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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest by Fiondil | 10 Review(s) |
Mr.Namo | Reviewed Chapter: 85 on 5/12/2010 |
Rereading this chapter I liked it so much. Finally, we get to see Ingwion's ring. One question. Isn't his ring suppose to go dark when danger is near? It seems to be glowing in this chapter. History to the roof. Haha great line. :D Keep writing Mr.Namo Author Reply: You're absolutely right about that. Grr! *headdesk* Anyway, I went in and made the necessary corrections in the text. Thanks for pointing this out to me. And I'm glad you like the chapter so much in spite of my faux pas. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it. It's one of my favorite chapters, too. | |
Kaylee Arafinwiel | Reviewed Chapter: 85 on 11/24/2009 |
Atar Fiondil, Well, now that I've finally taken both my finals for this month and passed them (Vocabulary 100 percent, lecture test 87 percent) I have been able to read this properly and can now review it. As usual I find the language gaffes hysterical *grin* However that's probably the only thing about the chapter that had me laughing. Most of it had me screaming and shrieking in rage at the would be kinslayers. As someone said earlier, KKK shades...eek! Morcocano really needs to be taught a lesson in humility. *looks for Namo, Irmo and Nienna, thinking all three siblings ought to have a private chat with this one, he's more stubborn than Glorfi and Finda put together and in a totally NOT GOOD WAY. I hope the Angobel situation can be resolved peacefully and Morcocano will learn his lesson which is DO NOT MESS WITH FINDA'S PEOPLE OR ELSE. Tye-melin, Kaylee! Author Reply: Congrats on passing your exams, Kaylee. Well done! Glad you liked the language gaffe. I think you are the only one to mention it and I spent some time researching Sindarin terms that would plausibly be confused by someone still learning the language if they sounded somewhat similar. We will see how the Angobel situation is resolved soon enough. Thanks for reviewing. Tye-melin. | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 85 on 11/24/2009 |
They definitely need some intervention on the island so as to get all cooperating instead of each faction suspecting all the others. Excellent dealings with the archers. Author Reply: Very true, Larner. Glad you liked how the archers were dealt with. | |
Hel | Reviewed Chapter: 85 on 11/24/2009 |
Maybe Lord Irmo should open a branch of Lorien on Tol Eressea. Looks like there are a lot of elves in need of help. Until then maybe Morcocáno and his wife should make a long visit to Lorien. He fought in Beleriand at the end of the first age and still he ignores a very direkt and clear declaration of the Valar. Not to mention that he denies reality in favour of his view of how the world should be. I wonder, if they really put the miners on a ship and try to sail them to Ennorath the Valar would let them. Eönwë´s little trick with the weapons was a nice touch. I like Brethorn´s wisdom about Morgoth´s hold on the elves. In the end you could say that he is still influencing (directly of indirectly through their experiences)the thoughts, feelings and deeds of a lot of people if not all no matter what race including the Valar. Author Reply: Very true, Hel. And I like the idea of Irmo opening a branch of Lorien on Tol Eressea. *grin* The possibility for plot-bunnies are endless. *Namo! put the bunny down... slowly... good Vala...LOL! Gotta watch him every second* | |
Sunny | Reviewed Chapter: 85 on 11/23/2009 |
On second thoughts, maybe Morcocáno needs to go and stay with Nienna for a while. _She_ would certainly be able to straighten him out. Author Reply: Now there's a thought! *grin* | |
6336 | Reviewed Chapter: 85 on 11/23/2009 |
Methinks that Guthalion is not the only ellon who needs to go to Lorien for healing, Morcocano could do with a few sessions with the good Dr.! I wonder if Arafinwe's wondering if this progress was such a good idea after all. I think in the long run it will work out for all, Toll Eressiens and Amanians both. More please, Lynda Author Reply: There is definitely need for a lot of healing here and hopefully people will find it one way or another. As to the rest... only time will tell. | |
ellie | Reviewed Chapter: 85 on 11/23/2009 |
Isn't Alassiel your beta? You shot your beta???? What? Did she miss one too many typos or something so you are punishing her by shooting her namesake in the story? Poor Alassiel...the least you could have done was give her some other hot guy elf to look after her once Sador left. For shame! You also shot Arafinwe. The Noldoran??? Is this pick on the scions of Finwe week in your stories? First Finrod with the broken leg in Diaries and now his poor ata. For shame! Also, did Mr. M the elf whose name escapes me not learn the first time the maiar showed up and said that the former slaves were under the protection of the Valar? And his attack on the members of the Progress was supposed to help his own cause in what way? For shame for him! You know, the only ruling elf you haven't attacked yet is Ingwion. So, when does he get it? I'm glad he was able to do some good and show his worth to himself as much as to the others by catching the other archers. I hope he does feel that he truly belongs there now in his own right and not just as the rep for his atar. Oh, and did you go after Lindarion yet? I can't remember if he was with his atar when his unfortunate capture occurred. There! A long review from me for once. Don't worry, it probably won't happen again ...all of the kids fell asleep in the car on the way home and they are too groggy upon entering the house to argue with each other or ask anything of me yet. Author Reply: I assure you I am not ganging up on Elven royalty. *LOL* It is just how the stories have written themselves and it's merely coincidental that these chapters happen to be posted around the same time. At any rate, I have no ulterior plans to do in Ingwion or Lindarion. I don't think Namo would like that. *grin* | |
Sunny | Reviewed Chapter: 85 on 11/23/2009 |
Just two chapters ago, Finrod promised that he would do all he could to help the former slaves. Last chapter he declared firmly that they were under his protection. (And we all know just how serious Finrod is about such things as oaths and promises, don’t we?) And here Morcocáno and his cohorts come with the express intent of ”cleansing” the island of ex-slaves (shades of the Ku Klux Klan!!?!) – and if the island isn’t "cleansed" by them being sent back to Middle-earth, he seems perfectly prepared to do it the other way. Makes me wonder if he wouldn’t deal similarly with other groups that he disapproves of... Not satisfied with this, Morcocáno and his allies have now physically attacked the visitors from Aman (and the ex-slaves) – even after three of the Valar made an appearance just to make it clear that the ex-slaves are under their protection, too. They are lucky that they didn’t actually manage to get anyone killed, but Arafinwë and Alassiel were both wounded – and evidently Alassiel came within a hair of dying. Which is not something that is likely to make Finrod feel particularly charitable. While nothing all that bad is likely to happen to Morcocáno and his friends – it can’t be worse than tending sheep for a couple of ages up around Formenos – though it wouldn’t surprise me if some of them won’t at some point feel that it would have been easier to just have to explain themselves to Námo. And some may feel so even now. One thing at least is fairly certain: Morcocáno’s political aspirations are now about as likely to get fulfilled as a pig is likely to sprout wings. And no pigs flew south for the winter this year either. Eönwë melting the pile of swords was a nice touch. :-) I find I am wondering just when and how those rumours about the ex-slaves started... Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Nice analysis of the situation with Morcocano. We will see how this plays out in subsequent chapters. I thought Eonwe melting the swords was a nice touch, too, and a very potent display of the power the Maiar and Valar have. As for the rumors about the ex-slaves... we may never know how they got started. | |
Sitara | Reviewed Chapter: 85 on 11/23/2009 |
"scowl" My patience seems to be starting to wear thinner and thinner. Morcocáno's problem was personal rather than political and his issue with the miners is pretty easy understandable, although not excusable, given his wife's past. Perhaps, I dare say, there is a connection between Morcocáno's wife and other slaves of Morgoth, for instance, she having a bad history with her former companions? But where is the real conspiracy, I'd like very much to know?! "pout" The real and subtle thing....which I may support, by the way. "lol" But for doing this, I really need to know more about the conspirators' goals and issues. In the meantime, I've a piece of advice for them: stop using people as pawns in you game and go straight "for the kill", so to speak. By the way, Brethorn is absolutely right. Are you completely sure he hasn't some Vanyarin blood in his veins? For, to me he seems to have the kind and noble spirit of the Vanyar more than other people. "lol" Author Reply: Well, I am not sure if the conspiracy will ever be solved. The Muse so far hasn't been forthcoming with details. *grin* And unfortunately, people are used as pawns all the time and not just by conspirators. We will have to wait and see. Brethorn might have some Vanyarin blood in him, but who is to say that a Noldo can't be any more noble than a Vanya? | |
Kitty | Reviewed Chapter: 85 on 11/23/2009 |
“You know if you do that she’ll never give up the power,” the young miner said with a laugh. “You’ll have to marry her just to get it back.” *lol* Do I detect blackmail material here? Liked it that Ingwion was the one to take action and did a good job on catching the archers and figuring out that it was only a distraction. “The only slaves I see, Morcocáno, are the ones facing me,” That's only too true, as was Brethorn's opinion Morgoth’s hold on the hearts of our people is more subtle than most care to acknowledge, I deem.. To me it seems obvious that Morcocáno and his people are more tainted than the miners. Only they don't want to admit it. You know, Fiondil, I had expected Morcocáno to cause trouble, but I certainly had not expected an outright attack. The kidnapping the former slaves tried was stupid, but that ambush and the following attack was even more stupid. I was really beginning to wonder if they would be crazy enough to attack Finrod and his friends to get at the miners when the Maiar turned up. They came at the right moment, no doubt - so at least no more blood was shed. Well, at least I think this incident should have given the former slaves some trust into the Amanians, after watching how Finrod and his friends stood up to Morcocáno, showing that he meant it that they are under his protection. Author Reply: Well, as Forrest Gump would say, "Stupid is as stupid does" *LOL* I think the miners will have more trust in the Amanians after this. We will see how it all works out eventually. | |