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Fiondil's Tapestry  by Fiondil 7 Review(s)
shireboundReviewed Chapter: 16 on 4/24/2009
This is very beautiful and lyrical. Your writing flows like water.

Author Reply: Thanks you, Shirebound. I truly appreciate you letting me know how much you enjoyed this.

Your writing flows like water.

I take it no pun intended? *grin* Thanks for the compliment.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 16 on 5/1/2008
A lovely explanation of how Ulmo came to this office. Yes, the one who listens beyond when the voices of this world clamor for the wisdom of stillness, of rhythm, of cleansing and renewal.

Author Reply: It's not an easy office to fulfill, but a necessary one and Ulmo does it with grace and style, as even his fellow Valar must allow.

EdlynReviewed Chapter: 16 on 5/1/2008
Oh, this was gorgeous! I think this is my favourite of the Tapestry pieces so far. As I read I could see the pleasance and wall and water, hear the noise of the small stream that had found its way through the granite to the other side and--most wonderfully--feel Eru's embrace. This bit of writing has brought solace to my mind and heart, meldonya, and I lack the competence to properly explain the way I feel inside right now because of it. Thank you!


Author Reply: I'm glad you enjoyed this piece, Edlyn and that it's your favorite of the Tapestry tales (at least until the next favorite comes along *grin*). Sometimes, a story simnply grabs you and you don't have the words to explain why. That's okay, as long as it brought you solace for whatever reason, I, as a writer, have done my job. Thank you for letting me know.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 16 on 4/30/2008
Ah, so Ulmo is the 'string' for the 'mittens', the Valar being the mittens, so they don't get lost!:<)
More please,

Author Reply: I suppose that's one way of looking at it, though I don't think the Valar would appreciate the imagery. *grin*

Nora ThalionReviewed Chapter: 16 on 4/30/2008
This is a wonderful story. I love your use of imagery and the comparisson of the crack in the wall to the events that will eventually unfold in Arda. In fact all of your stories are amazing. This is a nice touching moment between father and son.
Keep it up.

Author Reply: Thanks Nora. I'm glad you have enjoyed all my stories, especially this one.

Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 16 on 4/30/2008
Oh what a FABULOUS fic for 'appointed'! Very deep and thought provoking. Love it!

Author Reply: When I came across the passage quoted at the end of this tale I just knew I'd found my story. *grin* Glad you enjoyed this. Thanks for reviewing.

KayleeReviewed Chapter: 16 on 4/30/2008
ULMO!!!!!!!! It's Ulmo and Atar!!!!!! *squeals* *Hugs Ulmo and Atar* Aww!!!!!! Poor Ulmo to have to do such a secret, lonely job but Atar knows he can do it and so he is proud to do long as it doesn't ruin things with Manwe...But it won't ruin things with Manwe. It never could. Because Manwe. And Ulmo is Ulmo. And they are best friends. ^_^


Author Reply: You've pretty much have put it in a nutshell, Kaylee. Atar has every faith in Ulmo that he can do what needs to be done and it can never truly ruin things between Ulmo and Manwë because they are indeed best of friends and love each other too much to let this come between them, each recognizing that they both have specific roles to play in Atar's Design.

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