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'Til Death Do Us Part  by Haleth 6 Review(s)
just_jenniReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/18/2012
I love everything about this story. It's beautifully written, it is about an Elf and a mortal woman (a favourite subject of mine) and has to do with aging and how Elves lack the understanding of just what this means (another favourite subject of mine).

Haleth's feelings and Inglor's reactions to how she feels are fascinating and make me want to read on to find out how deeply their relationship and understanding of each other will develop.

Author Reply: Thank-you just-jenni.

Elves and Men are related closely enough to be able to communicate, but the immortal/mortal dichotomy makes for really large differences. Inglor isn't stupid. He's aware of how mortals physically age. He just doesn't understand how it affects them on the inside. They care for each other, but the differences in their world views keeps them apart but they communicate just well enough to not fully understand the gulf between them. (Does that even make sense?)

Thanks for taking the time to review.


Selene AduialReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/22/2010
Yay, a new story!! It is so good to see you and Haleth and Inglor back here. I just love their misunderstandings of each other, they make me laugh... it seems that no matter how much traveling together they do, they are still a puzzle to the other. *grin*
Just keep it comin ...

Hugs Selene

Author Reply: Thank-you, Selene. On some levels they do seem to understand each other, but on others...not so much.


perellethReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/21/2010
Wow! This heralds hilarious trouble with a touch of melancholy contemplation. Inglor won't react well to Haleth's truths this time, I fear... but hteir intersactions are as full of humorous misunderstanding as always! I really love these two!

And this...She couldn’t help but wonder why a High Elf of the royal household had chosen to traipse around Middle-earth with a mortal woman. It was a question that had bothered her for years, and one she refused to ask for fear that he would demand similar information from her. Well, you ar enot the only one wondering, you know? I'm also intrigued. Good to have them back.

Author Reply: Thank-you, perelleth. The entire relationship revolves around noncommunication, miscommunication and incorrect assumptions. Haleth won't talk about her past. Inglor's reticence about his past is a mystery; does he not want to talk about it? Does he assume Haleth aready knows it so he doesn't have to? Or, realizing that Haleth is uncomfortable with the subject, is he being incredibly polite and not pressuring her by raising the subject himself? (Given his apparent level of cluelessness I'm not sure that he gets this far, but you never know.)


ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/21/2010
Well your back and about time too! LOL I need your sence of humour today and as always I giggle all the way thru the chapter, they seem so far apart when they communicate if only they could meet somewhere in the middle, but that would take all the fun out of it would'nt it? Please write on, I so need a new Haleth, Inglor tale. Hugs The Imp

Author Reply: Hello, Elflingimp. I'm glad that the story made you laugh. I'm not sure I could write these two characters without all of their communication misfires. They'd probably just ignore me if I tried. Thank-you for reviewing.


Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/21/2010
Oh, Inglor and Haleth! Squeeeee! Probably the most enduring examples of UST I have ever read!

I do re-read Pitfalls occasionally, when I need a pick-me-up.... so I'm very glad to see you post a new story!

- Barbara

Author Reply: Thank-you! I hope this new story is as memorable as the first.


Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/21/2010
I have to admit something. I've been a silent lurker of your Haleth+Inglor stories for over three years now. And I have congratulate you on your ability to make me want to go back and re-read your work over and over again. This is a pretty amazing feat considering that most fan-made stories are either poorly written or interesting to the point you read it once and quickly forget about them.

You truly have a great writing style and characters that you laugh and sympathize with. (And wish they would get together darn it!) I hope that you continue to write about this pair, and I hope that finally give them the happily ever after we all hope for. *Hint hint nudge nudge* ;)

It's great to see you back in the writing "saddle" again!

Author Reply: Thank-you. I was worried that after so much time had passed since the initial story had been posted that no one would much care about the characters anymore. I'm glad that you like the characters. It wouldn't be much of a story if they weren't worth caring about.

Thank-you for reviewing.


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