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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest by Fiondil | 10 Review(s) |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 52 on 4/7/2009 |
Beautiful chapter. And he was the first to realize some of the monsters were in ambush, eh? A bit more alert this time than the Maiar! Nice! Now to see what he wakes to. Author Reply: Thanks Larner. I'm pleased that you found this such a beautiful chapter. We'll find out in the next chapter why Glorfindel was more alert than the Maiar and just how serious his injuries are. | |
Fantasia | Reviewed Chapter: 52 on 4/6/2009 |
Poor Glorfindel, not even with suppreme company he is safe, the Maiars are going to feel so guilty about this, and I like the interaction betweem Glorfindel and Lisselindë, she was very good with her lessons. Love the detail of the center of Arda, it reminds me of my home country, we had a Capitol (just a copy of the USA Capitol, when we were a newborn Republic)and in the building there was a diamond (I suppose that is long gone) that marked the zero Km of the Central Highway (this was done in the 1920's, previously in the colony times, was called the Royal Road, as it was the highway that cover the whole island)You just can step over the diamond (it was built-in on the floor) and say, Hey I'm in the beginning of the road!..Anyway, just imagine Glorfindel shooting Hey! I'm in the middle of Arda... Thanks Author Reply: Hi Fantasia. Your description of the diamond marking the 0 Km point is very interesting. The meneldëa coron I suppose could act like the 0 longitude at Greenwich, England from which all other longitudes are measured, though once Valinor is removed from Arda that becomes moot. I think Lisselindë is beginning to get Glorfindel's measure and realizing that there's more there than she suspected. Until now, all she saw was an erratically acting Reborn. His true character is coming to the surface more and more and now she's seeing him in a different light. And I think Glorfindel is seeing Lisselindë in a different and more positive light as well. They are fast becoming friends. | |
Hel | Reviewed Chapter: 52 on 4/6/2009 |
Looks like Glorfindel isn´t the only one who need training in sensing evil... How could some bear-wargs, even if they are smart animals, trick several Maia who know that they are near? Maybe they should less talk and concentrate more on the hunt. I like the part about the middle-point of Valinor. And the meneldëa coron sounds great. I like it, that it shows the world at that moment and not at some point in the past. And the elves in Valinor, who knows about it can always see if something in middle-earth changes. And about Glorfindel´s talk with Orome: I think everyone likes to think that things have a purpose exspecially if something bad happens. Author Reply: Hi Hel. We'll find out next week why the Maiar were 'tricked'. I'm glad you liked the meneldëa coron and the fact that the globe changes to reflect present circumstances. I think that realization unnerved Glorfindel more than anything else. And you're right, of course, we all hope that there's a reason for the bad stuff just as we're happy enough with the good stuff in our lives. And as Oromë points out the Valar are no different, though they probably have a better sense of the whys and wherefores than we do. | |
Tari | Reviewed Chapter: 52 on 4/6/2009 |
What a chapter this is. It started out so good with Glorfindel fine tuning his talent. I doubt many other of the Elves are able to sense danger as he does. That being said, how did he miss the evil creature sneaking up on them. I'm sure the Maia could have just disappeared, but Glorfindel was trapped. He is seriously hurt and we are left hanging till next week. Mae Govannen Author Reply: Hi Tari. Glorfindel is indeed fine tuning his talent but he's still just learning and he hasn't been able to separate out individual creatures. Even though the pack has separated they were close enough in proximity that Glorfindel simply 'saw' one blot of darkness. And as to why the Maiar did not sense the creatures, that will be revealed in the next chapter. At least you only have to wait a week to find out what happened (rather like watching a TV serial) rather than months! *grin* | |
Agape4Gondor | Reviewed Chapter: 52 on 4/5/2009 |
Oh good grief - another thing for 'the' t-shirt! 'That is what you must do as well, learn to be joyful even in the midst of the sorrows and confusions of your life, for that is what will sustain you in your darkest hours." YOU are a total scalawag!!!! Nice cliffhanger, Oh Prince of Cliffhangers!!! Author Reply: Hey! At least people will have something interesting to read while standing in line at the bank! *LOL* I'm glad you liked the cliffhanger as well. *grin* | |
Radbooks | Reviewed Chapter: 52 on 4/5/2009 |
It was nice to come home to find all of these chapters to read! I really enjoyed these chapters of Glorfindel going out and learning how to hunt out evil and starting to find out more and more about himself and what he needs to know for his return to ME - even if he doesn't know that's why he's learning it. :) I liked the part in this chapter when Orome mentions about finding joy in whatever circumstances you're in (something like that!) - it's so true and it was a nice connection to the Glorfindel we see later. I really liked finding out even more about his past... his family, even as I was horrified by it all. How devastating that is for him to remember, well to have gone through and now to have it brought back to mind. I loved the scene on the beach of him fixing dinner for Nienna and then having Ulmo show up as well. Anyway, it's all been much enjoyed and appreciated even if I have done a lousy job of letting you know. :( Thanks so much. Author Reply: Hi Radbooks. I'm glad you've been enjoying these last few chapters. Thanks for letting me know. Your paraphrase of Oromë's words is just fine and probably easier to remember. *grin* Eventually Glorfindel will learn the why of his training, but he's not yet ready for that bit of news yet. And even if he were never to return to Middle-earth, learning these skills would be just as useful in Aman. I suspect that Glorfindel is a kind of test-case for the Valar. If they are successful with him in his training then perhaps other elves with similar gifts could also be trained but for the benefit of Aman rather than for Middle-earth. While the Valar do not know when the Final Battle will begin, I think they are already thinking about preparing the elves for it. | |
Kitty | Reviewed Chapter: 52 on 4/5/2009 |
This meneldëa coron is amazing; I’d like to see that with my own eyes! And to think how old it has to be ... not to mention that it was adjusted after the loss of Beleriand. Fascinating to know what Glorfindel is learning – feeling the Song of Arda and the correct direction of any presence of evil. Certainly he will learn to distinct these presences over time, too. Oh – now they are being attacked from behind! I wonder why not at least the Maiar realised it? Tiutalion’s unfinished remark somehow doesn’t sound like it’s asked just for Glorfindel. Did again a Vala block their senses? Though I don’t truly see any reason for it. Our dear Glorfindel did very well, slaying two of these beasts, and the second one even when he was already injured! And now you have hurt poor Glorfindel again and are leaving us with yet another evil cliffhanger! *hugs Glorfindel protectively* Author Reply: I'm glad you liked the armillary sphere, Kitty. I had fun 'designing' it. We'll find out in the next chapter why the Maiar were as much taken by surprise as Glorfindel at the attack. A harsh but necessary lesson for all. And it's not too evil a cliffhanger, because we already know that he doesn't die, don't we? *grin* | |
6336 | Reviewed Chapter: 52 on 4/5/2009 |
Oops! Somebody wasn't paying attention were they!? Sneaky critters! Hope Glorfindel will be alright, I don't think Irmo will be to happy to have him back in Lorien in his condition! Lissalinds seems to be a little less acerbic this time around, Glorfindel is already fine tuning his sense of evil. One forgets just how long Arda has been around, I know a little of how Glorfindel feels, I can't belive the orclings are four years old, it seems like only last week they were little pink, squirmy things! More please, Lynda Author Reply: We'll find out next chapter how seriously hurt Glorfindel is and why the Maiar were taken by surprise. At the time in which this story takes place, 15,464 solar years have passed since the founding of Valinor and the creation of the Two Trees (and presumably the armillary sphere created by Aulë). More than enough time for a forest to spread from its original planting and surround the platform. | |
Kaylee | Reviewed Chapter: 52 on 4/5/2009 |
Meldonya! I got my review thing to work again! *grin* Yay! Anyway, this is a very intriguing chapter (and a cliffie! Glorfi's hurt by that...that THING! *tries to pull Glorfi out from under that thing*) It is also Rhyselle and Edlyn's Begetting Day gift, isn't it? *lol* or just well-timed? ^_^ I think the astrolabe-thing is pretty ^_^ It amazes me that the forest grew up around it! Tye-melin, meldonya! ~Kaylee! Author Reply: This chapter wasn't planned as a begetting day gift for Rhyselle and Edlyn, so it was just well-timed. *grin* Glad you like the armillary sphere. It's been there for a very long time, so yes the forest grew around it. Probably deliberately so. I get the feeling that few if any of the Eldar know of it or it's real purpose. | |
Sunny | Reviewed Chapter: 52 on 4/5/2009 |
I suppose that when Glorfindel has perfected the listening-to-the-song-of-Arda, it will function like having a GPS unit always available. Another useful little thing. I suspected Murphy would poke his nose in! The hunters have become the hunted! Glorfindel didn’t do badly at all. He has accounted for two of the creatures. Perhaps the things were concentrating on him, somehow perceiving that he was the most vulnerable of their opponents. I don’t suppose Glorfindel will be an easy patient. But even he will have to wait to go looking for more trouble until whatever injuries he has sustained have healed. But _these_ injuries are at least plain physical ones, so hopefully he will have little holiday from emotional shocks. (Not the best way to go about it, I think, but whatever works…) Author Reply: We will learn in the next chapter just why the Maiar failed to realize what was going on until it was almost too late and what the extent of Glorfindel's injuries are. And no, Glorfindel didn't do too badly at all, all things considered. | |