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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 10 Review(s)
6336Reviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/17/2008
While rereading this chapter I was struck by the image of Manwe in jeans and a tee shirt,a belt pouch of carpenter's tools at his waist, sucking his thumb and cussing out his hammer, with Eonwe standing there recording everything in the White Book and trying not to laugh!

Author Reply: I'm re-reading this story, too, and can't believe I missed this, so my response is about 4 years out of date and you've probably completely forgotten about it, but I like your image of Manwë and Eönwë, though, of course, that's not what actually happened. *grin* Sorry about the delay in response. Not sure how I missed this.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/12/2008
So Manwë has built the Chapel of Stars? I'm as surprised as Ingwion is! But that part made me wonder again if the reason Glorfindel needs to meet Ingwion has something to do with the fact that both lately had encounters with Eru, even before Námo said something similar. I'm really curious to learn more about that.

Anyway, glad Ingwion gets along so well with Tiutalion now. And I seem to remember it has not been so long ago that he thought Nienna's place a gaol himself ... He has really changed since he first arrived at Nienna's.

Nienna’s expression could only be called gleeful, which, to Ingwion’s mind, did not bode well for anyone. I'm with Ingwion here. Only I'm not sure if to ask "What have Aldundil and Vorondil done?" or "What has Nienna done?" *grin* Even more considering the reaction to Nienna's announcement to have a surprise for them.

Aldundil's reluctance to go camping is understandable; it has to bring back difficult memories. Though maybe it would help him to face these, who knows. Particularly knowing that his brother already left Mandos. Anyway, there can be no doubt that Vorondil is more than happy with the camping trip.

Hm, what's the Fana Nírion? Seems Nienna has her own plans ... though I really wonder why she (and the other Valar) is so against Glorfindel and Ingwion meeting. Glorfindel can't be *that* bad, so what's the reason behind it?

Author Reply: Hi Kitty. The whys and wherefores of Glorfindel's need to see Ingwion will be explored in later chapters. We'll see what comes of it and how the two finally get the chance to talk to one another in spite of the Valar.

Ingwion has matured over the last few weeks since first coming to Nienna's. Being Námo's apprentice probably helped. *grin*

We will see what effect the camping trip has on all three ellyn in the next couple of chapters. And as for the Fana Nírion... that too will be revealed in time.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/11/2008
Ah--camping. Back to nature; bee stings and fishing; hiking and finding what needs to be found by these, and then an interruption by Glorfindel! Now, to find out why Glorfindel and Ingwion need to talk at this point in time while not interrupting this phase of the recovery of these two.

Aldunil's brother....

Author Reply: Well, whether Glorfindel interrupts the camping trip or not remains to be seen... certainly he won't be long out of the picture at any rate. And as for Aldundil's brother... it will be some time before we actually meet him I'm thinking. He's only just been released from Mandos and has not yet advanced in his rehabilitation enough to be in Lórien yet.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/10/2008
Delightful chapter - Again!!!

I just gigled a lot during the reading. You write your characters so well - I could sense Ingwion's hesitancy. And Nienna's compassion was so very nice to see. Not that I'm sure she can be as 'strict' as her brother...

And the idea of camping - good grief - being in 'the wild' can bring about many things... I've got my fingers crossed that the hidden Maiar who will accompany them are well-versed in watching over these children of Eru!

I liked the idea of the Chapel of Stars... I liked it when Ingwion was there and when Tiutalion spoke more of its 'creation.

And I'd forgotten, again, how very much I enjoy Vorondil! His exuberance and lack of 'tact' just light up the chapter.

Great job - can't wait to read more!

Author Reply: Hi Agape. I'm delighted that you found this chapter delightful. Nienna is her brother's sister and is as compassionate as Námo given her role here (at least as I envision it).

With regards to the Chapel of Stars... we will see in an upcoming chapter of 'Wars of the Valar' how it came about.

Vorondil is indeed delightful in his exuberance and lack of 'tact'. The typical elfling. *grin*

We will see in the next couple of chapters just what the camping trip is all about.

Independence1776Reviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/10/2008
Love Nienna's response to Ingwion just standing there.

Well, that beach sounds gorgous to me right now. (I like storms.)

That Chapel is getting more and more intriguing.

“'I have a surprise for you all,' she said. Vorondil looked wary while his atar simply looked resigned." Oh, I wonder what else has been going on there...

Yes, that is a very understandable reason to not want to go camping. *shudders*

Letting Vorondil loose on a trail... This is going to be interesting.

Fana Nírion? Whatever it is, there's definitely something going on.

And I'm not sure whether to shake my head or laugh at Nienna's not wanting Glorfindel near her dwelling.

~ Indy

Author Reply: I purposely have not translated Fana Nírion at this juncture but you will learn what it is in the next chapter and what its significance may be for our three campers.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/10/2008
Hm. Vorondil looking wary and Aldundil looking resigned at Nienna’s announcement that she has a surprise for them – does that mean that they have had experience with her surprises already?

I can understand Aldundil being less than happy at going camping, since the last time he went camping (so to speak) it was during a war, with all the attendant trauma and general nastiness.

“Feels like forever”. It is obvious that Vorondil, being an elfling, doesn’t experience time like adult elves. (Just like human kids, in fact) ;-)

And last: Nienna saying that she “doesn’t want that impossible child” – meaning Glorfindel – “anywhere near my demesne”. And she wants Vorondil and Aldundil to get into trouble? It would be sooo much easier if she called in the expert! But then, perhaps she wants to get the two of them (or three, counting Ingwion) to get into trouble the way _she_ has planned. With Glorfindel around, I get the impression that events take off on a tesseract, instead of nicely following the road. :-)

Author Reply: Vorondil and Aldundil have indeed had other experiences with Nienna's 'surprises', hence their reactions... but not all surprises are bad, just unsettling.

Nienna has enough going on without having Glorfindel in the mix, hence her reluctance in letting him come to her house. He indeed attracts trouble and even the Valar cannot see where it will end. Of course, as Námo points out, Atar Himself may have a say in all this, which isn't at all comforting to Nienaa. How this will be resolved will be shown soon enough.

TariReviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/10/2008
It's sad that circumstances are keeping Aldundil from enjoying this trip with his son. This should be a time of bonding for them. I can't help wondering what Nienna is up to.


Author Reply: I think Aldundil will be able to overcome his grief and past experiences to be with his son... he is already learning how to do that, though we've not seen any real details of that process. We'll see shortly just what the camping trip is all about.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/10/2008
Just what is Nienna up to? Namo seems to know but is not saying! Sneaky Vala!
I am sure it is going to rain, with the storm out to see like that, it is bound to, no fun camping without rain!
Just how many dimensions does Ilmarin contain? We have the Chapel of Stars and Eonwe's Book Room, what else?
Why does every one keep picking on Glorfindel, he can't help it if he attracts trouble like a two year old attracts dirt?! Poor Ellon!
Well he and Ingwion have to meet sometime, perhaps a large, open field with lots of Maia in attendance, plus all the Valar!
More please,

Author Reply: We'll see shortly what Nienna is up to. I'm not sure how many dimensions Ilmarin has, but certainly more than we're used to. *grin*

As to when and how Glorfindel and Ingwion finally get together... ah... we'll just have to wait and see, won't we? *lol*

GoldenFlowerReviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/10/2008
Wow. Nienna reminds me of my grandmother in this chapter, oddly enough. -blink-
Wonderful chapter though, as usual. Update soon!


Author Reply: Nienna is pretty cool in her no-nonsense sort of way. *grin* Updates come when then come and no sooner (and certainly no later).

eilujReviewed Chapter: 30 on 11/10/2008
'Nienna’s expression could only be called gleeful, which, to Ingwion’s mind, did not bode well for anyone' -- Nienna in this chapter has something about her of the quintessential Big Sister (though, mind you, not all older sisters are that type -- I certainly wasn't).

Just to let you know: we are all going to die of frustration until we find out who the first elf was....

'“I have a surprise for you all,” she said. Vorondil looked wary while his atar simply looked resigned' -- I'm glad Nienna is enjoying herself.

Somehow I'm sure the weather forecast includes rain.

Looking forward to seeing what type of havoc eventuates when Glorfindel makes his appearance.

“Is that all you have to say is ‘ah’?” -- There should only be one "is" in that sentence; the second can be replaced by a colon. Or you could keep the final "is" and replace the initial "Is that" with "So."

Author Reply: Thanks for the langauge lesson. *grin*

I have no more idea who the first elf is than you do at this point, though I do have my suspicions... maybe someday someone will tell me. *grin*

Nienna is having way too much fun, I think, and Glorfindel is definitely the havoc-causing type, but whether he does it at Nienna's or not remains to be seen.

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