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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest by Fiondil | 10 Review(s) |
Kitty | Reviewed Chapter: 82 on 11/14/2009 |
Well, it seems I don't have to wait for them to reach Kortirion for problems to arise, huh? Knew it, things were going way too smoothly. Oh great, Glorfindel's special friends and swordbrothers among the Maiar are accompanying them! That should be enough to overwhelm the kidnappers, and maybe his friends get to see a little sparring when all is said and done? “Our esteemed captain is far too busy recording the oaths of Lord Laurendil and young Eärnur to help out.” *LOL* Now why am I not surprised? Though I'd have expected that Eönwë is able to multitask ;) I'm glad the Maiar came; their help is invaluable, as they know the place and I suppose few would dare to do anything stupid with them around. Author Reply: Hi Kitty. The Maiar are quite invaluable and we will see in the next chapter what contributions they make to it all. | |
Hel | Reviewed Chapter: 82 on 11/8/2009 |
I know that stupidity knows no boundaries, and there are always some people who are ready to proof this fact. If they know how deep in trouble they really are? And the goal they try to reach with the kidnapping is a bit of a mystery to me. If I must guess, they want to get the Amanians to leave. But they can´t be that stupid to think this will work. Even if they don´t know about Lord Irmo´s command to Laurendil and Manwen to return and the ensuing maiar, it must be clear to them that the local officials will help the delegtion. But the Maiar are a nice extra. I guess there were a lot of volunteers after the request was out. They sound very eager for a little action. As does Glorfindel and some others. And I don´t doubt that Eönwë is very busy at the moment. One can only hope that no-one says something he regrets later. Finrod is absolutely right about the waiting being the hardest part. And it does apply to a lot situations in live. Waiting for up-dates for example. Author Reply: Hi Hel. We will see in the next couple of chapters just who the kidnappers are, what they hoped to gain from the kidnapping and why. I am glad you like the Maiar here. Yes, I imagine there were several arm-wrestling matches and coin flips all over Aman when the call went out. *lol* Anyway, an update is on its way and may even be there by the time you read this. Thanks for reviewing. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to let me know what you think of the story so far. | |
njomo | Reviewed Chapter: 82 on 11/8/2009 |
Hi Fiondil, The pot is almost too thick to stir right now! I think that Glorfindel's question to the Maiar might be insolent yet it is also pertinent to the situation--you never quite know what their presence bodes. But direct, yes. He knows them well enough by now. I suppose in other circumstances he might be willing to practice all proprieties, but not now! Thanks Fiondil. I'm glad I'll know--soon--what happens next! Joanne Author Reply: Hi Joanne. Yes, Glorfindel is indeed insolent, but he's on familiar terms with most of these Maiar, haivng spent many weeks being trained by them, so he allows himself a tad more familiarity towards them than other elves. And you will see what happens sooner than you think. Now that we at least have the house computer back online (still waiting on the wireless so I can use my own laptop), I will be able to post stories at my leisure and not all at once. | |
Sunny | Reviewed Chapter: 82 on 11/4/2009 |
The plot has been thickening steadily since the progress set foot on Tol Eressëa, but in this chapter it just about curdles... Assault and kidnapping is definitely not a smart thing to do in the vicinity of people like Finrod and Glorfindel. Even more so when you kidnap friends of theirs. And when one of the kidnapped is a pregnant elleth ... nope, I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes for all the tea in China. So Finrod is going to show them the ... error of their ways. (Imagine that spoken in a properly doom-laden voice) And since Irmo evidently likes his people getting kidnapped about as much as Finrod does, and arranged for reinforcements ... yes, I am definitely looking forward to the next chapter(s). I suspect that the ones who are going to have to explain themselves to Námo may well be getting the better part of the bargain, since I expect nobody – from Manwë on down – will approve of those who want to bring war to the West. Author Reply: Hi Sunny. I definitely don't want to be in the kidnappers' shoes myself when Finrod and company finally take them. However, things are never quite so cut and dried where elves are concerned. We will learn in the next couple of chapters what is really going on. | |
Tari | Reviewed Chapter: 82 on 11/4/2009 |
This is getting so good. (Rubs hands together) I can't wait to find out what happens next. Seeing two Maiar on each end of the ravine will blow the captures minds. They are so in trouble. Good for Alassiel, the shield maiden of the elves. Author Reply: Thanks, Tari. I am glad you are finding this so much fun. We will see in the next chapter not only how the ambush comes out but who the kidnappers are and why they are doing what they are doing. | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 82 on 11/4/2009 |
Waiting is always the hardest part. And now to learn what this group thinks it wants! What a thing to do--to take a group of unarmed folk, one ill, from their rest! Gaack! And am glad these warriors were sent along with them! This will be a surprise for the kidnappers. Author Reply: Indeed, Larner. We will learn what it is all about in the next couple of chapters. Not everything is as it seems on Tol Eressea. | |
Rick | Reviewed Chapter: 82 on 11/3/2009 |
Hi, Fiondil, I'm behind on my reviewing again but I have been really enjoying the direction this story is going. This chapter, I understand exactly what Finrod means at the end about the hardest part - WAITING for the next chapter (or the ambush!). Please keep up the good work. Author Reply: Thanks Rick. I'm glad you're still enjoying the story and like the direction it is going. Hopefully I will not disappoint. | |
6336 | Reviewed Chapter: 82 on 11/3/2009 |
Just what do these people think they are doing?! They hadn't better hurt Manwen, or the baby, or a lot of people, including a few Valar are going to be very unhappy with them! Yae for Mair being there when you need them, even fighting on incarnates terms they are still very impressive! Lets hope they don't break the baddies too much during the ambush, though I am sure they want to pound some of them into the ground! Hope your internet access is back soon. More please, Lynda | |
Fantasia | Reviewed Chapter: 82 on 11/3/2009 |
This is getting better, we can see our elves in action, Can we have Glorfindel showing all his new training? BTW, love Glorfindel's insolence. Waiting for more.... Author Reply: Hi Fantasia. Glad you are still enjoying this. We'll see Glorfindel in action soon enough and I'm glad you love his insolence. After all, what's not to love about this particular impossible ellon? *grin* | |
Kaylee Arafinwiel | Reviewed Chapter: 82 on 11/3/2009 |
Atar Fiondil, Well it looks like the rumors have come true; Laurendil and Manwen have been kidnapped, just not by the Amanians. And they're not the only ones to be taken either! Glorfi and the Maiar will be most useful here, and of course so will Finrod, Alassiel, and all the others they took with them. Now, if those other elves start killing anyone or even pretending to, they will regret it...Actually no matter what they do they will regret it, there's Maiar after them and a bunch of angry royal or almost royal elves *grin* So they're doomed *shakes head at them* What did they think they were doing, kidnapping Laurendil and Manwen "back" from the Amanians? And death threats if they were followed? Oh, sure, the Feanturi and the other Valar will take that really well. Not. *wry look* So...what happened next? Oh wait, that's for next week...*sighs* Well, I hope my lecture test goes well today, I got a 95 on yesterday's vocabulary so we'll see! :) Tye-melin, Kaylee! | |