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The Last Messenger: A Tale of Númenor  by Fiondil 6 Review(s)
obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 19 on 5/21/2008
So, for the moment they are safe. That was quite a rescue scheme Laurendil came up with. Floating down the river. And poor Boromir sacrificed himself. The guards will rue that they killed him, since their quarry escaped under their noses and now they have no one to question.

The empty village is still a mystery. I hope you will solve this for us in due time. And where will Fiondil go, since he can't go home?

Author Reply: The mystery of what happened to the people of Nindamos and why will be revealed before the story ends as will Fiondil's fate.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 19 on 5/15/2008
Hooray-the lost found and restored, and the relief is overwhelming. Now--what to do about the mortals in the party....

Author Reply: Hooray, indeed. The next chapter will deal with the problem of what to do with the mortals.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 19 on 5/14/2008
Ah ha! So Fiondil might have an inkling as to where the shipwrights are... a diturbing thought!

And the males definitely seem to be leering!!!! Stop it!

Poor Fiondil does know how to sit and wait - with Earnur's help....

Is this the same... could it possibly be.... 'our' Vorondil grown up????
Oh my! *heavy sigh*

Lovely chapter!!!! Now get the heck out of their before some 'other' ships come!!!

Author Reply: Well, perhaps Fiondil might now where the missing shipwrights are, we don't know for sure, though we can guess why the shipwrights are missing, can't we?

You've forgotten the first two chapters of this story which take place in Aman where we meet Vorondil, not only all grown up, but married with a child.*grin*

eilujReviewed Chapter: 19 on 5/14/2008
So a happy almost-ending, though I *really* could have done without reading about poor Fiondil being seasick. And if no place in Númenóre is safe for him, does that mean they have to sail him all the way to Middle-earth? He could give Gil-galad the latest info on Númenóre -- if he survives the voyage....

And Vorondil *did* get to go along ... and got his present, too!

[Re. seasickness: I definitely did *not* inherit the same genes as my-brother-the-sea-captain (who is really more a restaurateur, though he does have a captain's license, and lives on his boat, and did have a captaining job last week).]

Author Reply: Even though Fiondil and I share the same name, we don't share the same aversion to water. I've never been seasick, thank Eru, but I know others who have and I know how wretched it is, so I'm not unsympathetic.

Yes, Vorondil got to go along and get his present (the best!) at the same time. *grin*

Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 19 on 5/14/2008
Oh how nice. Vorondil got to sail after all! though I was a bit surprised he didn't comment on Lauendil's short hair. *grin*

So nice they are safe for the moment. I look forward to seeing the conclusion to this wonderful tale.

Author Reply: I'm sure Vorondil will get around to teasing Laurendil about the short hair once he gets over the shock of seeing Eärnur. *grin*

6336Reviewed Chapter: 19 on 5/14/2008
Oh, poor Fiondil, motion sickness is the worst, makes the trip seem never ending. Being on the ship may make it eaisier and I am sure they have something to make him feel better. I see Vorondil has not noticed Laurendil's new hair style, I expect he will come in for some teasing once it does.
We have had one happy reunion let's hope there are more to come.
What are we to do with Fiondil though, will he be making a quick trip to the Hither Lands or is he going to join the villagers and all those missing shipwrights?
Happy Belated Birthday, may you have many more!
More please,

Author Reply: I think Vorondil probably did notice the short hair on Laurendil but has matured enough not to make teasing comments in the presence of strangers and then seeing Eárnur probably knocked that right out of his mind, for now. The solution to Fiondil's problems will be forthcoming.

Thanks for the birthday greetings.

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