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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 8 Review(s)
SitaraReviewed Chapter: 104 on 3/26/2010
Irmo is far from being my favorite Vala; on the contrary , I might say. „grin” But this time he does have a point or two in his discussion with Finrod, at least when it comes about trust. At any case, it remains to be seen; Finrod might have to play a significant part but I still think that trust is a more delicate matter than it seems.

Liked to see the elflings and Aldundil well; speaking of which this makes me wonder if and when would he meet again his newly-Reborn brother.

Author Reply: Irmo has his good points. *grin* And trust is a two-way street and it remains to be seen how far any of them are willing to trust.

As for Aldundil meeting his newly-Reborn brother... that, too, remains to be seen.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 104 on 3/21/2010
After seeing how Amarië acted in the 'Diaries' series, it is nice to see her so improved now. Much more lovable ;)

You know, it sounds weird for me mere mortal that Eärnur thinks it would be too early to get his master after *fourty* years of learning - and that's only since he became a journeyman! Together it have to be over 100 years aleady. Elves have really an odd sense of time. Oh well, I am glad to know Irmo is satisfied with his progress, and that the ellyn they sent there for healing are doing well.

Interesting and thought-provoking discussion between Irmo and Finrod about the situation on Tol Eressëa. Yes, I can see why the presence of Finrod and Glorfindel would be more useful than even the kings. Though the two will have their work cut out for them - it will not be an easy task.

"They are a menace to Amanian civilization as we know it and the bane of my existence." *LOL* But live in Aman would be quite boring for the Maiar and Valar without these two ;-)

Author Reply: Yes, Amarië is a reformed elleth. *LOL*

Elves have a different sense of time than we mere mortals have so it's hard to imagine their mindset at times. Of course, elves think we mortals are always rushing hither and yon and can't quite grasp our sense of urgency to get things done before the end, so I guess it evens out. *grin*

I'm glad you found the dicussion between Irmo and Finrod interesting and thought-provoking. That was the intent. I know many readers prefer action all the time, but action without reflection is meaningless in my mind. One has to stop once in a while and think about what is going on or you're just riding a carousel getting nowhere fast.

I'm sure that however much the Valar and/or the Maiar grouse at the trouble Finrod and Glorfindel cause, they really do enjoy them and I'm sure when Glorfindel leaves for Middle-earth, life for them will seem just a little more staid and dull. *grin*

TariReviewed Chapter: 104 on 3/15/2010
Ah!!! Soon it will be time for Glorfindel to go to the last Homely House on Middle-earth. I'm sure that will upset Finrod because they will be separated for a very long time.

Author Reply: Indeed, Tari. So these 'practice' separations will prove very helpful. *grin*

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 104 on 3/15/2010
"If the weather turns against us after all have assembled, they’ll have nowhere to go, so they might as well sit in comfort and talk." sneaky, sneaky, Arafinwë! ;-)

Wonder who will be the _first_ ones from Tol Eressëa to travel to Tirion?
It wouldn't surprise me if perhaps one group decided not send any official representatives - either the council in Avallonë or the one in Kortirion - but if so, that will likely have definitive negative consequences for trade and such - which again would motivate those groups to get their acts together in a hurry!!

Author Reply: Hi, Sunny. Yes, Arafinwë is sneaky, isn't he? But we all knew that. *grin* We'll see soon enough who shows up in Tirion from Tol Eressëa and why and what comes of it.

HelReviewed Chapter: 104 on 3/14/2010
It looks like Finrod has a lot of work before him, if the Valar want him to help the Tol Eressëans to heal. To get people to re-examine their prejudices is complicated at best. I was surprised that Finrod could fell the emotional pain on the island nearly bodily and that the other older elves don´t.

When Irmo calls Finrod and Glorfindel catalist it sound a bit like a polite version of they are catastrophes waiting to happen.

But it is good to see that Lasgalad, Marthchall and Gurthalion are starting to heal. As well as the positive development of Vorondil and the elflings.

And I think it is good that Glorfindel don´t now about the meddling of the Valar in their visit of Tol Eressëa. In his current mood he would only get more angry than he already is.

Author Reply: Finrod is especially sensitive, an empath, actually, which is why he felt the pain of the Tol Eressëans so acutely. That doesn't mean the older elves were not sensitive to what was going on, they simply did not feel the pain as a physical phenomenon the way Finrod (or for that matter the Valar) did.

And yes, I suppose 'catastrophes waiting to happen' is another definition of the Dynamic Duo. *LOL*

Glorfindel does have some personal issues with the Valar but I think he would agree with everyone else that the situation on Tol Eressëa is long overdue to being addressed. I doubt he would blame the Valar for their legitimate concerns about the Tol Eressëans. So, I think in this case he would give them a little slack.

Anyway, thanks for reading and reviewing, Hel. I greatly appreciate it.

ellieReviewed Chapter: 104 on 3/12/2010
""Indeed," Námo retorted with a sour grin. "They are a menace to Amanian civilization as we know it and the bane of my existence." "

LOL! Too funny! Too true, too!

You are very insightful into the nature of behaviour and the motivations of the Tol Eresseans and the Amanians. It is fascinating watching what you come up with next.

It was good to see Finrod desiring to be married at last and forming a closer bond with Amarie.

Author Reply: I'm sure Finrod and Glorfindel would take exception to Námo's words, but they would be the only ones. *grin*

I am glad you find me insightful into the nature of behaviour and the motivations of the various groups of elves. I strive to make their thoughts and actions believable and true and I thank you for letting me know that I've succeeded.

Finrod has advanced enough in maturity that he truly realizes how much he does love Amarië and looks forward to their marriage more and more each day. He's probably regretting setting the wedding for so far into the future, but Amarië is correct to say that in these unsettled times that they are experiencing it is best to postpone the wedding until things calm down.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 104 on 3/12/2010
At least the healing on Tol Eressea is begun, even if they must fight prejudice and suspicion. And there is the beginning of the trust needed there, and the seeds sprout.

Am glad Vorondil continues to progress so well. Now, to see the children come into their own.

Author Reply: Healing has indeed begun, Larner, though it will take some time for it to be complete.

And yes, Vorondil is flourishing, and so are the other children.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 104 on 3/12/2010
Hm, lots to think about. Finrod has his work cut out for him. Let's hope that the weather cooperates!
Everybody seems to be doing well, hope it continues.
More please,

Author Reply: As to that, we'll have to see. *grin* Thanks for reading and reviewing, Lynda. I appreciate it.

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