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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 15 Review(s)
Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 24 on 9/20/2008
RL has been incredibly cruel lately so I am way behind reading and reviewing every where. Finally caught up here though and am so glad I did! Have I mentioned I love this story? :) But what a cliffie! I wants to know what was in the letter, but I guesses I shall have to wait.

Great couple of chapters! Bring on more.

Author Reply: Well I'm glad you were able to catch up. *grin* And I'm glad you're still liking the story. Chapters may be a bit sporadic over the next few weeks while I'm busy attending a teacher training course in Prague but I will post as often as I can and the Muse (and my schedule) permits. I'll be back on a regular posting schedule in November.

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 24 on 9/16/2008
I come back from a hurricane enforced absence to find all sorts of upset in Lorien! Gracious!

Mischief making Maiar... A lot of the mischief we've seen so far has been light-hearted and intended for positive outcomes; but mischief can also be for negative purposes and outcomes as well. As the chapter unfolded, I remembered Glorfindel's comment about the Maiar being as mischievous as elflings. Nice bit of foreshadowing here.

I know that everyone is wondering why Glorfi changed his mind and came to Lorien, but I'm just as intrigued by Ingwion's sticking around too. I think it will be interesting to see why he's been inspired to delay his trip to Nienna's seaside home.

"Let us hope Lórien is still intact when it does." *Shiver* Is Ingwion having a bit of foresight here?

Glorfindel's encounter with Irmo was ... interesting. I admit to being very curious about what sort of things he got up to during his time in Lorien before he went through the Gates of Reunion. I like the little snippets that are showing up here and there as the story progresses.

The up and down of Glorfi's emotions in this scene was interesting. He reminds me of my own teenage daughter in a way--wanting to be self-reliant and not to feel as if those in authority over her are directing her actions, yet she wants the security of having parental authority in place when things get to be too much. I don't think I'm expressing myself very well here... but I liked this scene. Irmo's admitting that he rather wishes Glorfindel had not come to Lorien made be grin a bit self-consciously, because I've felt like that when my daughter has drawn me into situations that appear as if they could lead to mayhem of one sort or another.

I very much liked the last two lines of that section. :) I most certainly would hope the elflings would be very much changed from what their parents had made them by the time they got home again.

Lisselinde's actions bother me a lot. There's obviously something behind her action of inspiring Lindorille to clean up the desk--and her attitude seems a bit off from when we saw her last. Upon reading about her desire to prove that Finderato "was not as clever as he thought he was", my first thought was, "what is her beef with Finrod? Is she jealous?" And then I saw that Olorin agreed with her opinion and got really confused! There seems to be a lot of behavior that is unusual in many of the characters this chapter!

Poor Lindorille... Whatever was in that letter really must have been awful to set her off in tears.

The interaction between Finrod and Olorin and Lisselinde was intriguing, yet confusing to me. I still feel like I'm missing something in regards to why on Arda the Maia are responding to Finrod the way they are.

I know that we haven't seen everything that Finrod has been doing as a Feanturnildo (And I probably misspelled that!). I certainly hope that your muse will reveal the "missing bits" so this makes sense soon!

The final section was something else...

Finrod seems to be acting quite out of character from the noble, thoughtful prince that we've become familiar with since he found out about Lindorille reading that letter. He definitely has something to explain, and I look forward to finding out just what was in that letter--it certainly sounds as if it were one of those letters or emails that one writes to get one's feelings out but then tears up or deletes. He obviously missed that last step!

*wince* Poor Glorfindel.... but from the translation, those were "fighting words". I sincerely hope that this gets sorted out quickly and the friends can forgive each other--and most of all, I hope that Lindorille will not suffer long term bad effects from all this. The elfling has been through too much and doesn't deserve more trauma.

I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next... I know, I just need to be patient and your muse will speak eventually. :)

It was really nice to have a new chapter to read when the power came back on. Thanks!

Author Reply: I think you're making up for lost time with this review. *grin*

The confusion as to how the characters are acting, feeling that they are acting out of character, is only because you are seeing this from the outside rather than from the inside. As you pointed out, we haven't seen everything that has been happening to Finrod or the others so we are only seeing things from a certain angle. I promise that things will become clearer in subsequent chapters.

Just keep in mind that both Finrod and Glorfindel are still recovering from their ordeal (if you want to call it that) in the tenth dimension and everything that followed from that. It's been less than two weeks for them and they are still emotionally fragile and perhaps even unstable, though neither one of them would admit to it. So, even the slightest upset can cause them to over-react to situations.

Lisselindë is obviously interfering with things and she will learn just what the consequences of that will entail. Olórin agrees with her assessment of Finrod, but not with her method of bringing him down a necessary peg. After all, he is not really their concern and it's up to others (such as Irmo and/or Námo as his masters) to do it. Lisselindë has crossed a line she shouldn't have out of concern for Lindorillë and the other elflings.

The ramifications of all this wlll be worked out over the next few chapters... and perhaps we will learn just why Ingwion is delaying his own journey to Nienna's, other than to sit back and enjoy the 'floorshow'. *grin*

Thanks for such a lovely long review. I'm glad you're back and all is well with your family.

artistic spriteReviewed Chapter: 24 on 9/16/2008
Yay, another chappy! Although this one's a little depressing, what is the letter about anyway?

Author Reply: We'll find out soon enough.

TariReviewed Chapter: 24 on 9/15/2008
As I began reading, I was reminded of the Potter moulding the clay.

I'm now wondering what was in the letter that so engraged Glofindel that Finrod had to punch him. I think Glorfindel needs to attend an anger management class.



Author Reply: They both could use some anger management classes I think *lol*

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 24 on 9/15/2008
Oooh cliffie - warning needed! Excessive reactions all round. Some of which may be justified. We wait to see!

Author Reply: If I posted a warning, there would be no surprise. lol As to whether any of the reactions are justified, that remains to be seen.

RadbooksReviewed Chapter: 24 on 9/14/2008
Wow! What are you doing to those poor children now? :) I'm trying to remember if Lisselindë was in Wars of the Valar or not, but goodness she's awfully... arrogant and I have a feeling that she is going to severely regret the events she has put in motion. I also suspect that her lords will be having some talks with her.

I can't imagine what was on that letter, though perhaps it had something to do with him leaving Lorien or sending the children away, since that might provoke a response like that from Lindorillë. I hope Glorfindel isn't too badly hurt... or too mad!! :) I was thinking he was there to be with the children and to continue his 'training' for when he is with Elladan, Elrohir, and Arwen someday. *grin*

I'm looking forward to the next chapter!!

Author Reply: All the Maiar mentioned in any of my stories were present in Eä from the very beginning so they all are in my story "Wars of the Valar" even if they do not have a specific speaking role (as yet). Whenever I create a new Maia OC I add their name to the Character List in Wars under the name of the Valar whom they serve.

We will learn what was in the letter soon enough as well as learn Glorfindel's ultimate reason(s) for being in Lórien... he might have been there for more than one purpose, of which additional 'training' in dealing with elflings might just be one of them. *grin*

eilujReviewed Chapter: 24 on 9/14/2008
Oh, my! So is *that* why Glorfindel's in Lórien?

'"Now, Glorfindel, you mustn’t take it so personally.... We find all of you amusing"' -- (warning: long story). When I was first hired, I was trained by a librarian named Alice; after a couple of years, we were doing different types of work in different districts, and I rarely saw her, and then only to say hello. Twenty-some years after she'd trained me, we were in a group waiting around in the hot sun for the Mayor to show up so a new library could be dedicated -- and I was just overwhelmed by how very *Alice* she was. She thought I was laughing at her, but I was simply enjoying how much *herself* she was (though an hour earlier I couldn't have described her in any detail!). I don't think Alice understood my attempt to explain why I'd laughed 8-/ . But I know what Irmo's talking about.

'Lisselindë sniffed in disdain when she heard about it' -- Little does she know what she's begun. I'm not happy with her later smugness.

'"I only hope that in the end Lórien is still standing"' -- Yeah, maybe it's a good thing Glorfindel was there.

Loved Ninwanyellë's blue-green hair!

Author Reply: I think the Valar find the Eldar amusing in the same way as you found Alice to be amusing, simply because they are themselves. Lisselindë will, as they say, 'live to regret' what she did. Of course, I don't think that Glorfindel's reason for being in Lórien was to be punched out by Finrod. *grin* His real purpose will eventually be revealed. Glad you liked Ninwanyellë's blue-green hair... probably why she was given that name.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 9/14/2008
Finda, Finda, Finda what were you thinking? Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today, or in your case what you should have done right away! (Shakes head!!)
What Glorfindel said, with knobs on!
Hope you did not hurt your hand too much on Glordindel!:<)
Looks like Elrond is not the only person who needs to attend classes on Elfling raising 101!
More please,

Author Reply: Well, it was hardly Finrod's fault. If he hadn't been called away when he was, he probably would've destroyed the letter then and there.... and of course, now the question is: did Lisselindë also have anything to do with removing Finrod from the scene so Lindorillë could find the letter? hmmm.... we'll find out eventually.

HelReviewed Chapter: 24 on 9/14/2008
I hope you tell us what was in that letter that everyone reacts so strongly. And why would Lisselindë want the elfling to find the letter, no matter the consequences. And I think Olorin is right abaut Lisselindë starting something dire, but hopefully the image of Lorien going up in flames is exagerated.

And why was Glorindel so testy even before the incident? He was angry since he arrived in Lorien. And the same applies to Finrod. Normally he has more self-restraint than hitting people he is angry at, exspecially someone as close to him as Glorfindel.

Please, please update soon.

Author Reply: All will be revealed shortly, never fear. Both Glorfindel and Finrod are still recovering from their ordeal in the tenth dimension even if they don't realize it and Lisselindë's little ploy has pushed them over the edge a bit. It's not what she intended but when interfering with free will.... anything can happen.

NikaraReviewed Chapter: 24 on 9/14/2008
This is definitely going to go well :) What on Earth did Finrod write? I'm sure that will be revealed in time, but that is quite a reaction. I'm surprised that Finrod is the one hitting Glorfindel- that must have been quite an insult! I look forward to more.

Author Reply: We will learn shortly what was in the letter and why both Lindorillë and Glorfindel were upset by it. As for the insult... the Friend of Men being compared to traitors and betrayers of trust... not something you would laugh off, is it?

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