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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 8 Review(s)
Little MouseReviewed Chapter: 86 on 12/6/2009
Hi. :)
I've been reading your stories for at least a year now, though I have not reviewed anything. I kept seeing your name mentioned by other authors I like, so I finally gave in and started reading. I've been hooked ever since, so I decided it was high time to come out of the shadows and let you know how much I thoroughly love and appreciate your stories. They are beautifully written and constantly making me think, especially challenging me to take a look at how I see the world around me in relation to my faith. Not to mention completely satisfying my love of Elves. :) Because your stories are so well written-intricate plots, vivid imagery, fully realized characters- you've become an inspiration to me as an author, and continually challenge me to work harder at my own writing. Thank you, and well done. I look forward to reading a lot more from you.

Author Reply: Hello, Little Mouse. Thank you so very much for your lovely words. I am so pleased that you found my stories and that you are 'hooked' on them. Part of the job of a writer, for me, is to make readers think and to see the world a little differently than before. This is certainly how Tolkien wrote and I take him as my inspiration (among other authors). I am glad that my writings have inspired you to work harder at your own writing. That is indeed high praise for any writer to receive, that they are an inspiration to others. Thank you again, and perhaps I will see a reveiw or two from you in the future.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 86 on 12/2/2009
Um ... could I please borrow Manveru? He could get some practice with my mending!

Arafinwë's probably right about Morcocáno's punishment; at least that does make sense to me. He's not done enough to deserve a stint in Formenos, and losing his high position and bringing Avallónë into a less powerful situation would go a long way to make him think, I hope.

Really like Gurthalion. He's such a nice guy and deserves to find healing from his nightmares as much as possible. Though I think he's on a good way, with all the teasing he is doing; it shows he's not broken despite his terrible experiences.

Anyway, this whole visit went well, and I think it did something to convince the people of Angobel that the Kings are determined to help them. And that is what they need, as it gives them hope for the future - a better future.

Author Reply: What you say about Morcocano is true, Kitty. Sometimes the worse punishment anyone can receive is loss of power when they are used to wielding it.

Gurthalion is much stronger than most have given him credit for, I think, even Marthchall. I think he will do well in Lorien. And the people of Angobel now know that they have very powerful allies who will see that they are treated fairly and are not persecuted any longer. That knowledge will go a long way towards improving their self-esteem and giving them hope for the future.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 86 on 12/1/2009
At least this visit has been productive, and in more ways than one.

Author Reply: Indeed.

ParmalokwenReviewed Chapter: 86 on 12/1/2009
As someone who has had to retrieve arrows from the field behind a short range target many times, I do not share Manveru and Ingwion's confidence regarding the archers. No archer should ever aim an arrow in the direction of someone he or she is not willing to kill.

Unlike some of the other readers, I do not think that Irmo should establish a second garden on Tol Eressëa, not with the current political climate-- at this point, it would likely reinforce the idea that the Returnees are not welcome on the mainland. Instead, there should be a regular ferry service to the mainland and transportation available to those who need to go to Lórien. However, stationing a few healers who can deal with life-threatening poisoning cases from overseas at the Avallónë harbor would not go amiss.

I also think that Morcocáno should not be left to his own devices. He's not nearly as intelligent as he thinks he is, not if he ignored a warning from the Doomsayer and both Arsekickers, and he's got major problems with his view of the world and his place in it. I really think he will make more trouble if he thinks he can manage it, most likely after Arafinwë and Olwë leave Tol Eressëa.

Author Reply: About the archers... I don't think they were aiming to kill anyone, but in both cases the person hit moved in an unexpected direction, more or less into the path of the arrow which would have missed them otherwise.

I am sure that some sort of provision is provided for those in need of Lorien's services. After all, we have seen cases of others from Tol Eressea going to Lorien for healing, but it has so far been on an ad hoc basis. Perhaps a regular Lorien ferry would be a good idea.

Whether Morcocano is left to his own devices remains to be seen. I have no doubt the Valar are keeping a close watch on him and others. How much trouble he will cause in the future only time will tell.

Thanks for reviewing Parmalokwen. I appreciate you taking the time to do so.

ellieReviewed Chapter: 86 on 11/30/2009
i meant to say Ingwion not Ingwe in my comments earlier. it's difficult typing with a sleeping elfling obstructing the arms...

Author Reply: No problem, I figured out what you meant. I have trouble keeping some of the names straitght myself. Wrote half a chapter once using the wrong name beginning with 'I' and had to go back and correct it with the right name. A real bother! *grin*

ellieReviewed Chapter: 86 on 11/30/2009
It's good to see the father(in-law) / son relationship between olwe and finarfin brought out at least a little bit here. the repair job was cool.

the meeting of the former slave families with the amanians was interesting. I am very curious how the new ruling body of tol eressea will be formed. I womnder if the last leg of the trip will be eventful. We never have found those two Noldor from Aman who supposedly spread the rumors before. I wonder if they will finally appear now?

Also, is Ingwe going to get attacked finally? He sure has had it easy. couldn't you just rough him up a little bit so he has wounds to show off as well (olwe had wounded pride from the kidnapping and arafinwe had a shoulder wound though it was healed). Surely someon has got to be daring enough to take on the son of the High King?

i guess we'll just have to wait and see...

Author Reply: Hi ellie. Ingwion getting roughed up? Hmmm.... that might not sit too well with Atto and then the Tol Eresseans will have more trouble than they can handle. If they think having the Valar breathing down their necks is a bad thing, they've never seen Ingwe in a temper. *LOL* At any rate, we will see what, if anything, happens in Kortirion once they get there. As for the two rumormongers, I am sure they are long gone and we may never know who they were or who sent them.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 86 on 11/30/2009
Maiar can evidently be handy to have around – even outside their own specialties :-)

If Martchall is such a skilled toymaker as Gurthalion indicates, perhaps he might be able to turn his hobby into another source of income for Angrobel.

I don’t think the feisty Meluiwen is going to let her prey escape her. Especially not with Gurthalion aiding in her hunt ;-)

I think the Amanians enjoyed the meal with the people of Angrobel a lot more than the oh-so-posh gathering hosted by Morcocáno. Speaking of whom – his actions will have stained his reputation and ruined his political aspirations for a long time. But he is evidently a very capable fellow, yet I suspect with certain ... problems ... that should be addressed. I have suggested that Nienna might invite him to stay at her place for a while – but just who gets to straighten him out is less important than the job getting done. He might be able to straighten himself out – yet if his attitudes starts to fester, he might start working on his agenda in a more shadowy manner – like manipulating others into doing his dirty work for him. (Like Ingoldo!!)
Whatever the government of Tol Eressëa is going to end up being, I suspect that the situation in Avallonë will end up being watched rather carefully for a while.

Author Reply: Hmmm... Marthchall setting up a branch of Dale Toys on Tol Eressea... now there's a thought. *LOL* I am sure Meluiwen will eventually get her ellon and Gurthalion and the other miners will help her.

Morcocano's case is still iffy. Not sure what he will do or what will be done about him as yet. Nothing concrete has been decided by anyone, but I think you are correct that the situation in Avallone will be watched very carefully, not only by the Amanian kings but by the Valar as well. Only time and the Muse will tell.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 86 on 11/30/2009
Something tells me that Gurthalion is one smart ellon and that his childlike attitude is a coping mechanisim, so maybe Laurendil is right and it will take only a few weeks to teach him how to control his nightmares.
Liked Manvaru's trick with the tunic, saves having to carry a mending kit with you!
I feel sorry for Morocano, hope the people of Avallone are not too hard on him, he still has a lot of issues to work through. Maybe Irmo should think about setting up a branch Lorien on Tol Eressea!?
More please,

Author Reply: You're not the first to suggest Irmo opening up a branch of Lorien on Tol Eressea, Lynda. *LOL* At any rate, I think you may be right about Gurthalion using his childlike attitude as a coping mechanism. As Laurendil pointed out, he has a very strong spirit and that is why he did not fade or die in spite of what was done to him. Not sure what will happen to Morcocano after this, but certainly he does have issues to work through. We will have to wait and see what develops.

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