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Elf, Interrupted: Book Two: Glorfindel's Quest  by Fiondil 8 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 111 on 4/17/2010
Somehow I find it reassuring to realize even the Valar can feel discomfited at least a bit to have reminders there is at least One higher than themselves also interested in what will come of their machinations! Heh!

Author Reply: It is reassuring, isn't it, Larner? They are created beings no less than we and not being in the Timeless Halls they need the occasional reminder of Who really is in charge. *grin*

HildigrimReviewed Chapter: 111 on 4/10/2010
I believe that by canon, Arafinwe is held to be the wisest of the sons of Finwe. In recent chapters of your story, he has been "leading from the front" a fair bit, with the result that other attributes are seen, and some of his actions might be perceived as less than wise. His activity level also increases the richness of the tale, giving you another major tactical element leader in addition to Glorfindel and Findarato. In any event, Arafinwe's summation of the crux question in this chapter was welcome and very solidly in canonical character.

I particularly liked the sentence: "Ultimately, I believe that you are the future of our race and it behooves us all to see an end to the conflicts that have arisen among you over how you will govern yourselves." In some ways that is a generous statement, in that Arafinwe and Earwen themselves epitomize cross-clan societal integration, as a Noldo and a Teler -- and hence so of course does Findarato. (I smile every time you write about Arafinwe and Earwen bantering as a couple.)

Great work....

Author Reply: Hi, Hilidgrim. Even the wisest of us cannot be wise all the time; that would be too boring. *grin* I am glad you think that Arafinwë is developing into a fine tactical leader like Glorfindel and Findaráto. He certainly has had the experience. And while he and Eärwen (and any other cross-clan married couple)do in some ways epitomize the very integration that Arafinwë speaks about, he is in fact going further than the occasional intermarriage to an actual blending of the three clans to the point where it isn't logical (or possible) to speak of three (or four or five) different clans but just the one: the Eldar. Thanks for reviewing. I really appreciate it.

ellieReviewed Chapter: 111 on 4/10/2010
Loved Arafinwe in this. He deserved the praise from Manwe and I'm glad to see him get it. I also was fascinated by the awe with which the other Valar looked at Manwe in teh end when he was communing with Eru. It is still surprising to see that for all of their might they are but Children as well and stand in awe of their Creator.

I think the Valar hosting the counsil is a very good thing and will serve as an excellent intorduction to the Valar for most of the delegates.

Author Reply: Arafinwë is pretty neat here, isn't he? *grin* And, of course, he is correct. As for the Valar... they have a greater sense of awe for their Creator because they have stood before His Throne and know him more intimately than any Elf or Mortal.

We'll see how everyone reacts to the presence of the Valar in the Council once it begins. Thanks for reading and reviewing, Ellie. I greatly appreciate it.

HelReviewed Chapter: 111 on 4/7/2010
Sounds like they have hammered the details out. Now they must only convice people to come to the council. The coming months should be interesting at the least. I wonder who will be the spokesman of the Reborn?

As for the Valar´s dream of the elves becoming one clan, a lot of elves would be extremly shocked at this idea.

That about the ball sounds interesting. Just imagine how many disasters can happen...

Author Reply: We'll see in the next few chapters who shows up and just what happens with the council. I'm sure there will be some unexpected surprises along the way. And whether many of the elves would be shocked by the idea of becoming one clan reamins to be seen. At any rate such a thing will not happen overnight but the Tol Eressëans are well on their way towards making it a reality whether they realize it or not. Thanks for reviewing, Hel. I appreciate it.

TariReviewed Chapter: 111 on 4/7/2010
Things should become very iteresting indeed. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Author Reply: Thanks, Tari. I'm sure it will be very interesting for everyone.

RhyselleReviewed Chapter: 111 on 4/5/2010
Another excellent chapter! :)

I thought that the meeting with Lord Manwe was interesting, and I liked the way that Varda came up with for the decision making issue... Each group can bring whom they like, but will only have one voting member. Good idea. I wonder who among the Reborn will be blessed/cursed with being the vote bearer for their group? *grin*

I look forward to the next bit of the story, whether it be a continuation of the current thread or going back to see what Glorfindel is up to.

Well done!

Author Reply: Thanks, Rhyselle. We'll be sticking with the Council for a bit, but never fear, Glorfindel has not been forgotten and he still has a major role to play in this story. He is the catalyst around which everything else flows even when he is not physically present.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 111 on 4/5/2010
Things are starting to come together, I have every hope that this council will work. Now to get the people to attend who need to attend!

Author Reply: I'm sure a lot of people are hoping right along with you, Lynda.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 111 on 4/5/2010
To allow everyone to attend the council, but only one per community to vote seems reasonable, though I can imagine the heated discussions nearly everywhere to decide who's allowed to vote ... Well, at least I think the Tol Eressëans are beginning to see that the Valar aren't going to lord it over them.

Arafinwë summed the problem about the various elven tribes up very well; and it's true they will have to work together and probably in the end melt together to a certain extent, even if it will take ages for that. This council will be interesting, no doubt.

Author Reply: Maybe they ended up drawing lots to see who would act as the representative. *grin*

It may indeed take some time for all the elves to think of themselves as one people instead of as belonging to this clan or that, but the Tol Eressëans will show them the way; they and the Reborn.

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