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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest by Fiondil | 8 Review(s) |
Hel | Reviewed Chapter: 83 on 11/15/2009 |
I wonder if any of the elves of Angobel thought about the fact that if they kidnap other elves they only reinforce the prejudices of the other elves of Tol Eressea against them. That means if they would know about them. And one asks oneselve how many of this insular groups live on the island. If I must guess this will not be the last one the Amanians meet. But it´s sad that no-one gives them a chance to start a new life and helps them heal. But bigotry seems as common a streak among elves as it is among humans, dwarfs or hobbits. Luckily there are also people like Finrod and his friends. But why are the elves of Angobel are so afraid of the Maiar? Some of them were freed by them. One would think they would like or at least trust them to help them. And I wonder how much higher Beleg´s next shot would have gone... Author Reply: Hi Hel. Desperate people do desperate things and do not always think clearly as is the case here. I think the miners feared that the Maiar were there to punish them for what they had done. A predictable reaction, I would think, given the circumstances. Hopefully, people like Finrod and the kings will help to make things right for them. We will have to see how things develop. As for Beleg's next shot.... *grin* | |
Kitty | Reviewed Chapter: 83 on 11/14/2009 |
What did these people hope to gain, other than the ire of the three kings of Eldamar? True. Save they want to disrupt the Progress and the attempt to include the Tol Eressëans more into the life in Aman, I can't see much sense behind this all. Hm ... Finrod has a point, I think. Sometimes it's quite odd when the Valar decide to intervene and when not. To be honest, I still think they are a bit too secretive and manipulative. You know, Fiondil, at first I was angry at the kidnappers. But now I feel only sorry for them. These poor Elves! It is so sad that their own fellows are treating them so hostily. What they now did was wrong, but somehow I understand that they acted out of desperation. I really hope Finrod and the kings will be able to help them to a better life and more acceptance. Author Reply: I've been re-reading this tale and can't believe I never responded to your review of this particular chapter. Sorry about that, Kitty. Not sure why I didn't when I responded to everyone else's review. Oh well, better late than never, I suppose. Anyway, all that you say is quite true about the Valar and about the Elves of Angobel. Thanks for reviewing. It's always appreciated. | |
Parmalokwen | Reviewed Chapter: 83 on 11/11/2009 |
Wow. That was unexpected. And yet tragically unsurprising. Elves can be bigoted twits sometimes just like mortals, I'll never believe otherwise, (see also: Saeros, Thingol, and whoever told Bilbo that the elves of Mirkwood are "more dangerous and less wise,") and it's quite understandable that the people of Angobel are paranoid about their freedom. 6336 is right-- having met the Nandor and Műlóldhil, the Avari would complete the list of Popularly Discriminated-against People with a Likely Grievance, whether they came through Mandos or by ship after changing their minds. Beleg has to be incredibly strong to hold a draw on Marthchall and count on his accuracy if he has to shoot, especially if he is using a heavy war bow. As an archer (not nearly as good as him, of course!) I would be very impressed to see it in real life. Good choice with Finrod as negotiator there-- he is indeed the person in that company most likely to have any credibility at all with the people of Angobel. The rest haven't had remotely similar experiences, except for Edrahil, who lacks Finrod's authority. Criticism: The phrase "mind you" comes off as a mistake, unless you intended to break the 4th wall. I found this address to the readers quite jarring. Author Reply: It is unlikely we will meet any of the Avari, since most never left the Waters of Awakening and who knows what happened to them. I think the mix of groups already mentioned is more than enough to deal with. *grin* With regards to the phrase "mind you", I took a look at the text and realized that you are right. I wasn't really thinking in terms of addressing the readers, but rather, examining Finrod's thought processes, but I can see how someone might think that I was addressing the reader directly at this point, so I have deleted the phrase. Thanks for pointing it out. I appreciate it. And thanks for the review. I am glad you are enjoying the story. | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 83 on 11/10/2009 |
And these have suffered suspicion and degredation for so long? No wonder they are desperate! Author Reply: For a very long time if you take in account the First Age as well as the 500 or so years of the Second Age before this story begins. | |
6336 | Reviewed Chapter: 83 on 11/9/2009 |
This is getting more and more complicated, now we have Molonoldor added to the mix! What's next, Avari and Moriquendi? I need a score card to keep up with you and Fiondil Muse! Well they got everybody back, safely! With Eonwe along to keep everything under control they should be able to get the situation sorted out. Once again an instance of people being taken advantage of. Honestly if Morgoth wasn't already in the Void I'd be with the Valar and Maia pushing him out there, if any of them want a break I'd be willing to spell one of them for a couple of hours! Lynda Author Reply: LOL! You and many others, no doubt, Lynda. You might have to take a number. At any rate there are times when I can't keep up with the Muse. These miners came literally out of left-field and it took me a while to figure out who they were and what their agenda was. We will see in the next couple of chapters what happens to them. | |
Tari | Reviewed Chapter: 83 on 11/9/2009 |
I can’t help but feel sorry for Marthchall and his people. Being held captive by Morgoth and forced to be slaves was horrible. That the other elves would not give them a chance was tragic. Hopefully Finrod can remedy this sad situation. This time he gets to be the healer. (At least I hope he does.) Author Reply: Well, Finrod is certainly in a position to act as a healer in this case. We will see how everyone fares in the next chapter and what decisions are made concerning the people of Angobel. | |
Fantasia | Reviewed Chapter: 83 on 11/9/2009 |
Well, everything has to be so complicated. I always believed that the elves will go to the West and will be happy ever after, it seems that they are not perfect at all, even with all the years for gaining experience. The island is really ready to burst, they need help. I hope that the elves from the main land understand that these elves are really scarred from war and need help. I think that Finrod should stay and lead them, more than anything, they need compassion. You play with my emotions very good, I was so angered against the kidnappers, but at the end, I feel so much compassion for them. Then, I was angered with the Aman elves, the other island elves and the Valars...but it is not really their fault, it is just a big mess, everybody have wounds that need to be heal...what a mess, I want to kill Morgoth.... This is a good example that in real life not everything is black and white; there is a lot of grey and different shadows of grey... Author Reply: Very true, Fantasia. The elves, like humans, are created beings and are not perfect, nor did Tolkien depict them as such; they all have flaws. And as in real life, there are shades of grey and not everything is black and white even though we wish it were. The elves of Tol Eressea have definitely been scarred by their experiences and, as with us all, they have a lot of emotional baggage that they are carrying. Hopefully, with the help of people like Finrod, there will be healing for all. Thanks for reviewing, Fantasia. I appreciate it. | |
Sunny | Reviewed Chapter: 83 on 11/9/2009 |
Good - they got the kidnapped ones back, and without anybody getting killed! I must say that Beleg definitely know how to place an arrow ;-) And now they have found _another_ faction - another ingredient to make the stew more interesting ;-) From what I gather, I suspect that healers is what this group needs most. Marthchall's very name is indicative of that. And I suspect there will be quite a few similar sorts of names in Angobel. I suppose Eönwë has finished with his scribing duties (for now) since he popped out to join in the fun. Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Glad you liked this chapter. There are probably a number of damaged souls in Angobel in need of healers. Hopefully now that the Amanians are aware of their existence help will be forthcoming. | |