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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 11 Review(s)
ParmalokwenReviewed Chapter: 91 on 2/16/2010
I think Olwë's withdrawal of the invitation served as a much needed Knocking Together of Heads. The people of Tol Eressëa needed to learn, one way or another, that bigotry is just Not On. And if the invitation of the people of Angobel to the mainland inspires a little productive envy, so much the better. Hopefully it will not backfire with a deepening of resentment.

I think Glorfindel was both brave and right to speak up as he did. However, I don't think he ought to claim any comparison between Martandur's workshop and Angband in the presence of the people of Angobel. It would not go over well.

Author Reply: Hopefully Olwë's ploy will have positive results.

Naturally, I don't think Glorfindel would ever equate his experiences with those of Angobel, but certainly he can relate to the sense of shame they must feel and is able to put it in perspective to those who have no compassion. That he is a legend and hero makes his words all the more powerful to these people.

TariReviewed Chapter: 91 on 1/27/2010
Isn't it sad that some of the Elves on Tol Eressëa are so hard hearted. They really did it this time. Who knows what will happen to them next; they might even experience a visit from some of the Valar. That would shake them up a bit.

Author Reply: Yes, it's very sad. Unfortunately, Elves have very long memories. As to what will happen next, that remains to be seen but a visit from some of the Valar isn't outside the realm of possibility.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 91 on 1/11/2010
Yes, about time to force some hands! Now, to hope that the ruse works!

Author Reply: As to that, we'll just have to wait and see.

ImhirielReviewed Chapter: 91 on 1/6/2010
First: Happy New Year to you, Fiondil!

As for this chapter: I liked how my (and probably other readers') assumptions about some dangerous incident that was certain to happen weren't fulfilled, particularly after some of the Elves themselves speculating about it in the previous chapter. Olwë just leaving without further ado was great.

I agree with his reasoning, and I feel it would be a slap in the face of these supercilious bigots with their feelings of entitlement if those "lowly" folk like the Nandor and the people from Angobel got invited to the mainland whereas they themselves were still forbidden.

On the other hand, however: isn't that - removing the troublesome people who disturb the narrative the Tol Eressëans can tell themselves about how good they are - exactly what they want (as we can see from one of the hecklers)? Wouldn't it be ... hm, "wholesome" is perhaps what I mean, should they remain and be a thorn in the side, a prick for their conscience? Granted, that would perhaps a little hard on the Nandor/Ex-Slaves, but given that they are now explicitly under the Valars' protection and the other islander can now be sure that the Valar and/or Maiar might appear to enforce that protection, danger would be mitigated?

Author Reply: Hi Imhiriel. Happy New Year to you also! I try not to repeat myself too much with things going wrong with the Elves here, though to be truthful, even I did not expect Olwe to just get up and leave, but it was the right thing for him to do. As for whether the miners or the Nandor would actually move to the mainland... I think that the threat of it might wake some people up to their own prejudices. That the Valar have categorically stated that the miners are under their protection might need to be demonstrated a few times before everyone gets the message and that may be all that is needed. We will have to see how it works out.

Thanks for reviewing. I really appreciate it.

HelReviewed Chapter: 91 on 1/5/2010
That was a rather abrupt ending and surprising, too. But Olwe did react right. A society can be judged how it treats its weakest members, in this case the elves of Angobel. Compassion seems really in short supply on Tol Eressëa.

I just wonder how many elves really believe that the elves who were slaves of Morgoth are traitors and dangerous and how many just don´t want to contradict them to save themselves trouble or who just don´t care. I guess even elves like it to have someone to look down on no matter what they themselves have done.

It will be interessting how the different groups react and how they will get out of this mess.

Author Reply: Tolkien does say in the Silmarillion that the elves who escaped slavery were shunned by the other Elves, believing they might be spies of Morgoth and would betray them. I guess that kind of prejudice is hard to put aside. We will see how this all resolves itself eventually. Thanks for reviewing, Hel. I really appreciate it.

AiwenReviewed Chapter: 91 on 1/3/2010
What a shambles!

Author Reply: A shambles indeed, Aiwen, but the people of Kortirion (or some of them, at least) only brought it on themselves. We will eventually see how or if it is 'unshambled'. *grin*

6336Reviewed Chapter: 91 on 1/3/2010
Wow! Go Olwe! You tell 'em! Bigoted, selfrightous idots! Let them stew in their own juices!
I have a feeling that this will be the kick in the butt that some Tol Erasseans need to get their minds out of the rut they are in and thinking along other paths.
United you stand devided you fall into Anarchy!
Jumping down off soap box!
Sorry not to have been reviewing lately, R.L. has been interesting and hectic!
The cats are slowly recovering from the Orclings visit, it will take Nana and Granpa a little longer!
Happy New Year!

Author Reply: Happy New Year to you as well, Lynda! Hope you recover soon enough from the orclings. After all, Easter is just around the corner. *LOL*

Anyway, I'm glad you liked this chapter and Olwë. He really shines in this chapter, I think. We'll see what the fallout from all of this will be soon enough, though not too soon as we will be concentrating on Glorfindel for a bit.

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 91 on 1/3/2010
Wow! That was not quite how I expected things to turn out. Olwe's reaction just stunned me! But I'm behind him 100%.

I was proud of Glorfindel when he spoke of being a thrall. That had to have been terribly hard for him.

Fiondil, I love this chapter! Go Olwe! :)

(Of course this does complicate things, doesn't it? *grin*)

Well done!

Author Reply: Hi, Rhyselle. Glad you loved the chapter and Glorfindel especially. Yes, it was very hard for him, but I think he was the right person to say what he did to these people. They needed to hear that. And it does complicate things but we will see how it resolves itself eventually.

utfrogReviewed Chapter: 91 on 1/3/2010
I did not expect that chapter ending. Good for them (and you).

Author Reply: Thanks utfrog. I didn't think people would expect the chapter to end as it did. *grin*

KittyReviewed Chapter: 91 on 1/3/2010
Well, I had expected some sort of trouble for that meeting, but not that! As frustrating as I find the reactions of the Kortirionians, in the end I was cheering Olwë on about the way he told these bigots off. Disgrace to all Elvenkind, indeed! He's absolutely right; leave them to themselves and their bigotry and arrogance! I am only sorry for Borhael and Thorongoron and the few other sensible ones.

But I absolutely like the idea to remove the former slaves and maybe the Nandor and some other sensible Elves to the mainland. The message would be more than clear when these are allowed to remove to Valinor while these arrogant idiots are denied access.

Now I am *really* wondering how the problem Tol Eressëa will get resolved and when! And the worst is, I know I will have to wait forever to learn about it! *sigh*

Author Reply: I'm sure lots of people were expecting some sort of trouble to rear its ugly head at the meeting, but I am sure not too many thought that Olwë and the others would simply walk out on the people of Kortirion. Hopefully, people like Borhael and Thorongorn will prevail over the naysayers and bring people around. We'll have to see.

I am sure that the Valar will be amenable to the idea of certain groups of people removing to the mainland. It's probably why they arranged things as they did, making sure the Amanians met these groups and befriended them.

And hopefully you won't have to wait forever to find out how things get resolved. I don't intend to be writing this story *that* long. *LOL*

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