect it would give him nightmares (surely a Good Thing)! *mental picture of Glorfindel chasing Morgoth around the Void*]

"Glorfindel has had a rather rough first year since being released from Irmo’s care” -- Just a wee understatement there. I imagine no Reborn ever had a *worse* first year.

Ah: the water of Life. [And now that I've thought of that, I've got Argento's "Revelation of St. John the Divine" playing in my brain. *Many* years ago, our college choral group performed it, and it's one of the pieces of music that plays at the mention of appropriate phrases (and in learning that piece, I apparently memorized half the book of Revelation, so there are a plethora of possible phrases). Yes, I have a weird brain.]

Eärendil sailing Vingelot only occasionally: that's a new one, and it certainly makes sense astronomically. It's also infinitely preferable to the interpretation that he sails 24/7 and never sees Elwing at all. And once Middle-earth is no longer flat, he’d need to be in the sky all 24 hours (most of the year, anyway) to be visible across the entire planet, so this *really* makes sense. Of course, at this point the planet *is* still flat, but apparently the Valar added Venus before the world was changed. I’m wondering how the Valar gave Venus the quality of the Silmaril’s light, which presumably the “star” still had; I’m sure they must have had fun figuring that out.

Oh, *please* write a story about the party in Mandos to celebrate Glorfindel’s being Reborn!

It should be interesting when Ingwion and Glorfindel compare notes about their experiences, given how much was different.

I trust that while everyone was gone from the camp site, Beleg's fëa hasn't been wandering the Tenth Dimension looking for G and F. [Probably the Hunt hasn't happened yet.]

Re. Nahar possibly being one of the Maiar: I should have thought of that possibility, since I’ve read of that explanation for Manwë’s Eagles.

Well, past time to go brave the poison ivy and the evil mosquitoes and the *ticks* (!!), so I’ll just hope this is more coherent than I think it is, and post. You may not have many reviews till people find the new address, but at least I’ve given you a long one to puzzle over....

Author Reply: Actually, the world has always been round (go read my story Wars of the Valar). And I do plan to perhaps tell about Eärendil and Venus as a flashback in a later chapter of this story. We'll see.

As for the party in Mandos... you never know. LOL

We will see in a couple of chapters just what Beleg is up to. You are correct that we've gone back in time a few days but eventually we will come up to the moment when Beleg disappeared and all the timelines will merege.

Thanks for the review. It was nice to see it once I could get back on to SoA.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 13 on 6/4/2008
Actually, when you think of it, Finrod has had an easier transition after being re-born, he had his parants love and help and a familier place to live, plus time to come to terms with his life now. Glorfindel on the other hand has been dumped in at the deep end as it were, with no family to help him other than Finrod and Sador, plus things have been happening at an alarming rate with no time for him to aclimatise to them! Does he still have family in Aman? Let's hope Adar's little talk will help him and that Manwe's answers, those he is willing to give at this time, do also.
I see this site has been under attack again, what is it with these people, obviously thay do not have anything better to do. Do you think a little talk with Namo would help?
More please

Author Reply: Glorfindel's first year has not been typical of most Reborn that's for sure. *grin* But his experiences will only make him greater and will help mold him into the great Elf-lord we see him as in LOTR.

I'm sure even a talk with Námo would not help... but maybe a visit to Morgoth in the Void?.... heehee

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