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The Wars of the Valar  by Fiondil 8 Review(s)
ImhirielReviewed Chapter: 35 on 5/17/2009
I had to re-read the last couple of chapters to refresh my memory and catch up with the thread of the story, so now I can finally start on chapters I hadn't read before.

I loved the scene of healing and recovery. Very wise of Námo to recognise that the sick Mayar needed a purpose and encouragement, not only commiseration (as needful as that is, too). Very discerning how he could pick out one of her specific strengths and apply it to his immediate plans for his temporary secondments. And I wager that in this way, Ancalequirindë and the three can help each other.

Author Reply: Wow! after all this time! I'm glad you've been able to come back to this story and finish it. I'll try to get through all your reviews as quickly as possible, but it'll still take me some time to catch up with you. *grn*

Anyway.... Namo is beginning to show his 'softer' side here, being the Comforter and Consoler rather than the Judge and Doomsman. It's a role he prefers over the others that are his to play.

ShemyazaReviewed Chapter: 35 on 8/20/2008
I have been meaning for some time to write and say how much I admire your writing and your thoroughness in your characterisation. This seems as good a time as any. I always await an update with anticipation and you rarely disappoint!

Author Reply: Thanks Shemyaza. I really appreciate you telling me how much you admire my writing. I'm glad you are enjoying this story (and I'm assuming the others). Thanks for letting me know.

EarlindeReviewed Chapter: 35 on 8/18/2008
I absolutely love this story! I have been searching everywhere on the net for really good stories about the Valar and yours definately take the cake! Your characterization are perfect, the settings, the plot, everything is just amazing. Bravo!

Author Reply: Hi Earlinde. I'm glad you like this story. As far as I know there aren't any stories about the Valar on the net (or at least not very good ones, IMO) which is why I wrote my own, especially dealing with Námo. Thanks for letting me know who much you enjoy this story. I really appreciate it. If you want more Valar you can also read my "Elf, Interrupted" series which features all of the Valar at one point or another through the story of Glorfindel, Finrod and other elves in Aman during the Second Age.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 35 on 8/18/2008
The Valar and Maiar will be busy for a while with cleaning up this mess. It is really sad how much damage Melkor and his minions left :(

I was so glad that Námo was able to help Ancalequirindë; he seems to have known instinctive what he had to do. It was easy to see in *this* Námo the future Lord of Mandos who has to care for the fëas of the dead. And he found an interesting task for her :)

But I expect him to have a few words with Irmo and Estë about what they can or can not talk in the hearing of injured people!

Author Reply: They will just get the mess from one war cleaned up before the next war comes, but that's the way it is.

I'm sure Námo had a few words with his brother and Estë about proper procedures around their charges. They're all still learning their roles and it will take time for them to get it right.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 35 on 8/18/2008
Seems the Valar are doing a little damage asesment and coming to some decisions as to what needs to be done.
Tulkas is being shown how to get around and Namo is doing what he prefers to do, or will when he becomes Lord of Mandos, consoling, a lot of people forget that one of his titles is Consoler (I don't know the Quenya, it's in one of your stories, somewhere!)I think he much prefers that role to being Doomsman!
Glad to see you back, I was running out of things to reread!
More please,

Author Reply: Consoler is Námo's favorite role over those of Judge and Doomsman. We see him here beginning to claim that role for himself. Vairë also shows a compassionate spirit that easily matches that of Námo which is why they make a great couple.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 35 on 8/18/2008
Tulkas is quite the character, obviously. Now, to repair what can be repaired, and let the Maiar who were injured heal as they can. And just their presence has helped many begin to heal--that is good.

Author Reply: Yes, Námo is beginning to come into his own as the Comforter and Consoler, the role he prefers over all the others that are his to be had.

KayleeReviewed Chapter: 35 on 8/18/2008
Ah, so Aulë is going to rebuild his world. Good, good. He does need his forge. *hugs Aulë* And it's good to see that Ancalequirindë isn't fading anymore...She reminded me of Lindorillë for a while there. I'm glad Námo and Vairë were able to help her. Irmo and Estë really need to watch what they say around the Mayar. *sighs* I wouldn't be surprised if Námo had...words with his brother about that.

And of course it's good that Tulkas is finally there to help! Yay for Tulkas!


*GLAD that you have returned from the Void, Meldonya!!!*

Author Reply: I'm sure Námo had more than a few words with both Irmo and Estë about being careful of what they say around their charges. They are all still learning their roles so there are bound to be mistakes along the way until they 'get it right'. *grin* Glad you liked this chapter. Thanks for reviewing.

Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 35 on 8/18/2008
Oh it's so nice to have you near an internet connection again. I was going through withdrawal! :)

Wonderful chapter. It's so nice to see Námo acting like the Vala we see in Elf Interrupted. And how appropriate for he to be the one to one day comfort the dead. Such heart he has!

Nice peaceful interlude before more Melkor wreaks more havoc, I'm sure. Love it!

Author Reply: Many of the Valar (and Maiar) are beginning to claim the roles that we know them for at this time as Arda is being prepared for the Children. Unfortunately, it's not all a bed of roses yet and there is much havoc for Melkor to wreak.

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